Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Sir Mervyn King admits policymakers made 'major mistakes' in financial crisis - Yahoo! Finance UK
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Tech Secrets: 21 Things 'They' Don’t Want You to Know | PCWorld
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Tech Secrets: 21 Things 'They' Don’t Want You to Know | PCWorld
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
EMF Science | Cancer | Cell Phones| Radiation
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Brain Tumours « EMR Health Alliance of BC
When so many appear to have suffered, what are the odds?
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Cell Tower Invasion | alive
The dangers may just be greatly underestimated! These are not light houses.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Mississauga Article: Residents vow to continue fight over cell tower
Fighting Industry Canada seems hopeless given the conservative Party's promise of accelerated approvals!
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
New Cell Tower Nightmare: Industry Canada Math Intrudes on Reality | Stop the Cap!
Industry Canada characterized as dictatorial! Prepare to lose!
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Cell Towers :: Citizens for Safe Technology
Canada's just rotten to it's citizens sensitive to cell technology!,60,0
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.,60,0
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Advocate helps residents fighting cell tower build | Local | News | Sarnia and Lambton County This Week
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Lambton Shores still fighting cell tower | Local | News | Sarnia and Lambton County This Week
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Realty Times - Community Groups Fight Cell Tower Placement
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
10 great Siri tricks that iPhone owners probably don't know - Update your Facebook and Twitter statuses -
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Republican references to 'real Americans' incite division and fear -
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Fwd: The Moral and Safety Implications of Decay in the Leadership and Executives of Our Respected Institutions
Dear Kevin, I understand that you are a President of Bell Canada,
The attached is to keep you informed of my concerns about Bell Service in Grand Bend, Ontario. I am not directly a customer of Bell, nor do I wish to be, being serviced adequately from Rogers tower that is not so close to my home as the distinctive Bell antenna tower you are proposing to construct less than 100 yards from my home in an Ontario natural life protected zone. Perhaps a lesson about the birds and the bees is needed for you and your staff. I am not sure which?
Thank you,
Arthur Lake
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Arthur Lake <>
Date: 2 August 2012 08:08:31 AM EDT
To: Battiston Lou <>
Cc: ...
Subject: The Moral and safety Implications of Decay in the Leadership and Executives of Our Respected Institutions
Dear Manager, Field Operations and Enforcement
Open letter to Industry Canada ...
Dear Mr Battiston,
I live in Southcott Pines Park, on Lakeview Ave, not more than 100 meters from a planned BELL tower, an uninvited change and unwelcome guest to a protected place of natural beauty and home to a staggering variety of rare and protected species of flora and fauna, an escape from the many sources of pollution that afflicts our industrialized communities. I live and breath air and moisture that is largely free of RF pollution. Have you seen "What the heck do we know" about how water retains the memory of so many waves in addition to those we expect? Can you assure me that man made RF waves don't impact negatively on my water? Are you a quantum physicist?
I don't understand why I should be writing to you. You may have legal authorities granted to you by government, but sometimes such authorities are misplaced or excessive. You seem to be in a role of enforcing policies of the Canadian federal government. In any event, I am writing to you because I understand that I have no option but to convince you that what was recently done here in The Southcott Pines Park to sign a contract for the introduction of a BELL tower was morally wrong by the standards of even the youngest in our community, the ones for whom we are trying to preserve our peaceful way of life and our relatively safe environment.
It is and was morally wrong because it was done surrepticiously without consultation of the community living close to an existing TV tower that is easily capable of serving the community for a hundred years or more with a few tweeks and reinforcements. I understand that people were told fibs and that fibs are all the rage now to convince people that RF signals are miraculously safe or that they don't exceed the boundaries of what the latest science condones for communities. You and I know that their are many highly educated people at the NIH in Washington and in the government in Austria and Germany that worry about the severe health risks of RF signals. The New Scientist recently did a piece showing how attitudes of scientists have moved towards caution in recent months, though not in the moral houses of our churches and clubs seeking positive cash flow.
I am a retiree, a former international civil servant with a long record of service to communities worldwide. I respect your role, but I am not sure that you realize the moral and safety implications, so I would remind you of them at what I understand to be a late hour, in many respects.
Like most people, I use telecommunications technology avidly. I have four iPhones and three iPads. I am no slouch when it comes to technology. I have the equivalent of a degree in computer science from evening classes at University College of Maryland University. I am no mamby pamby when it comes to the adoption of new technologies and innovation. I earned my doctoral economist education at Churchill College, University of Cambridge in the UK in the area of innovation and competition in high tech industries. Thus, my attitudes arise on no account because I might be considered a Luddite, or slow adopter of technology, far from it. I have advised small country governments, such as Sweden, Ireland and Canada on how to promote innovation and industrial growth. My early work is published by the OECD in Paris before assuming the annonymous mantel of an international civil servant in Washington, DC at the International Monetary Fund.
The rise of authoritarianism and moral decline may be very slow or it can happen suddenly. When residents in small and largely forward thinking communities such as Southcott Pines Park in Grand Bend lose control of their natural and health environment because of national attempts to dictate to small communities that they must industrialize in a certain ways then we have deep and devisive problems. These are so deep that they tear at the fabric of what binds us to a social contract on what can be consideral moral and responsible behaviour. This is the stuff that festers and leads to disobedience and wars of words and actions.
We rely on our national institutions to protect us and the environment we live in. We expect them to understand more than we should because they frequently are slow to react to dangers facing the communities under their watch. They can wrongly perceive our perceptions of the risks and put communities across the nation in danger or in a state of readiness to respond to a perceived threat of life, limb and social or environmental property, real or imaginary. They can assume a moral position that is at odds with those of the majority of residents of small communities
We shall overcome even if you make bad decisions, but we will regard bad decisions as bad decisions.
Please help us to protect our rare Carolingian natural forest, and then we have a chance at a bright future and we don't get into the fact that so many institutions assume authoritarian ways or are given them, democratically or otherwise, for arguments of unity, convenience, pragmatism, efficiency or economy and in the process lose their moral compass and values.
Please reeducate yourself to the health and safety needs of the small communities across Canada that rely on your wisdom. Observe that standards are evolving and the there is today, now and recently greater recognition of the dangers of placing powerful antenna in residential and natural surroundings of un-measurable ecological, research and genetic value.
Please respect the ethics of our communities and they will respect you.
Betray us in our goals and we and our allies will earnestly fight you to the last breath as protectors of our safety, that of our progeny and of those creatures of our natural environment that have no political force whatsoever.
Thank you,
Arthur Lake .. scratches to sketches .... visual or verbal ... static or dynamic ... linear or curvilinear
Note the before and after concepts in my two images. Man made RF pollution, for that is what it really is, should be kept to the highest safety levels so that it does not mitigate the safety role and canopy that our forest shield provides or should provide.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
The Moral and safety Implications of Decay in the Leadership and Executives of Our Respected Institutions
Dear Manager, Field Operations and Enforcement
Open letter to Industry Canada ...
Dear Mr Battiston,
I live in Southcott Pines Park, on Lakeview Ave, not more than 100 meters from a planned BELL tower, an uninvited change and unwelcome guest to a protected place of natural beauty and home to a staggering variety of rare and protected species of flora and fauna, an escape from the many sources of pollution that afflicts our industrialized communities. I live and breath air and moisture that is largely free of RF pollution. Have you seen "What the heck do we know" about how water retains the memory of so many waves in addition to those we expect? Can you assure me that man made RF waves don't impact negatively on my water? Are you a quantum physicist?
I don't understand why I should be writing to you. You may have legal authorities granted to you by government, but sometimes such authorities are misplaced or excessive. You seem to be in a role of enforcing policies of the Canadian federal government. In any event, I am writing to you because I understand that I have no option but to convince you that what was recently done here in The Southcott Pines Park to sign a contract for the introduction of a BELL tower was morally wrong by the standards of even the youngest in our community, the ones for whom we are trying to preserve our peaceful way of life and our relatively safe environment.
It is and was morally wrong because it was done surrepticiously without consultation of the community living close to an existing TV tower that is easily capable of serving the community for a hundred years or more with a few tweeks and reinforcements. I understand that people were told fibs and that fibs are all the rage now to convince people that RF signals are miraculously safe or that they don't exceed the boundaries of what the latest science condones for communities. You and I know that their are many highly educated people at the NIH in Washington and in the government in Austria and Germany that worry about the severe health risks of RF signals. The New Scientist recently did a piece showing how attitudes of scientists have moved towards caution in recent months, though not in the moral houses of our churches and clubs seeking positive cash flow.
I am a retiree, a former international civil servant with a long record of service to communities worldwide. I respect your role, but I am not sure that you realize the moral and safety implications, so I would remind you of them at what I understand to be a late hour, in many respects.
Like most people, I use telecommunications technology avidly. I have four iPhones and three iPads. I am no slouch when it comes to technology. I have the equivalent of a degree in computer science from evening classes at University College of Maryland University. I am no mamby pamby when it comes to the adoption of new technologies and innovation. I earned my doctoral economist education at Churchill College, University of Cambridge in the UK in the area of innovation and competition in high tech industries. Thus, my attitudes arise on no account because I might be considered a Luddite, or slow adopter of technology, far from it. I have advised small country governments, such as Sweden, Ireland and Canada on how to promote innovation and industrial growth. My early work is published by the OECD in Paris before assuming the annonymous mantel of an international civil servant in Washington, DC at the International Monetary Fund.
The rise of authoritarianism and moral decline may be very slow or it can happen suddenly. When residents in small and largely forward thinking communities such as Southcott Pines Park in Grand Bend lose control of their natural and health environment because of national attempts to dictate to small communities that they must industrialize in a certain ways then we have deep and devisive problems. These are so deep that they tear at the fabric of what binds us to a social contract on what can be consideral moral and responsible behaviour. This is the stuff that festers and leads to disobedience and wars of words and actions.
We rely on our national institutions to protect us and the environment we live in. We expect them to understand more than we should because they frequently are slow to react to dangers facing the communities under their watch. They can wrongly perceive our perceptions of the risks and put communities across the nation in danger or in a state of readiness to respond to a perceived threat of life, limb and social or environmental property, real or imaginary. They can assume a moral position that is at odds with those of the majority of residents of small communities
We shall overcome even if you make bad decisions, but we will regard bad decisions as bad decisions.
Please help us to protect our rare Carolingian natural forest, and then we have a chance at a bright future and we don't get into the fact that so many institutions assume authoritarian ways or are given them, democratically or otherwise, for arguments of unity, convenience, pragmatism, efficiency or economy and in the process lose their moral compass and values.
Please reeducate yourself to the health and safety needs of the small communities across Canada that rely on your wisdom. Observe that standards are evolving and the there is today, now and recently greater recognition of the dangers of placing powerful antenna in residential and natural surroundings of un-measurable ecological, research and genetic value.
Please respect the ethics of our communities and they will respect you.
Betray us in our goals and we and our allies will earnestly fight you to the last breath as protectors of our safety, that of our progeny and of those creatures of our natural environment that have no political force whatsoever.
Thank you,
Arthur Lake .. scratches to sketches .... visual or verbal ... static or dynamic ... linear or curvilinear
Note the before and after concepts in my two images. Man made RF pollution, for that is what it really is, should be kept to the highest safety levels so that it does not mitigate the safety role and canopy that our forest shield provides or should provide.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
Open letter to Industry Canada ...
Dear Mr Battiston,
I live in Southcott Pines Park, on Lakeview Ave, not more than 100 meters from a planned BELL tower, an uninvited change and unwelcome guest to a protected place of natural beauty and home to a staggering variety of rare and protected species of flora and fauna, an escape from the many sources of pollution that afflicts our industrialized communities. I live and breath air and moisture that is largely free of RF pollution. Have you seen "What the heck do we know" about how water retains the memory of so many waves in addition to those we expect? Can you assure me that man made RF waves don't impact negatively on my water? Are you a quantum physicist?
I don't understand why I should be writing to you. You may have legal authorities granted to you by government, but sometimes such authorities are misplaced or excessive. You seem to be in a role of enforcing policies of the Canadian federal government. In any event, I am writing to you because I understand that I have no option but to convince you that what was recently done here in The Southcott Pines Park to sign a contract for the introduction of a BELL tower was morally wrong by the standards of even the youngest in our community, the ones for whom we are trying to preserve our peaceful way of life and our relatively safe environment.
It is and was morally wrong because it was done surrepticiously without consultation of the community living close to an existing TV tower that is easily capable of serving the community for a hundred years or more with a few tweeks and reinforcements. I understand that people were told fibs and that fibs are all the rage now to convince people that RF signals are miraculously safe or that they don't exceed the boundaries of what the latest science condones for communities. You and I know that their are many highly educated people at the NIH in Washington and in the government in Austria and Germany that worry about the severe health risks of RF signals. The New Scientist recently did a piece showing how attitudes of scientists have moved towards caution in recent months, though not in the moral houses of our churches and clubs seeking positive cash flow.
I am a retiree, a former international civil servant with a long record of service to communities worldwide. I respect your role, but I am not sure that you realize the moral and safety implications, so I would remind you of them at what I understand to be a late hour, in many respects.
Like most people, I use telecommunications technology avidly. I have four iPhones and three iPads. I am no slouch when it comes to technology. I have the equivalent of a degree in computer science from evening classes at University College of Maryland University. I am no mamby pamby when it comes to the adoption of new technologies and innovation. I earned my doctoral economist education at Churchill College, University of Cambridge in the UK in the area of innovation and competition in high tech industries. Thus, my attitudes arise on no account because I might be considered a Luddite, or slow adopter of technology, far from it. I have advised small country governments, such as Sweden, Ireland and Canada on how to promote innovation and industrial growth. My early work is published by the OECD in Paris before assuming the annonymous mantel of an international civil servant in Washington, DC at the International Monetary Fund.
The rise of authoritarianism and moral decline may be very slow or it can happen suddenly. When residents in small and largely forward thinking communities such as Southcott Pines Park in Grand Bend lose control of their natural and health environment because of national attempts to dictate to small communities that they must industrialize in a certain ways then we have deep and devisive problems. These are so deep that they tear at the fabric of what binds us to a social contract on what can be consideral moral and responsible behaviour. This is the stuff that festers and leads to disobedience and wars of words and actions.
We rely on our national institutions to protect us and the environment we live in. We expect them to understand more than we should because they frequently are slow to react to dangers facing the communities under their watch. They can wrongly perceive our perceptions of the risks and put communities across the nation in danger or in a state of readiness to respond to a perceived threat of life, limb and social or environmental property, real or imaginary. They can assume a moral position that is at odds with those of the majority of residents of small communities
We shall overcome even if you make bad decisions, but we will regard bad decisions as bad decisions.
Please help us to protect our rare Carolingian natural forest, and then we have a chance at a bright future and we don't get into the fact that so many institutions assume authoritarian ways or are given them, democratically or otherwise, for arguments of unity, convenience, pragmatism, efficiency or economy and in the process lose their moral compass and values.
Please reeducate yourself to the health and safety needs of the small communities across Canada that rely on your wisdom. Observe that standards are evolving and the there is today, now and recently greater recognition of the dangers of placing powerful antenna in residential and natural surroundings of un-measurable ecological, research and genetic value.
Please respect the ethics of our communities and they will respect you.
Betray us in our goals and we and our allies will earnestly fight you to the last breath as protectors of our safety, that of our progeny and of those creatures of our natural environment that have no political force whatsoever.
Thank you,
Arthur Lake .. scratches to sketches .... visual or verbal ... static or dynamic ... linear or curvilinear
Note the before and after concepts in my two images. Man made RF pollution, for that is what it really is, should be kept to the highest safety levels so that it does not mitigate the safety role and canopy that our forest shield provides or should provide.
Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered through .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.
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The Internet User's Best Kept Secret
Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth.
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