Tuesday 22 April 2008

When Your Fantasy is Not Fantasy But Your Reality


We are all aware that there is a strange connection between the mind of our brain and our awareness of reality. It was said that those taking LSD in the 1960's found their awareness entrapped in other parts of their body. Temporarily, their reality was inside a visual experience of the world of their foot or other limb. The question arises how this awareness came about.

It was described by people I talked to in the 1960's, who had taken LSD, as being a highly visual experience, and yet one does not have eyes in one's leg or any other limb for that matter. It would seem that the drug LSD and possibly many other drugs have the capacity to link brain cells with cells elsewhere in the body to give a visual experience. But, we are mostly aware that our visual experiences are associated with our eyes and those parts of the brain that process what our eyes see. Yet, we have brains that seem to conjure up visual experiences without the eyes actually being involved.

Somehow, the light that shines into our eyes or onto our bodies allows us forms of visual experience that do not require our eyes being open. Yet, we know that this is common place. I can close my eyes and instantly see all sorts of things going on. These things are not really inside my head, but my brain is processing impressions and I am seeing them as though through a camera lense, or though my eyes. The reality is that my eyes are closed and yet I can see things. These things I can see are a form of fleeting reality. What is this reality? Why can we as human being see when our eyes are closed? What are we actually seeing and why are we seeing these things? When we read a book we conjure up a visual image of the characters, the world they live in and what happens to them, but this is a different sort of mental image from one that we can use our will power to control and shape within our mind. How real are your mental images? Are they in colour? Can you shape them?

The fact is that the reality of what we are seeing when we have our eyes closed is a very personal reality. I can see things, but there is little that I can do to communicate to you what it is that I am seeing. In fact, I see some really amazing things! Wow, do I see some amazing things. They are my fantasy, but they are also my very own reality. They appear to be constructed out of light, but why is that light within my head?

Is it truly light? Does it have anything to do with photons the particles of light? Or, is it to do with waves? How real are these waves? Do such waves have substance or are they fantasy? What is the reality of the waves forming light objects in our brain? They must have some association with particles, or are they the substance of fields?

My mind seems to be processing the light in such a way that I have limited control, but if I am patient, I do have some control. It would seem that in another part of my brain, I can conjure up an idea of something than then the light in a different part of my brain organizes that something or that idea into a visual fantasy, a bit of reality for me, but a fantasy just the same. They are some 'things' that no one else experiences, perhaps, or perhaps this is not the case, but that other entities, possibily people can see the creations of my mind within their own mind. All this seems to be connected to the processes of light.

How connected are we to the visions inside the minds of others. I see some fantastic things that seem to come out of totally different realities from my own. Are these everyday and every minute things fantasies or are they the realities of others. I wish I knew! They are my reality as much as the material 'outside my head' visual world is my reality.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!