When we think of the internet, we increasingly wonder how we survived without it. Just deprive yourself of access for a week or more and you notice how much you have become emotionally attached. The links of the Internet are like a family, a social grouping by which we can order our lives, feel good about ourselves, and participate meaningfully in a world that is evolving rapidly, perhaps too rapidly.
We use the Internet to change ourselves emotionally. Seeing images, communicating, actualising our talents for speech, art, writing, and gaming. There is so much that the Internet provides that we assume that we are still detached.
Occasionally, we may think of the Borg community of Star Trek, and for a moment realise that the Internet is evolving in the intensity as well as variety of personal experience that it generates and transfers.
The Internet is more than exchange. It is a medium of influence through which those groups who have influenced our thinking in the past will want to influence our thinking in the future. Thus it is that that the Internet presents us with many challenges.
A Virtual Counter-Revolution
(via Instapaper)
One has to be concerned for future youth and the degree to which the sense of emotional well being is influenced by the new Internet media. Through one instrument so much in our lives can be defined. It surprises us when another less attached to the Internet points out that we have that particular instrument of our choosing with us all the time and constantly use it, whether an iPhone, PC, iPad, or some other smart device. It's a fact that parents see their children with an interactive toy as much now as with television.
Combine the two and you see what remains dwindle. Each individual links into their own worlds except that rather than being inside our heads these worlds are an extension of our realities.
Will ye no think kindly on those who would be your friends! May the sun shine with your thoughts, today, and happiness grow in your heart! May you allow yourself some peace of mind.