Saturday 26 April 2008

Deception as the Nature of Nature

Ok! I have done the preliminaries and its time to get to the core of my ideas about thinking as the way to defend yourself in a world of deception.

Pardon! Did you say that you already knew that anyways and that I was making an ass of myself by telling you something that you already knew? Well, if you think that way, and you have already thoroughly digested DeBono's book and Anne Schaef's books, then you are excused and I apologize. Its good to see so many readers who are ninety years plus around my coffee table, and so well versed.

What I will begin doing is explaining why for most people and relationships things go seriously wrong and as a result people die prematurely or the relationship dies prematurely. I once worked for Barclays Bank alongside the money room, and incidentally, not far from the bullion room. I once worked for the IMF, which will hopefully become the central bank of central banks, because the world needs one. This is to set the stage of where I observed the process of Wooooooh's law first hand.

Let me give an example of the way that nature works in financial circles to kill a nation. Argentina is probably a good example where people forgot to think, or never learned how to think. What happened to Argentina is that it's exchange rate plummeted and there were riots in the streets and bankruptcies everywhere. Or maybe I should select Mexico, or maybe Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and now Europe, the EEC, as my examples.

My law, Wooooooh's law, is that "nature acts naturally to kill you off prematurely if you don't learn how to think." What nature does, we can see all around us, everyday and everywhere. Nature sets traps and then springs them on the unsuspecting. Nature ends life prematurely for most living creatures and relationships through deceptions that are part of its feeding process. Nature eats and creatures survive or they are eaten. This is not evolution, nor Darwinism, nor survival of the fittest. It is about thinking, not intelligence. You cannot say Europe is not intelligent, nor that the British are not intelligent, or that Argentina, and the Asian countries are not intelligent because they are intelligent. The problem is not intelligence but whether their leadership in critical areas has learned how to think about survival things.

My thesis is that they have not and that Wooooooh's law applies.

Do you think that the leaderships of China has learned how to think and that is why there are so many Chinese? Well, at least, up until 2008.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!