Saturday, 7 August 2010

The World of Matter

Horava's Theory of Matter, Einstein, the Fifth Force, Chameleon matter and the Physics of the Wuh Lax World

When you have a moment and time to puzzle over the idea that what appears around you is not what it appears at all, then consider where in the scheme of things does one's past go, and where can one find the future. In general and special relativity Einstein had an explanation that was puzzling because it implied that in some strange way the past, present, and future co-exist.

We don't seem to have a place to put all the matter if past matter and present matter and future matter all occupy space and time. Well, we have the puzzle of dark energy and that of dark matter. These imply that our methods of totalling up matter, the size and scales of the universe are in an early phase to say the least. However, if we assume that our present universe, which we can only guess at because we can never see it, is somehow wrapped up and the wrapping up involves energy and mass in some way, might not we expect that our measures of the present universe of matter be a tad understated. Well, I leave that with you because now we have a theory of Chameleon matter, a fifth force, to explain dark energy and dark matter.


So what might this mean for the fact of light having no speed? If you are interested in the New Scientist articles on the nature of matter go to:

For more general discussions, if you are interested in dark matter have a look at:

Similarly, if you are interested in dark energy consult:

Also, see some of the controversies about dark energy and dark matter:

What does Wuh Lax physics have to offer to this discussion? Stay tuned! At the very least, we can postulate that the bodies of past matter certainly do influence the bodies of present and further matters. And, the influence will depend on location? Think about that!

Will ye no think kindly on those who would be your friends! May the sun shine with your thoughts, today, and happiness grow in your heart! May you allow yourself some peace of mind.

Development of Our World Economic Systems

The macroeconomic strategy for anything is almost invariably growth and development. It is a mantra of economists trained outside the school of history and environmental studies. It is the old way of thinking that brought us to our present state of unreadiness. For indeed, we are NOT ready for what is coming next.

They say that a rise in per capita real income results in the reduction in family size. A wonderful TED presentation ( see ) by Hans Rosling describes in a powerful power point format how the distribution of wealth may materialize over future years as the slow growth richer economies give way to the fast growth poorer economies. What happens is that as we grow economies with higher per capita real incomes, we slow down world population growth rates and the earth's chances of survival improve.

The landscape of technology at the present time is poised for transformation from a long period of development into a rush of innovation. Growth in wealth terms worldwide could be spectacular. There are a few downsides to this, but the most interesting aspect is that we could save fragile systems that enrich our habitat while we grow richer, or we could create a boring plane of junk that leads everyone to higher and higher planes of frustration and boredom.

This issue is whether we go for stimulation or relaxation as our mode of living. We have a choice overall as to which direction the curve is biased.

We can go on as mainly permanent ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, people, or as REAL, Relaxed Easy Artistic Living people. In the ADD world, people are seriously replaced and removed as so much machinery, but in the REAL world people continue as people, but they focus on the arts and the quality of life.

Most macro economic experts see development as desirable because they envisage a slow down in overall economic or macro growth as a consequence of underdevelopment. In reality, however, we have seen that the rapid development of financial markets in the wrong directions has been destructive of overall growth. Thus it matters what the direction of development has been.

We see that the development of the automobile and the combustion engine has brought with it the development of oil wells, refineries and a host of industrial artifacts and products from plastics to synthetic materials. It also has brought with it a host of issues associated with killing and death, wars, pain, and suffering on scales never before experienced. Most of all, it has shielded one part of the world from the problems of the other, so that a few countries did very well Jack, while many countries suffered terribly. This has happened within a century.

Perhaps, the development of the combustion engine was a bit lopped sided in the favor of interests that controlled oil production, refining, and distribution. We see that now! Some see it very clearly and we call them terrorists. As China uses more oil, it will increasingly fight these terrorists for the rest of the world until they are eliminated. The truth is, however, that technological innovation gets lopsided because free market economies are lazy in the innovation of alternatives.

Will ye no think kindly on those who would be your friends! May the sun shine with your thoughts, today, and happiness grow in your heart! May you allow yourself some peace of mind.

Socks and stuff

My advice is to relax with a good book and put on your Marks and
Sparks socks with the pink toes!


The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!