Thursday 15 November 2007

Light, the Mind, Eternity and Higher Levels of Existence

The world is so constructed that your past, present, and future all co-exist. Time is perceived as a flow of consciousness or partial consciousness. Your conscious mind is an imperfect instrument that can only read, i.e. perceive through your senses, a portion of the universe nearest you at any one sampling. Your mind interacts with its environment by extracting information in the form of heat, light, sound. Some of these are fermions and others leptons. These are both waves and particles, and within any light particle is an infinity of information being an aspect of its nature.

Light can travel faster than light and each particle is different from the other. Each photon can do things that the human mind can only wonder at. Light beongs to another realm of existence and represents a smattering of what we are actually made from. We are light experiencing fermionic matter. When we die, we do not become dust. We don't die because we are light in the clothing of material. Our most comfortable home as photons is water without which we would not experience matter, i.e. fermions.

Light enhances our experience of the universe. All matter is expanding at an infinitely accelerating rate and because we are made of light, as instrtuments in which light is controlling matter, we can experience this expansion. We have the allusion that material is time, but that is wrong. Material is relative movement, and we are moving along paths of relative movement, paths that are traveling extremely fast.

Light is amazing in its control of matter, it can travel backward and forward along the realm of relative motion and so give us the illusion of travelling in time. It can travel much faster than matter, accelerate and twist, focus as a concentrated lazer, spread as a wave. We are thus amazing and are the basis of the consciousness that is light and that makes us what we are, creatures of light, and creations of conscious light. We can travel anywhere in the universe, and beyond. Within light, we have an amazing realm of existence and our story is not finished when we die. Our journey only begins, so enjoy it. Enjoy life in the now, but never, never think of it as the sum total of your existence, that would be tragic if you were to do so. Love others, live with them peacefully, enrich their lives and help them realize their potential, no matter who they are or where they come from.

In 50 AD, a child going by the name of Wuh Lax of Wookey Marsh, was presented with a lattern, a cosmic lantern of light and with the lattern came understandings that broke all previous barriers of his limited existence. See. He set out on a mission to understand light, and refers to this mission as a pilgrimage. He, thus, followed a tradition of the people of the island that became Britain. Today, we can see the results of the pilgrimage tradition in some of our ancestors in our famous monuments of Stonehenge and Normanton burrows in Wiltshire. Other civilizations have sought an understanding of the light in Egypt, Africa, Asia .... world wide.

This is because within light, the photons can stack infinitely so that a single particle of light, a photon is a wave that extends forever. Add up all the particles, photons, of light that you experience, and you can see how magnificent the world really is. Our mind limits our experience to only a portion of the light that we comes our way so that our preceptive instruments are not overwhelmed. If our brains were not fine tuned in this fashion, we would not experience the clear and concise signals we do and our experience of the universe and life would be utterly confusing. As we age, the confusion sets in, and as we form our first impressions of life, our brain is attempting to make sense out of utter confusion.

The portion that you read in the now is part of a probability stream of events and your preceptions of an immediate, or more distant, past, present and future, the elements of which are governed laws that have been defined by the organizing principle of minds belonging to a higher orders of realization, control and decision.

At our human level of consciousness, we are mostly not aware of the existence of such higher orders, but we do have the power to choose which minds of immediately higher levels we would wish to associate.

There are even higher levels of minds going well beyond our expectations in our now. If we wish to aspire to much higher levels of consciousness, we need to choose to do so, and to wish and work toward those levels. By associating with a mind that is of an even higher level and that looks upon us favourably, we may align ourselves with a mind of a capacity of enormous power and direction.

Some have aligned with minds of such high levels so closely that they experience little other and their lives are enriched beyond all normal imagining.

On passing from life, these minds join with others that have experienced the joy and strength of a higher mind and ordering principle that is greater than anything we would experience in the normal now!

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!