Thursday, 10 January 2008

Gratitude and the Open Book Laws of Association and Relativity

In an earlier blog, I presented the notion that 'the secret' was crass commercialization and little else. It behooves me to present the open and free alternative to 'the' secret.

My alternative to 'the secret' and the alleged 'laws of attraction', which incidentally do not work other than by random processes disguising advantageous associations, are the immutable laws of association and relativity. You have probably already learned of the laws of relativity from scientists of physics and cosmology and possibly from my earlier blogs.

Albert Einstein proposed the physical laws of specific and general relativity, which we have been able to refute. These same laws operate to give advantages to individuals through energy conservation and the second law of thermodynamics, which says that chaos is ever on the increase.

It is my position, that recourse to quantum physics to explain a working layer of 'laws of attraction' will not suffice to explain more than my 'laws of association', and will miserably fail in comparison. The forces described in quantum physics do not invoke the 'laws of attraction' any more than I am attracted to bright colours. In the laws of association, we have the law that all sentient things are attracted to light.

Things and people, may not reach the light, some being made of stone, but if they can make decisions, they will seek the light. Witness in the winter season, the many people who flock to the beach for sunlight, or the Russians and Canadians who have a goal in life of gaining more sun light to the point of obsession. I should know, I am one of the above. As for the entities that cannot make decisions, we will need to ask whether they are governed by the laws of relativity, and the answer is yes! Now, if we have a spirit world that makes decisions, we will find that this world is also governed by the law of association.

Success in life and living is always associated with 'the light' and light. There is no living and decision making entity that is not governed by the laws of association with light. Remove light and you remove the effective law of attraction. The other law of attraction is imaginary nonsense and the result of a lack of understanding of basic mathematics. Associate with and seek light and you will be successful. The real problem is that poor and downtrodden people cannot associate with the light.

They either do not have the time, nor the means, nor the energy. It is a responsibility of those more fortunate people, who have the ying or yang to provide it, to be the big brother, the good Samaritan, the givers of life and energy. The impoverished people are not going to suddenly develop an understanding of some silly 'law of attraction' that will be a solution to their problems and challenges. The very idea is repugnant to common sense. Read Taleb's book and see how randomness turns many thinking people into arrogant fools.

What are the Laws of Association?

I wish I knew what all the laws of association were, but I can only give examples. Life and the enhancement of life is associated with languages and the free association of moving and living entities with each other. Poverty and death by starvation are associated with the absence of languages and restrictions on association as imposed by the natural environment or by people imposing their will on other people.

People who get sick are most often associated with genetic and environmental disease and bacterial or viral infection. These bacterial and viral infections are spread by means of vectors of association, such as family, social grouping, heredity, and so on. Good health of people and all living entities is associated with eating healthy foods and being within a healthy and positive sustainable environment. This is a no-brainer! Wake-up! This is for real. Associations determine outcomes.

If you are rich and healthy it is by your being associated with a pool of genes and resources that promote wealth and good health. No matter what you wish, you may not escape the challenges of cancer arising from your association with specific genes that begin to operate, or cease to operate, at certain times in your life. Thank about it. There are no ethereal laws of attraction to resolve your associations with being born in the wrong place, at the wrong time, to the wrong people.

Avoid Joining The Rise of the Irrational Solution : Think and Verify Before You Believe

Desperate times give impetus to desperate measures. It is not surprising that 'the secret' is so popular in the United States at a time when people are desperate for love and assurance and most specifically a sense of security. Dah, and then some dah!

Don't go in for the irrational panaceas, but concentrate on the proven laws of association and the physics of relativity. They have been established by serious and pain staking research and can be obtained in your university courses. Study psychology and learn how much we have discovered about how your mind really works.

If you really want love, wealth, health, security, and friends then work with the laws of association. Read the writings of enabling people such as Gittomer. You will see that your potential for success arises from who and what you associate yourself with. Associate with those who pull you down and you will go down. Associate with the positive in this world and you will become more positive. It is the laws of association that really count, not some silly notion of the laws of attraction occuring because of some misunderstood principles of quantum physics.

Associate with the rich and famous and you have at least chance of becoming rich and famous, especially if you try to develop a long term association with them. You want to become rich, you associate with service to the rich. Its that easy and the information is free. People who become rich and famous do things in association with service to the community. They increase your positive associations and they correspondingly increase your positive enhancements.

A Cosmos in Which Light Stands Still

You have to admit light and gyroscopes both exhibit some very strange properties. Gyroscopes seem to spin and move in ways that don't seem connected to normal laws of physics. Light seems to move in ways that don't seem initially, at least, to conform to normal laws of physics. Both light and gyroscopes are subject to processes in ways that do not easily conform to what we regard as normal reality. In fact, gyroscopes do conform to the laws of physics, but we see that we need to have a clearer idea of the nature of gravity. Light obeys physical laws, but we may be misinterpreting how. I just throw out my reservation, not because I know how, but because it is an interesting proposition, i.e. that science may have its explanation all wrong. What we experience in our reality is torque, which conveys directed energy. When we do not experience torque of any shape or form, we may not detect it. If our senses and reality are geared only to torque, we may miss the entire show around us.

If I throw a rock at something, such as a fan, that is spinning very fast, it will be defected and bounce off the spinning object. If the spin is very fast then the deflection is at a different angle than if it is very slow. If I hit the spinning object at an angle, it will probably deflect differently that if I hit it at another angle.

What determines the deflection is a collection of several process and configurations: the speed that I throw the rock, the strength of the rock, the speed the fan is spinning, the shape of the blades of the fan, the direction the fan's blades are pointing, the existence even of the fan in my story, the twist that I put into my throw of the rock. The list of possibilities grows with imagination.

What if the fan as a whole is moving? It could be moving toward my rock or away from it. It could be moving away faster than I can throw my rock. What if the fan is spiraling? What if the fan is spinning clockwise or counterclockwise, what if the direction of spin is random or not easily understood? Too many questions. I am getting a head ache thinking about my fan.

What if I do not understand the configuration of the spinning fan at all. What if it is a collection of waggling points, the ends of long strings stretching endlessly into the distance. What if the spinning fan is the side of these strings rather than the end points. Now I am confused.

I have a really difficult time understanding time! Time, light, matter, gyroscopic movement, location and spin are all very mysterious concepts. How should I put them together to make sense of my cosmos? Do I give up, or do I think about it, persevere until I have some answers? What would you do?

What I am trying to convey is that we don't really know that much about the properties light and its environment matter. We begin our analysis by making assumptions. We see ourselves as still and enveloped in light. We don't sense our own movement as a collection of material entities akin, but not the same as light. We think of ourselves as complete objects and not collections of very tiny objects that we know very little about. We have little idea about the associations between the material we are made of, which incidently is not dust, but dust it seems like sometimes.

As I am throwing my rock, I may experience a breeze coming from my spinning fan. The breeze gives me something to work against so that I may need to expend energy other than that needed just to throw my rock, otherwise my rock will not hit its target.

Our existence is intricately linked to light and water, heat and motion. These properties are complexly interwoven in the fabric of our cosmos in ways that we are just beginning to understand, or are we? How many false trails will it now take to get us on the pathes of real discovery. I do not know, but that is the risky world of science in which we now must engage or risk wasting our existence in ignorance no more elevated than our ancestral predecessors.

Our science tells us that light is photons, particle and wave forms of energy, but also organized by fields, which we don't see and time which we cannot really measure and which seems to bend back on itself.

If you can imagine that time does not exist and light is standing still, you are capable of imagining my Wuh Lax of 50 AD. Not all people can, but those that can experience a trip and adventures that are amazing in their dimensions.

Faster than the Speed of Light

If Jay Leno is right, scientists have discovered that light is so fast that it can travel backwards in time.

Oh my! Oh my!

Can that be true?

Is light deciding where to go before it decides where to go. That's like saying human beings make decisions before they make decisions. Can that be true? Do we decide something before we decide something? If we do, then we need to think hard and deep about the process of deciding.

Can it be that both light and our own thought are not governed by what we think of as time, energy and causality? If that is the case, what is the cosmos really like?

Light is Still

Is light moving, or has part of the universe changed direction. Possibly, just possibly, light travelling backward in time shows us something fundamental about our cosmos that we have misunderstood. I think, we have a real problem with the notion that our cosmos is something other than what everyone is telling us. It may be that time is not what we think it to be, nor light, nor matter. What should we think about time, matter, and light? How should we think of them?

If I knew all the answers, I would not be where I am, which is sitting at my desk writing this blog, which you may very well think is not worth the effort of reading. However, I am not deterred by that possibility. It may be that I am on to something when I say that light has no motion. Think about it and the consequences, if I am correct, for science and religion.

A Most Deadly Secret

The no-brainer in the notion of "The Secret" is the corollary observation that if you know a secret, or even 'the' secret, then you will most certainly attract something, or someone, to you, and it won't be pleasant. This is because there are real secrets out there and there are people who will do anything to ensure that these secrets are kept. The promise of death is what ensures the 'law of attraction'. Learn the real secrets and you will almost certainly come under the influence of the various laws of attraction. The real issue is whether you can reveal real secrets without attracting those who would destroy you.

Secrets are secrets because they relate to life and death issues, or issues that translate eventually into life and death issues because of expectations of changes that the secrets will set in motion. To say that there are laws of attraction associated with secrets is obvious. The question is why anyone would say that they know a secret and are willing to tell us about that secret. Such behaviour is not very rational unless the secret is that they are using the real 'laws of attraction' in order to set themselves up. Saying that you have a secret is an obvious way of attracting people to you, if they think that you will tell them the secret. It is small wonder then that 'The Secret' was up there in the best seller list.

What About the Real Secret

The last thing that I would want to do is tell you real secrets, so don't expect real secrets from my blog. The reason is obvious to me. If I were to reveal secrets then you would be attracted to my blog for that reason rather than the reasons that I would prefer, such as that you wish to be able to think for yourself rather than have everyone reveal their secrets to you. The difference between someone who thinks for themselves is that they have at least a chance of being original and creative.

If you don't think for yourself then you will be a copy cat, and remain part of an adaption diffusion world, the 's' world, the world of the snake, the slithering, sliding, slippery world of down, down, down. However, if you begin to think, you will create another world, you will make use of ladders to climb higher and higher. You will eventually get above the clouds of ignorance and you will be shone upon by the sun and the stars. That is no secret. You will shine when you seek the real secrets of this cosmos.

The Intelligences Behind the Laws of Attraction

When I first really read Norman Vincent Peale, it was after I had read the book 'The Secret'. What amazed me was that Norman knew the so-called laws of attraction. If you read his book on the power of positive thinking, you will see what I mean. His writing is, of course, very pertinent in today's world. What we often fail to see is the very real secret that Norman was speaking of, and it is not what is described in current book on the laws of attraction. To learn the real secrets of life and living, you need to read Norman Vincent Peale's book from cover to cover.

Much of what is written in "The Secret" which claims an understanding of hidden laws is basically utter unforgivable commercial crap, or to be more specific, it is unscientific, and irreligious crap. It is worse than junk food for the mind. You would be better off reading and absorbing the writing of Norman Vincent Peale who was an individual who was, at least, grounded in science and religion. Now, don't pout, but I am serious about this. "The Secret" is not 'the' secret, it is 'junk food for the mind and mindless' or 'crap' written by people who know that people are attracted to secrets.

The idea that if you want something badly enough it will come to you is utter hogwash and any student of poverty and sickness in the third world, a real world by the way, should tell you that, no shout it or scream it to you. The very idea of the 'laws of attraction' is an insult to the intelligence of a thinking individual and is probably unforgivable in thinking and reasoning individuals. You are better off reading Norman's writing, which will help you see the world as it is, not climb on board some new 's' curve of marketing and manipulation!

The Real Secrets

The real world and the spiritual world do not obey the laws of attraction, they obey the laws of association and relativity. The real secrets are the secrets of association that scientific exploration and religious pilgrimage is all about.

If I unveiled a real secret, I would be doing you a favour, so here goes. The main and real secret of life is that you need to think for yourself. If you can't do that you will most likely fail in your life. It is your independence that gives you hope, and the freedom to express that independence in a meaningful way that gives you power. If you wish to figure out the secrets of our cosmos look to the spiritual laws of association and physical laws of relativity.

Secrets can Get you Killed and Lead a Country into Stupid Wars

In the cosmos, it is the real secrets that can get you killed. The real secrets are ignorance produced by not researching your problems or challenges sufficiently. You are unaware of many things. As Robert McNamara states in his film of his years as US Secretary of Defense, he and America did not research Viet Nam's history sufficiently before 1964 when they intervened in a civil war that they thought was part of the international cold war. Jack Kennedy had been assassinated by people, we don't know whom and America lost its reason in Johnson, who was very very second relative to Kennedy.

In the present world, George Bush and his advisers did not research sufficiently the position of Iraq on weapons of mass destruction before they took their nation and the UK into a conflict that has a civil war and oil production at its roots. You must ask yourself whether this was the result of opportunism by those who would benefit, and who died that could have revealed the nature of that opportunism. The damage of 911 and of anthrax are due to a lack of sufficient research into who and what is responsible for attitudes of greed and mistrust that lead to conflict. Yes, most wars are stupid because they are almost always come from people acting and doing based on ignorance or opportunism, the producers of weapons who benefit commercially from the creation of wars, and who conduct their business in secret. They are the people who have real secrets and you are alive because you don't know them!

The real secrets are held by the conspirators to peace. They are held by people who engage in the games of conflict and opportunism. They arise by design of human beings in associations that drive people to hide, obfuscate, cloud, fog, misrepresent in ways to deceive, lie, cheat and win by stealth, force and deception. Yes, the world can be and is ugly, and as McNamara says, it gets out of hand very quickly. He says that war is so complex that the human mind cannot grasp all the many destructive variables that need to be understood. He is almost certainly right when he says that in war, your own ignorance is your greatest enemy, not the other side.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!