Tuesday 11 March 2008

Losing weight and regaining strength - A Physical Art

Very recently, I have been losing weight, and while many people around me are sick or cold vulnerable I have never felt better. The physical art of losing weight is not a simple art. I don't assume responsibility for any of the consequences of the exercises or steps shown below. You do them at your own risk, but if you are already reasonably healthy, they will probably help you further your goes of weight loss and strength building, and possibly your sex life, as well. It has taken me many years to figure out some of the rudiments of these physical arts, and I will share them free, gratis, with you. But you do the things at your own risk and use your judgment wisely as you may not be ready if you have an existing physical problem or weakness that is lurking below the surface. Get a health checkup first, if you need one:
  1. Your weight is a very physical matter that has a mental origin. To lose weight permanently, you need to significantly alter your tastes and preferences for your tastes away from what is sweet to what is savoury. Not only do you have to like sweet less, but you have to like savoury more. This is a real challenge for most people, especially people like me who are addicted to carbohydrates and consume loads of beverages. In order to lose weight permanently, you need to address the mental processes that unconsciously direct your appetite towards sweetness. The way I did this was to come off sweeteners, cold turkey! For several days, you are uncomfortable drinking coffee and tea without anything sweet to trigger that part of your brain the like sweet stuff. Eventually, you will begin to like the savoury taste of coffee, the taste that was always there, but that you probably covered with sweetener or sugar stuff. Don't even use honey for sweetening your drinks, just get used to the savour taste of your beverage and you will be surprised that it becomes enjoyable and eventually your preference. If you succumb to sweetener by lying to yourself that you are doing yourself a favour or rewarding yourself, you are probably not going to lose weight. It is as simple as that.
  2. The second physical art that comes with weight loss is that of maintaining or building up muscle mass. You don't want to be too muscular, and you want some muscles or fleshy parts to perform as if they are muscular, such as the penis, or vagina. You can build up the muscle mass of your limbs through the lifting of hand or other weights while maintaining your balance. One thing that you should remember when lifting weights is to eat a little protein, a little water and stretch first in order that your body can both feed, fluid and prepare itself for your muscle building. Afterwards, you should again eat a little protein, drink a little water, and stretch a little. I say a little, but you can increase the amounts over time gradually as you see actual progress. The lifting of weights helps strengthen your muscles, but do it gradually. What I have found is that it does matter, in the case of hand weights, which direction the weights are pointing. Each direction: forward, sideways, up, down, backwards, at an angle, etc. will tend to strengthen a slightly different part of your muscle structure. When I lift hand weights, I sometimes hear a clicking sound at the elbow. Often if I adjust the direction the weights are pointing, I can reduce the clicking sound. Use you judgment as to how many times you lift, but you should realize that just holding a weight can have a strengthening effect, especially the further away from your body, you hold the weights. Now, as regards strengthening the penis, men need to massage the top end of the penis closest to the boddy until it is less than floppy. By causing the dangly part to flop around it breaks tiny blood vessels that in most men heal into stronger penis sacks for the carriage of blood. Men can often increase the length of their penis by several inches over a period of a month with persistence. In the case of women, I am not going to make comment as I don't know.
  3. Calorie reduction with modest exercise such as walking two miles each day will not only help you lose weight, but increase the chances that you will live longer. The walking is very important, but before and after you walk, you should eat a little protein, drink a little water, and stretch. This is only for people who are already in reasonable health. What you do is stop drinking milk as your only beverage for cereals and hot drinks. If your doctor advises it, you could switch entirely over to a soy milk-like beverage for coffee and tea. You will probably not want to move over totally, and a mix of soy and cows milk may not be all that bad for you. If you think that you have a cancer risk then seek advice from your doctor. Soy has estrogen that may or may not be good for you in largish amounts. As alternatives you may wish to try rice, oat or hemp milk. The next step is to work yourself away from wheat and flours. I have come off wheat cold turkey because it aggravates my digestive system. By not eating wheat and products with any wheat flour in them, I have been able to reduce my calorie intake significantly. You must judge for yourself how far you can go, but if you are serious about losing weight then by not eating anything containing processed flour, you are probably doing yourself a favour. Eat vegetables and fruits instead. Lastly, consume a small amount of wine or alcoholic beverage as an occasional treat. Remember that if you don't want to feed yourself with estrogen, you probably need to avoid beer altogether, especially if you have a breast cancer risk where estrogen is implicated.

Disclaimer to the above: The advice above is for healthy people only seeking to improve their health. Consult your specialists. You need to read what I say with a grain of salt. I could be wrong in your case. There are so many varieties of vulnerability to any methods of weight loss that I cannot assume responsibility in your case, only my own. All I can say is that I feel better myself and you should treat what I says as you would treat an old wives tale, with great suspicion. I am still waiting for those warts to disappear completely.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!