Friday, 26 August 2011

Hurricane - Jersey City asks residents in low-lying areas to voluntarily evacuate |

Twitter: @wuhlax

Hoboken painter captures the art of local dining, puts up work for silent auction |

Twitter: @wuhlax

Bestseller and New Group of Seven Exhibit Spark Interest in Ontario Parks | Travel Video News

Twitter: @wuhlax

The Indie Comics & Graphic Works Bestseller List | Bookselling This Week

Twitter: @wuhlax

15 Reasons Why Bookstore/Library Partnerships Are Beneficial | Bookselling This Week

Twitter: @wuhlax

Sand and Singapore | ASEAN Beat

Strange but true!

Twitter: @wuhlax

US should raise taxes to help fix deficits, say business economists -

You could start with a really high gasoline tax with incentives to electric cars! You could link mortgages to people. You could remove the tax subsidy on mortgage interest. You could tax billionaires. You could have a tax on leveraged borrowing that bites.

Twitter: @wuhlax

China's military power: Modernisation in sheep's clothing | The Economist

Nothing like a good fight to keep these military guys happy whilst the rest of us think fighting is at the root of all evil!

Twitter: @wuhlax

The sad facts behind Rick Perry’s Texas miracle - The Washington Post

Are you piss sing on his pole?

Twitter: @wuhlax

Diffbot helps apps read the web like humans — Tech News and Analysis

Twitter: @wuhlax

What are Booktracks?

Curious use of sound to make book reading more fun!

Twitter: @wuhlax

Sense of Justice!

There is a big difference between a society that is primed to be suspicious and allows it's citizens to fire all sorts of weapons at each other, and a society that muddles through to get at the truth.

As a victim myself to the primed justice in America, I feel it is too full of traps for unwary people, especially those who are used to very different and more humane norms.

The American system of fighting through things rather than seeking a balance of less aggressive emotions, bleeds a higher level of damage where too many are made victims not of the crimes committed, but of the justice seeking process itself. No, I don't think justice is so important that it is allowed to damage. I think justice should be available, but proceed without making those seeking justice victims of the process.

America has a lot to learn about being a just community and about the processes of achieving justice. It's not fun to work or live in America because of all the fighting that takes place, one way or another. It's not good enough to say that the fighting achieves justice, because it doesn't. What is left out is the fact that process of achieving justice in America is unjust and real justice is never achieved.

America is destined to remain the unjust society until it can figure out just processes for achieving justice. Fighting is not the answer.

Twitter: @wuhlax

Why I was wrong about DSK - Dominique Strauss-Kahn -

Twitter: @wuhlax

Politico commenters weigh in on the White House's historic civil rights painting - War Room -

Twitter: @wuhlax

What is Power Line Communication?

Twitter: @wuhlax

WikiLeaks reveals China's failure to measure dangerous pollution | Environment |

Sad state of affairs when business opportunities to fight pollution abound and people do not have relevant facts of the need or potential demand!

Twitter: @wuhlax

Older People Are Buying A Lot Of iPads

Twitter: @wuhlax

U.K. GDP Growth Slowed in Second Quarter - Bloomberg

Twitter: @wuhlax

Build Your Own Pallet Armchair Designed By Pierre Vedel : TreeHugger

Sand the wood!

Twitter: @wuhlax

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!