There are those who are very wary of science portraying itself as a must and defining an imperative political ideology. Vaclav Klaus is one of those new leaders of the former Eastern Bloc who proposes quite convincingly that there are real dangers in letting science dictate public policy without strong challenge. Such is the global warming debate!
It's not an accident that historically Egypt, Japan, Russia, Iran, Germany and China developed political organisations that we refer to as despotism. All promulgated that key aspects of their living environment required the total management of all aspects of society if that society were to survive in the long term. The costs of bending to public policy in these countries were the loss of individual freedoms and the imposition of a state ideology and ways of thinking that survive in it's many descendants of closed mind behaviourism to this day. Thus, it is that fear of something big is used by leaders to subjugate individuals to a single way of thinking, an ideology that seems paramount.
The reality is that leadership by consultation and openness are almost always better suited forms of organisation against major threats. Without openness one finds leadership by force and low intellect.
Read Vaclav's assessment of the political organisations response to the very abstract idea of global warming. The world can respond to pollution through means other than force though the response may be slower initially as people gradually climb on board to sound logically argued political policy rather than assuming political policy based on fear. Low cost education and openness of information and expression of ideas and opinions are the keys to effective political change and sustenance of a compatible balance of purpose in society with good governance. Science needs to conform to the ideals of open challenges to the authority of theory over fact.
Will ye no think kindly on those who would be your friends! May the sun shine with your thoughts, today, and happiness grow in your heart! May you allow yourself some peace of mind.