The following link was sent to me today and I find the contents revealing of a violent intolerant undercurrent and semi-fascist revolutionary style religious movement dedicated to creating a religious world order that does not include democratic ideals and hard won freedoms.
Anti-Islamic material is circulating by email through out the world. We have witnessed barbaric behaviour throughout the Middle East as communities struggle to shed the ignorance contained within belligerent tribal approaches to a world that has globalised and is much less tolerant of religious bullying and religious violence as an approach to globalisation.
Religious dogmatism of the Middle East has travelled world wide and promises to be a deep barbed thorn in the side of those working for world peace and democratic ideals.
Because of cellular technology the radicalised Islamist feels confident he can progress using a narrowly defined approach by destruction and demolition rather than by cooperation and inclusion. Rather than working with other world democratic systems leading Islamists would destroy the legal structures that have held fledgling democracies together for centuries.
It arises because Islam is a large religious family advocating forms of non-democratic behaviours and promotes male domination within families on a command and obey basis. Women are treated / targeted as religious objects / subjects without the freedoms enjoyed by those liberated from oppression.
Your reaction to Islam is I am sure mixed, or don't know or don't care. What frightens you about the statements their religious leaders or advocates sometimes make? Should they tone down their rhetoric and fit in or does V Putin's approach work, that of allowing undemocratic forces shape public policy.
What is the peaceful way to tell Moslems that you want no part of their religious intolerance and will resist strongly their targeting you as a second class person or infidel, a diminutive term? Non believer of what? Can the what be verified?
This sure makes it hard to remain open minded and inclusive.... |
"Truth and reality, once told or experienced, is only a stranger before the first instance. One must learn to recognise one's ephemeral friends very soon. Some experience, sense and recognise both the truth and reality before it happens, while others never at all."
I think it is important to be frequently optimistic and thoughtful!
As put by Charles Darwin to Francis Galton: ' […] I have always maintained that, excepting fools, men did not differ much in intellect, only in zeal and hard work; I still think this an eminently important difference.'"