Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Scientists Close in on the Cause of Arctic Methane Leaks | Climate Central

NSA chief says exposure of surveillance programs has 'irreversible' impact - as it happened

G20 summit: NSA targeted Russian president Medvedev in London

Is the temptation too great for spies to resist?

Thom Hartmann Hates Insider Trading by Politicians, Except Pelosi | NewsBusters

Don't be fooled?


Your best day!

Worthwhile Canadian Comparison shows vulnerability to shock?

Nasty combination of factors place Canadians in their own world of economic determinants, some of which won't be so cool when the Alberta oil boom and other factors come home to roost.

We are reminded that the exchange rate used to be about 62 cents to the US dollar so a huge amount of capital migrated to Canada making it seemly invulnerable to what has ailed the rest of the world.

Good times often end very abruptly, so it's best to be prepared? 

Too many mobile firms and individuals could dump a Canadian home preferring the bargains of a much larger domicile and market to the south.

Paul Krugman: Canada vulnerable to a ‘big deleveraging shock’ | Economy | News | Financial Post

The sizzling San Francisco market | U.S. Real Estate | Financial Post

Housing bubble: Jim Flaherty says mortgage rules cooled market | Mortgages & Real Estate | Personal Finance | Financial Post

Nobel laureate economist warns Canada at risk of housing bubble shocker

Paul Krugman: NYT Writer Wants Less Austerity — a Recipe For Fiscal Disaster

Sal who has business experience believes he knows more that Professor Krugman about economic macro management?

Thank you Sal, but please really do the math! You are wrong. Leaving people untreated for illness and poverty costs much much more than dealing with the problem. It's like building a road and whether you pave it or leave it unpaved. By paving a road you reduce costs in the long run by the savings on the wear and tear on vehicles, faster travelling times and a host of secondary benefits. 

Sal you would be right if spending were wasted on frivolous road paving. That's where you need to put your emphasis on fiscal responsibility. Make sure the roads you build and the assistance you give to those less fortunate is sound in a physical sense and the fiscal issues will take care of themselves with higher productivity and incomes to buy the products from your business.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!