"The Milky Way resides in the outskirts of one such supercluster, whose extent has for the first time been carefully mapped using these new techniques. This Laniakea Supercluster is 500 million light-years in diameter and contains the mass of 1017 (a hundred quadrillion) suns in 100,000 galaxies."
Friday, 5 September 2014
Scientist maps supercluster of galaxies, names it Laniakea : University of Hawaiʻi System News
NATO to boost presence in east, approves rapid reaction force
"Rasmussen gave no further details of the new unit's structure or size but a spokesman for British Prime Minister David Cameron said London could contribute 1,000 troops, while press reports put the total number at around 4,000."
http://www.rappler.com/world/regions/europe/68306-nato-boost-presence-east-approves-rapid-reaction-forceBritain ready to commit 3,500 troops to new NATO force
"NEWPORT, United Kingdom - Britain said on Friday, September 5 it could contribute 3,500 troops to a NATO rapid response forcedefending against new threats like the Ukraine crisis and Islamic militants in Syria and Iraq."
Ancient behemoth: Meet Dreadnoughtus, a supermassive dino
Ukraine truce takes hold as West lines up Russia sanctions
"But highly sceptical Western leaders nonetheless decided to punish Russian President Vladimir Putin for his efforts in supporting the rebels by beefing up sanctions on Russia's most crucial state firms.
"The only reason that we're seeing this ceasefire at this moment is because of both the sanctions that have already been applied and the threat of further sanctions," US President Barack Obama claimed."
ISIS Ultra-extremists with EU Passports Pose Threat.
"WASHINGTON, USA - Islamic State extremists fighting in Iraq and Syria pose an "immediate" threat to Europe as a significant number carried European passports, top US intelligence officials said Friday, September 5.
The danger presented by jihadists potentially returning to the West to carry out attacks has prompted more cooperation between US and European intelligence agencies in a bid to track terror suspects, the officials said."