Thursday, 8 July 2010
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The anosognosic's dilemma
Thank you for sharing with me your personal connections to an anosognosic's dilemma. We share the dilemma. None of us really escape the dilemma?
We all like to feel we are in control and fully aware of what's sending messages inside us and around us. Fact is we have only a varying percentage of awareness and spend most of our waking hours guessing what the messages are. We can firmly say that we occupy two worlds, that inside our heads and that outside, at the very least. There is much more going on, however!
I think we are attached to billions of quantum worlds through our brains and the billions of bugs and plants that make us what we are, a massive world of living organisms, many of which continue to live on after we lose our own memories and self reflections, those amazing abilities to conjure up a multidimensional abstractions from thousands of living organisms sending messages to each other.
In brief, if you don't think we send messages to the quantum worlds you are flying in the face of mounting evidence, and we are discovering how organisms can and do exchange both to and have components that receive messages from quantum worlds. They say plants could not exist if they did not occupy our universe and the quantum ones. We are so much more than plants and we do have billions of plants living within us making us what we are and can be, consciously or otherwise!
One person aware of the problem wrote!
> My mother was an anosognosic after a massive stroke resulting in a non-functioning the right hemisphere confirmed by Pet scans. She definitely did not know what she did not know. It was impossible for me to imagine what she experienced. So I did not know what she knew and could not know what she
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Making your weaknesses work for you! The pain-balance hypothesis.
Our weaknesses for the purpose of this note are the things that we like. Our bodies recognise lots of weaknesses and strengths, the things we do not like. To harness and enjoy our weaknesses, we can put are strengths temporarily aside. For example to enjoy a sweetie, we can put aside the pain of a tooth ache. That is an extreme example, but you should get the equation. A minus of weakness is bodily offset by a plus of strength. In the end we have a balance or imbalance. A big negative total in the short term will be offset by borrowing on or use of our stored up positive assets, our stored up strengths, the painful things that we have had to endure.
This note is not about making our stored up strengths work for us. For example, to enjoy a sweetie we could think of the death of a toad that we witnessed a week ago. That type of offsetting will happen, but it is not my main focus now. Rather, I want to consider how to make weaknesses work for one in real time. The background and main issue is that weakness has to be offset by strength if you are not to expire prematurely. I won't say die, but in a larger context that is what happens if we indulge our weaknesses without offsetting them. One might say that we sin and then we ask For forgiveness which comes about through indulging in our strengths. A corollary, of course is that those that will experience the greatest of weakness will also experience the greatest of strength. For example, those that steal will be caught and subjected to harsh punishment. The more punishment one can endure the more one can steal and still survive. The problem with stealing is that it is a very narrow weakness that one may try to do in secret, but one still has to offset this with a strength if one is not to expire prematurely. It's generally not a good idea to put all one's eggs into a single basket, if you get the drift of this particular argument. It's better to indulge in a broad range of weaknesses because an overindulgence in one weakness reduces what can be enjoyed in others.
You may think that my concept of weakness is already adrift. I can assure you that it is not. Take time to observe around you how people and all living creatures indulge their weaknesses and you will observe how their strengths come into play. Developing one's strengths is a necessary precondition to enjoying one's weaknesses. Thus, it is that we can make our weaknesses work for us. The trick is that they must be used to develop our strengths.
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