"Boeing's Super laser can shoot unlimited number of times together with the U.S. Army Boeing developed a mobile air defense laser. It is true even in fog drones as grenades and has a distinct advantage over conventional weapons.
According to Boeing (HEL MD) baptized vehicle at Eglin Air Force Base, the ';High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator'; more than 150 air targets shot from the sky
Photo: Boeing photo laser are considered military weapons so far as very practicable: Either they are not very powerful and can therefore already distracted by the naked ground fog or rain. Or they need expensive power supply, sensitive optics and highly toxic chemicals for the operation and function so only in controlled test environments, but not in the hard combat.
Researchers at the U.S. defense corporation Boeing want to dispel these prejudices now. For the first time they have successfully tested a mobile air defense laser. For this purpose, the Boeing engineers have a ten-kilowatt solid-state laser with an Energy supply and sensors mounted on a single all-terrain truck US military type Oshkosh along with the U.S. Army, and tried it on a test site of the U.S. military in Florida .
The ";High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator"; (HEL MD) baptized companions shot at Eglin Air Force Base more than 150 air targets from the sky, including remote-controlled drones and even grenades of a 60-millimeter mortar. Also be used for ground fog this case, the vehicle had to be proved under conditions that laser engineers at demonstrations so far carefully avoided:
In the tests in early summer, the laser worked, according to Boeing, both for ground fog and wind and rain. In a video to show the tester, such as the 8x8 truck driving through the area, holding the rotatable and pivotally mounted laser together with the sensors extends from the roof of the building and without any further preparations shoots air targets."
Cell tower and other microwave radiation concerns: