Wednesday 21 July 2010

David Cameron's Initiative to Slash Government Excesses

As an observer of what is happening as a consequence of the extraordinary excesses of the series of governments in Britain, Canada and the US, which have been on a war financial footing for almost a decade, the appearance of a Mr. Cameron budget slasher is welcome.

The greatest challenge to these three countries is the reduction of debt. Canada to be sure has had an Alberta oil cushion to lean on, but that era is closing rapidly as the costs of pollution mount up. So much pollution has built up during the last decade in Britain, USA, and Canada that the environments are scarcely recognisable, so much deterioration in the quality of the environment! Pollution in these three countries on ever increasing scales and explosion of debt are the consequence of nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan, an enormous cost of spend spend spend governments. Well, it seems trite to say that the bill has arrived and it is spectacularly large. Irresponsible is the word that describes the war spending mentality of Britain, Canada, and United States, placing the stability of the world at enormous risk!

There is so much debt around that one's head spins! David Cameron obviously a man of vision and David Clegg an astute opposition leader realise that the absolutely wasteful excesses of the Blair and Brown years have possibly destroyed the future of the country. So little is the domestic economy that one hardly thinks that Britain is a home for the British. Everyone in the middle ground of the economy is in debt up to the eyeballs, loans are too many multiples of income streams, or beholden to government handouts, or corrupted by property speculation and stock market gambling. Ownership has shifted by a stupendous amount to outside financiers who pillage the country looking for spoils like the Manchester United football team or Harrods. The real question is whether or not it is too late and whether or not the leadership of Cameron and Clegg is sufficient.

Opposition to the cost cutting in Britain comes from those who will benefit most in the long term, the ordinary people who have been led down the Gordon path of waste for over a decade. They are so addicted to waste that frugality is going to appear as extreme withdrawal and headaches will be a daily event.

Here is a review from a New York paper.

Sent from my iPad with a grain of salt but a peppering of truth.

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