Saturday, 28 August 2010

Some pointers for controversies in Grand Bend, Ontario

Daily Commercial News:

Grand Bend Strip:

The Lakeshore Advance:

Grand Bend Topics:

The Observer:


Main issues:

1. Commercialization and volleyball...

2. Good Governance:

3. Sewers:

Will ye no think kindly on those who would be your friends! May the sun shine with your thoughts, today, and happiness grow in your heart! May you allow yourself some peace of mind.

Turning Human Waste into Energy and Bioproducts! Are Septic Systems and Sewers Already Obsolete?

The time has come for a vast reconsideration of the methods of disposal of human waste. The fact is that human waste can be turned into products that will produce business profits and make people rich. The sad thing is how far behind the attitudes of Canadians still are. We need to push our council and households for small scale units to produce energy from bio-waste not collect it for old fashioned treatments that are obviously on the road to obsolescence. Waste not want not!

It is time that we are getting onto this bandwagon of innovation. We claim in Ontario that we know how to produce clean water from dirty water. It's time we created the energy and clean water from pee and sludge that will see you and me in a community that is free from septic systems and sewers. This is not an unrealistic expectation for the next decade, so why are we still stinking thinking about sewers. It's like an alcoholic that does know the effects of stinking thinking.

We know the farmers here around can potentially pollute our rivers with many toxins more so than the villages and beach homes. The farmers should be made to re-examine their role in environmental development not destruction. Similarly, we should be given assistance to produce energy rather than pollutants out of individual households. It only takes innovations in conversion products to transform forever the way we manage farm effluent, toxins and sludge.

It would make you pretty sick to feel that you had spent millions on a sewerage system yourself that benefits those innovating in the energy field. At the very least, you would want to be paid for your human waste and waste water. Water can be filtered and sold. You pay for it so you should be able to earn an income from it. As it stands people give this energy source the push just the same way cattle do.

That is changing. As I write, a friend is initiating the first steps to innovate in the UK a system of using agricultural sludge and other bio-matter to create energy products. There is money in human waste. Farmers use it, but don't tell you. The bio-energy industry is in it's nacient steps, but before long the sewerage problems of past generations could be history as we transform a potential pollutant and source of disease into clean energy.

In its simplest form, we have what Sintex has done to create units for production of energy from biogas:

More complicated systems to create energy are envisioned in the United States. Just think how communities and households could alter the landscape by producing products that would be good for the environment and dramatically reduce bio-pollutants.

The Canadian Company Dyomotive has plans to turn human waste into oil:

The BBC Science team reports on the potential:

The list of potential products from human and animal waste is quite long:

The bright sparks in urban communities are catching on, as in San Antonio, Texas:

Will ye no think kindly on those who would be your friends! May the sun shine with your thoughts, today, and happiness grow in your heart! May you allow yourself some peace of mind.

If you like photography!

This is where the photo community real takes off

Will ye no think kindly on those who would be your friends!  May the sun shine with your thoughts, today, and happiness grow in your heart! May you allow yourself some peace of mind.

Various Critical Letters Concerning Proposed Sewer System in City of Lambton Shores

I apologize for the confused state of the following blog. It arises in part from the poor quality and lack of completeness coming from the services of information dissemination afforded by the city of Lambton Shores.

I have not been able to find the letter on line which states that serious money is now being sought for development of the sewer system:

Blank and awaiting a copy? Transparency!?

The most important document seems to have been assembled by Dillon a company located with a London, Ontario office. Has Dillon done other work for the municipality / city?

This loads to a single pdf file of 444 pages in my iPad and includes responses of some people in the Southcott Pines neighbourhood.

Each time that the file provided by the municipality is separately viewed, the download into the viewer requires about ten minutes to download so I have read many articles on the environment in the New Scientist during that time. Wow!

That the single pdf file should also be broken down into about twenty smaller files is self evident. Few people otherwise would have the multitasking needed to study the many interesting papers and letters included seriously.

I don't recall myself receiving an invitation to comment on the project and still at the end of August 2010 have not received such an invitation, but the letter to me may have been returned to sender, which is really rather rare, but not beyond the stretches of some imaginings.

I think that I am better informed to comment now having been appraised of the environmental destruction that would accompany installation of any other system than the septic system within Southcott Pines. I am still agonizing over the trees that have already been wantonly removed nearby!

I almost count the trees in this area and would propose that they be individually identified and a protection order requested for each one. I have planted more than 50 new oak trees on my property and will gladly supply acorns to those wishing to plant more. The deer have eaten away at one maple. Yet, the maple is alive and I believe still a blood red symbol of Canada and should not be arbitrarily cut down, even by a deer!

We remember the human fallen who gave of their blood for the values inherent in the tree forests of Canada that some people seem so intent on destroying through unaffordable unsustainable development. How many more shells of failed businesses do we want to see in the province, and indeed Grand Bend. What a depressed sight it is! And, so much unemployment and lost careers. Is there no planning authority or national trust?

My opinion is that the city should not interfere with the fragile ecology already established in Southcott Pines, however, well intentioned. I would favour a new system of planning control modeled on that in the United Kingdom and I do take umbrage at the comments suggesting that people in the neighbourhood are somehow less eager to support environmental issues, especially the idea that they are abusive.

It is said that my now deceased mother once climbed a tree in Kincardine to stop it from being wantonly destroyed by municipal workers cutting away to keep busy and have an excuse to be paid a wage, and it still stands on the corner of Durham and Huron Terrace Streets.

I believe I should be provoked into a similar reaction were the proposed project for Southcott not be cancelled. Many people are with me on this. Some are suggesting action is almost inevitable.

That anyone would say we are abusive is clearly outside the realms of credibility and demonstrates as stupidity beyond comprehension, or just plain ignorance. How many thousands of new trees would be planted in association with the sewerage system I would ask, but I guess the response of Dillon would be to leave that to nature. I see no costing for replacement trees as this would be rather expensive.

My response is to ask for a examination of the lack of forests along the waterways of the watershed feeding into Grand Bend and around the fields and especially around the main agricultural points of effluent into the feeding rivers and streams.

Why is the provincial park forest waste to be transported out of the park? If anything the park should set an example of a self sufficient system that is sustainable. That the park is now part of a city system is not a good enough answer for any thinking individual.

This is the FINAL NOTICE OF COMPLETION hidden away and only named as such as a file. how would one know unless searching diligently for it?

The following is the letter from the Ministry to the Municipality:

Water tests:

Most of this interesting stuff is posted by the Municipality on:

Will ye no think kindly on those who would be your friends! May the sun shine with your thoughts, today, and happiness grow in your heart! May you allow yourself some peace of mind.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!