Dear Prime Minister!
There seems to be a mechanism or many by which the brain is sensitised to radio waves, EMF, and WIFI. Would that more science could be undertaken to find out more about the processes before many great minds are damaged. Unfortunately, the communications industry for the most part finds it, for now at least, more profitable to stick its head in the sand, and say 'not me'? Governments will, of course, have to assume responsibility for a glaring failure of capitalism to protect consumers of its products.
My fear is that there will be 'bloodshed' in this process because the damage to the brains of individuals is cumulative and is too enormous for society to ignore. The tip of the problem is becoming more visible each day and should the radiation be stimulating the amygdala then people will in the future be 'randomly' out in the streets with guns crazed by inner forces they can neither control nor understand!
I think it is important to be frequently optimistic and thoughtful!
As put by Charles Darwin to Francis Galton: ' […] I have always maintained that, excepting fools, men did not differ much in intellect, only in zeal and hard work; I still think this an eminently important difference.'"