Thursday 10 January 2008

A Cosmos in Which Light Stands Still

You have to admit light and gyroscopes both exhibit some very strange properties. Gyroscopes seem to spin and move in ways that don't seem connected to normal laws of physics. Light seems to move in ways that don't seem initially, at least, to conform to normal laws of physics. Both light and gyroscopes are subject to processes in ways that do not easily conform to what we regard as normal reality. In fact, gyroscopes do conform to the laws of physics, but we see that we need to have a clearer idea of the nature of gravity. Light obeys physical laws, but we may be misinterpreting how. I just throw out my reservation, not because I know how, but because it is an interesting proposition, i.e. that science may have its explanation all wrong. What we experience in our reality is torque, which conveys directed energy. When we do not experience torque of any shape or form, we may not detect it. If our senses and reality are geared only to torque, we may miss the entire show around us.

If I throw a rock at something, such as a fan, that is spinning very fast, it will be defected and bounce off the spinning object. If the spin is very fast then the deflection is at a different angle than if it is very slow. If I hit the spinning object at an angle, it will probably deflect differently that if I hit it at another angle.

What determines the deflection is a collection of several process and configurations: the speed that I throw the rock, the strength of the rock, the speed the fan is spinning, the shape of the blades of the fan, the direction the fan's blades are pointing, the existence even of the fan in my story, the twist that I put into my throw of the rock. The list of possibilities grows with imagination.

What if the fan as a whole is moving? It could be moving toward my rock or away from it. It could be moving away faster than I can throw my rock. What if the fan is spiraling? What if the fan is spinning clockwise or counterclockwise, what if the direction of spin is random or not easily understood? Too many questions. I am getting a head ache thinking about my fan.

What if I do not understand the configuration of the spinning fan at all. What if it is a collection of waggling points, the ends of long strings stretching endlessly into the distance. What if the spinning fan is the side of these strings rather than the end points. Now I am confused.

I have a really difficult time understanding time! Time, light, matter, gyroscopic movement, location and spin are all very mysterious concepts. How should I put them together to make sense of my cosmos? Do I give up, or do I think about it, persevere until I have some answers? What would you do?

What I am trying to convey is that we don't really know that much about the properties light and its environment matter. We begin our analysis by making assumptions. We see ourselves as still and enveloped in light. We don't sense our own movement as a collection of material entities akin, but not the same as light. We think of ourselves as complete objects and not collections of very tiny objects that we know very little about. We have little idea about the associations between the material we are made of, which incidently is not dust, but dust it seems like sometimes.

As I am throwing my rock, I may experience a breeze coming from my spinning fan. The breeze gives me something to work against so that I may need to expend energy other than that needed just to throw my rock, otherwise my rock will not hit its target.

Our existence is intricately linked to light and water, heat and motion. These properties are complexly interwoven in the fabric of our cosmos in ways that we are just beginning to understand, or are we? How many false trails will it now take to get us on the pathes of real discovery. I do not know, but that is the risky world of science in which we now must engage or risk wasting our existence in ignorance no more elevated than our ancestral predecessors.

Our science tells us that light is photons, particle and wave forms of energy, but also organized by fields, which we don't see and time which we cannot really measure and which seems to bend back on itself.

If you can imagine that time does not exist and light is standing still, you are capable of imagining my Wuh Lax of 50 AD. Not all people can, but those that can experience a trip and adventures that are amazing in their dimensions.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!