Tuesday 18 March 2008

The Economics of Spherical or Round Homes


What on crazy earth is AW Lake thinking about now? Spherical homes! What on earth is a spherical home? Is it a yurt? Well no! It isn't.

1. May be more suitable for overcrowded areas
Well, I am not quite sure, but to give you an idea you can visit 'This is London' where the designer Martin Manpuch is well on the way to popularizing such homes as a solution to overcrowding in the London, England region.

2. May be more suitable in windy areas
My curiosity is raised by the resemblance of some homes in Asia, and the Pacific to homes in early Britain, and to homes in Africa. These are round homes and have their very modern counterpart in design efforts. Perhaps they can withstand hurricanes better and may be more suitable on islands or the Florida coast line where there are harsh winds. New construction technologies are emerging.

3. May be more suitable in damp areas
A sphere with a water proof base would obviously have advantages in wet areas. build a home like a tree with roots that go down deep. Lift the home off the ground using the concrete post in the center that offers a way up and down as well as supports the center of the structure.

4. May withstand earthquakes better
The idea of a dome structure seems safer and stronger in earthquakes. The dome that floats or spherical home that floats would survive as the ground sand turned fluid.

5. May be more environmental friendly
A round house reduces the area that loses heat. Try the mathematics. See examples at energy shows.

6. May be more fun to live in
Geodesic domes are a very real possibility. Think of all the ways that homes could be designed. One could even have a slide to get out of the spherical home that no-one could use as an entrance. Kids would love the new atmosphere.

7. May be more economic to build
A dome uses less material to build. It has to do with technology of circles and spheres as in the case of building super tankers. Do the mathematics and see. Round houses served the British community for millenia.

8. May help to reduce unemployment in industrial countries
By building more round houses, we can help create new employment opportunites for design and construction technologies. These new technologies can embody the latest discoveries for environmentally friendly construction.

9. May use technologies intensively and lead to new technologies
There is an interesting possibility of building your spherical home underground. You would need to watch out for roots, but you could let the trees grow and you could pipe in light. There is the possibility of new materials and design. At the very base of the sphere one could have a ballast to hold it in place!

10. May be easier to use in friendly community design efforts
There is a desire of people and communities to return to round house designs and people will fight to see the technology is implemented. What we have is a failure of commercial follow up because the craftsmen are not trained to think in the round. We could perhaps think of designs coming from China where round houses in communities are very successful.

11. May build home owner pride more effectively
Round homes are certainly the preference for those that have the money. They tend to have space and other outdoor living room areas that the home owner can beautify while contributing to the environment planning trees and creating a canopy effect for birds and small animals.

12. May allow personalities more expression
There is something about a round house that is inviting. Its not correct to say that such houses are not possible because there aren't that many around. Would that people demanded more round houses and thought of ways to put their personality into the dwellings that they owned.

13. May use new materials and lead to innovation of new building techniques
This link to experimental design in England does not suggest something very modern, but designs of round houses have improved a lot. What the round house did accomplish were eco-friendly goals and these beat most modern rectangular house hands down.

14. May be easier on the eyes
From very ancient times, our ancestors knew the beauty of round circles and communities of different types of round houses have survived for millenia.

15. May be more energy efficient.
The newer designs for round houses are obviously more energy efficient.

16. May be more robot friendly
Robots can negotiate a round house by going round in circles. They don't get caught in corners! Does that mean that round houses will be the future. What do you think?

17. May be more user friendly
What are round house like to live in? They do fetch a good price because of their rarity.

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