Wednesday, 14 March 2012
The flip flops of the magnetic field of the sun and earth's weather patterns
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Magnetic Cycles
The brutal cold of the Maunder Minimum and the Great Irish Frost « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
Avery is in effect warning us that a delay in the polar upswing of sunspots presages a smaller count in total sun spots, at least in the cycle 25. What happens in later cycles to produce a minimum cannot be assumed from such a small sample of data. In other words, it is still too early to be alarmist. The possibility of a cold age has risen, but the probability has remained somewhat the same as always.
Making predictions from such a small data base is alarmist and unnecessarily precient.
The brutal cold of the Maunder Minimum and the Great Irish Frost « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
It's great that science does not have all the answers.
Major Drop in Solar Activity Predicted: Little Ice Age, part II? « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
It's important to see the facts beneath the facts that betray the facts above the facts. This is literally the ase in how the sun creates sun spots that drive the earth's heat cycle. Were the sun to shift into lower gear, we would all wonder why we burned up so much oil. We need to conserve energy for a colder rainy day. Seems odd while the weather is so warm we are convinced of global warming and the need to conserve energy so as not to over heat?
Why NASA will fire five rockets in five minutes -