Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Questions for News Corp over rival's collapse | Media | The Guardian
Bill Gate's One wish
26 tonnes of CO2
How do we reduce our annual individual production of carbon dioxide by 26 tonnes each?
Batteries in the energy equation
Do you feel a class action suit coming on against Monsanto?
Do you feel a class action suit coming on against Monsanto because you are possibly eating superaddictive wheat that causes your body damage, shortens your life expectancy. Is wheat the major catastrophy of the century?
Perhaps, you are suffering bad health needlessly because of new strains of wheat that damage your body and lead to premature death. Are you obese because wheat has been engineered to make you crave it. What dangerous secrets is Monsanto hiding from the public about the addictiveness of the food product, analagous to big tobacco?
Who is most vulnerable. What genes predispose you to ill health because of new wheats designed to make you crave them? Do you crave the wheat in a donut?
Is a class action suit even mountable?
Heh! If the new wheat is a super drug and hyped to make you eat more, it is similar to the nicotine in tobacco. Maybe, the FDA should go after Monsanto or whoever created this living stuff.
If you have a gluten intolerance and studied law, you may have a future cut out for you fighting big farma.