Once, you are familiar with physics and physics theories, you are familar with the idea that motion amd useable space that we see as three dimensions comes out of the big bang, an almighty explosion that theory claims occured over 13.6 billion years ago.
There is an additional motion that we see as time that can be thought of as motion of the components of the three dimensions of space, but it is different from conventional thinking.
Time occurs as the fabric of space itself expands at every point in all three directions simultaneuosly ! What we know as the past is very very tiny and what we will know as the future is very very large. Time does not exist except as our motion in space that exists now as present, but that is because the present is a present and we are presented with it. The past present and future in our reality co-exist. Exept that, we choose to think incorrectly that we can go only in one direction of their prior or future existence. This is our real delusion. We will not, however always be presented with this limitation.
In the PPF world we all will experience the full dimensions of other spaces, but not governed by time our mind's viewpoint in the now as we know it.