Tuesday, 21 October 2008

The World's Greatest Challenge is that of Changing Decades Old Habits of Energy Use

We are all user's of energy and we have fixed habits in the way we use energy. This is our greatest challenge, our natural reluctance to alter the amounts and ways we use energy. We have not even accepted yet that we need to change our energy habits. Many newly elected governments are not yet pulling their weight as regards telling the truth to their electorate. Statesmen, like Stephan Dion of Canada, who tried to tell the Canadian people as it is, can be laughed out of a serious role in political circles where they could be extremely value because they see the very real need to alter our habits even if it is costly. We cannot avoid the costs and we need to educate people that these costs are coming down the track, and if we don't the costs will make our present recession seem like a vacation, a play day.

Europe took many decades to set its habits in a somewhat energy saving mode, but North America is decades behind and still unwilling to see the facts staring at them. The very real facts that their economies need to move in very different energy producing and consuming directions. Instead we have insincere people leading what has become a multi-ring circus of dishonest game playing about energy. There is such a lack of consensus in North America about what to do and how to go about it.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Stop Your Negative Thinking Now

A consequence of the stresses on the world financial and economic systems that we see all around us is the rise of negative thinking. What many don't realize is that the financial patterns that we are presently seeing have been evident for some long time. They are not something negative, but a new pattern that is positive. The earlier pattern of inflation of excessive spending and spiralling house prices was actually the negative pattern. That is now ended in the US and thank goodness for that! Talk about living in a dreamworld!

The collapse of that pattern and its replacement with a process of necessary correction is a positive thing and will help the younger generation realize that things do not come as easily as they have been led to believe. This reassertion of the real values of our universe, is a wonderful expression of its ultimate vitality. What we were seeing was market-led injustice. What we are now seeing is a necessary realignment of values.

The fact that America watched Asia have its crisis in 1997 and did little to change its own ways are an important lesson for all of us. The Asian crisis was in reality an American led dollar crisis, and we can now all see that. That is a very positive step to Americans realizing that they are not the creme de la creme, but a part of the whole, and a declining part of that whole. Now as we watch other peoples realign, we will see more clearly the mistakes of the Bush administration, the lack of understanding by Bill Clinton of the economics of his success.

We see more clearly that all sides were most definitely wrong, and we see that it is now necessary to keep inflation of all kinds down otherwise we risk a rise of the second stage of depression which is anger and intolerance. I myself, sleep much more soundly now that the crisis is over for the crisis was what went on before and not what is going on now. Sure the world is in pain, but it could be in so much more pain down the road, should the old patterns of profligate spending not been arrested.

Now is the time to embrace the message that Obama is stating, and that is one of social justice. This does not mean that Obama got the pattern right. He most definitely did not as the McCain people so clearly show. No one in America has the right now to point the finger. All were within a destructive process that leadership at the FED failed to recognize and act upon.

We are suffered from a lack of direction on the part of the US monetary authorities, who go it wrong and should have known better! Lets hope they can end this scourge of inflation while we invest in a new energy paradigm that is self sustainable and based on what flows from the sun rather than what happens to come from the ground, or from inside the molecule.

The Pain of the Straight Line

Those who know me will understand when I say that the anathema of modern civilization is its obsession with the straight line. For me, the straight line is associated with the rise of Roman thinking, an obsession with directness and a failing to understand other forms of line.

As the straight line was absorbed into the world as a dominant form with the suppression of other forms, civilization began the road down to evisceration and self destruction. For me the straight line is so closely attached to death that it is synonymous with dying and self elimination.

We are impoverished by the dominance of the straight line and when ever we add curves we are enriched. Why is that? Why do so much of us live linear lives? Why are so many of us impoverished by the straight line. You may not know what I mean, but then you are on the straight line of your life and if you remain on it you are approaching, well whatever! Put a mirror in front of yourself and ask whether you see any straight lines. Your life is based on nature making curves, so why are you so obsessed with the straight line.

Why is the Roman logic of linearity captivating your soul. Consider, is the straight line evil, or painful, or dangerous, of hurtful? I ask you to add a curve or two and to start to live more universally. Get off the straight road and breath life. See the other patterns out there. Forget the straight lines and see the beauty of the curve. Allow yourself to be inspired by the charm of indirectness, captivated by the novelty that is contained in curves. Be yourself as you can be. Live your life more eternally. Don't die on the straight line.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

My Auntie is One Hundred Years Old

As of October 15, 2008, I have it on good information that my English auntie is one hundred years old. Time to celebrate! Good luck and congratulations, Auntie Stella!

The Challenge of Economic Adjustment and What to Expect

For a simplistic explanation read my comment!

Explanations of the present worldwide financial crisis are not so clear as to the adjustment process. Was has happened is the United States and many other countries have over invested in their respective domestic housing markets. This was made possible by lax lending practices which did not adequately take into account what borrowers could afford throughout their borrowing period.

Obviously, to make the financial equations balance either peoples' incomes have to rise, or they have to pay out so much of their current incomes for their mortgages that they can afford little else, or they have to receive further loans at concessional rates, or they have to rent out part of their homes, or they have to sell their homes.

To mitigate the overall problems, governments have decided that they will help out by making available more money at concessional rates so that more people can hang on to their homes. What happens in reality is that people try to make ends meet by getting better paying jobs, by getting second jobs, by working longer hours, by divorcing and selling their homes, by declaring bankruptcy, etc.

In some communities, banks have allowed people to remain in their homes but become shareholders. This seems like a reasonably good solution since the debt of the bank is no longer a purely bad debt, but an asset of lower yield, i.e. lower profit. The problem is that the banks have sold on their loans to other entities who are not in a position to dictate the terms of shareholding in the housing market. Indeed in buying the 'housing' paper, speculative buyers, which means banks wishing to convey at the time to others they were in the 'profitable' housing market, leveraged themselves into a crisis. But, what if the original lenders were required to buy back all their housing loans that did not perform! At least then there would be some accountability.

The impact of over-investment in the housing market, which is a long term market, is probably over investment in almost every other market, especially the longer term markets, such as vehicles and all what fills new houses, such as furniture. What this means is that the value or prices of the product of these over invested markets will decline. Those that have over invested will probably under invest as a precautionary rule. This means that the recovery out of this period of over investment could take a very considerable period.

Meanwhile governments will try by various means to soften the impact of recession. If they soften too much people will continue to over invest and a correction to sustainable investment will not happen. That is the problem of low interest rates and easy money. It encourages over investment and pushes against correction to sustainable spending and investment.

Perhaps, if governments focused on redirecting the economies towards CO2 saving industries where there is now under investment, we might just be spared the repeat of over investment.

Monday, 6 October 2008

My Political Leadership Wish List

If the last few weeks of turmoil and bubble bursting have taught us anything, it is that economic, financial and political policies of communities and governments do matter. The failings of the leadership of Blaire, Brown, Harper and Bush are now very apparent. The most obvious fact is that they need to seriously re-read the histories of their own countries to understand what they did wrong. Perhaps, they should also take courses in ethics. This is so they don't embarass us when they write their memoires.

I don't think they should write autobiographies or memoires until they really understand how serious their failings were for the three countries they led or continue to lead. They should pay particular attention to the interwar period and try to understand the way things work in desperate societies and why they now have contributed or continue to contribute to the creation of a world environment that is poised for religious, social and then nationalistic warfare. In my view, they do not understand the sources/causes of war. This is why they really need to go back to school so that they can see the extensive damage that they have done.

Of the present candidates for leadership of the free world my present preference is for Dion (Canada), Obama (USA) and Cameron (UK). What strikes me about these candidates is their honesty, sobriety and genuine ethical approach. What worries and worried me most about the Blaire, Brown, Bush and Turner leaderships was their dishonesty. It seems/seemed as if they are/were caught up in a world that they do/did not really understand.

I am particularly distraught about the contradiction inherent in the right wing religious community of USA, which espouses the minimalization of government while promoting ideologies that promote the intrusion of government into everyday life and freedom of choice. They say governments should be reduced, but want governments to expand and then behave as though they are religious communities at war furthering obvious religious goals, such as have to do with reducing the influence and freedom of genuine scientific research while supporting rearmament, disengagement, warfare, prohibitions and ever more dangerous weaponry. By preventing the normal evolution of positive and open value development, they foster an ever more dangerous hidden criminality of mentality. Though they don't bless it, they undoubtedly do lead to its increased likelihood. By supporting gun ownership, they increase the role of government in defending people's rights and a growth of governments and related agencies focused on security and control. They see people being shot in the streets with guns that people should not own. They don't mind gun ownership and they let the fear mentality of gun ownership to dominate the mores of American society. In effect, they bring the old west mentality into an otherwise ethical modern society where it can do serious damage.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Starbucks Coffee Shop - Blueberry Bar

Since I don't eat wheat, it was a shock for me to see Starbucks in Ontario selling donuts with their coffee. It seems that Canadians cannot get away from their favourite food fifth column.

If you don't think that donuts are bad for you, perhaps you are a bit of a carb addict yourself. In any event, I enjoy the Starbucks blueberry bar, and when I don't see it on display, I do ask for it and have not been disappointed in Ontario, yet! So far, I have not detected any digestive problems associates with any wheat lurking within the bars. I do believe that blueberries are cancer fighters, and that oats are good for your heart. The coffee contains caffiene, which helps keep me alert, but I think it dries me out a bit, so I also like a glass of cranberry juice with my meals.

A Personal Review of Tim Horton's Coffee and Donut Shops

This morning, I tried very hard to find something at Tim Hortons that I could enjoy because it would not make me either sick or uncomfortable. Most of the products at Hortons make me ill because my body cannot tolerate the wheat that seems to be in everything they sell! I think all this wheat in the form of white stuff is bad for one's health.

My choice was coffee with two milk and one sugar, plus a side of hash brown potatoe. I find the coffee at Hortons fairly acidic so the double milk was intended to offset that. I was risking wheat being with the potatoe, but thought it might be worth the risk.

Everything went sour when I noticed the 'chef' touching my hash browns with her fingers. I did not order germs, so was a bit put out. The coffee was tolerable and it really did give me an energy rush for my bike ride. I left the hash browns because its not a good idea to eat food that others have touched with their fingers.

By all means have your coffee break, but I would do a cycle around Tim Hortons to a place where the coffee is better tasting, has more aroma, and seems fuller. As for the finger work. Who asked for that!

Incidently, I tend to prefer Starbucks coffee, which is better from filler, taste and aroma aspects, and I find less acidic. The oceans have too much acid so why do I need it also (a stupid non-sequitor!).

Monday, 29 September 2008

What Leveraging Really Means to the Average Person

Excessive leveraging is what the Reserve Requirements of a Central Bank are supposed to limit. Obviously, there has been a big failure to communicate and inflation of house prices and stocks over the Bush period has been rampant. Without adequate Reserve Requirements throughout banking systems the US and UK will continue to create too much credit, and their currencies will weaken unless there is real economic growth, which is not likely in this holding period of adjustment.

Obviously, banks need to exact adequate reserve requirements (deposits, lower multiples of loans over income, percentage of income paying for interest and loans, etc.) from customers or they will fold like the economic system is folding right now. If your present loans are more than three times your salary, you should cut back spending or liquidate shares (i.e. loans to companies) to pay your loans down, no matter what the favourable interest rate, dividend percent or capital gain expected. That is prudence and not recklessness as has been common over the Bush administration period.

The problem is that more credit has been created over the last decade than what combined incomes can cover with interest payments. To get back to order, people need to sell assets, such as stocks and shares, houses, and liquidate deposits paying off their debts or as much interest as will keep the creditors happy (pretty high now!).

When this does not happen the debts become bad debts and the banks have to declare that they have bad debts. If everyone has bad debts at the same time, the assets that the bank is using to recover bad debts such as repossessed objects and homes fall in value because everyone is selling stuff at the same time.

When the Fed helps the banks it does not mean that the bad debts disappear, but that the fall in asset values is more orderly over time as sales of assets progress. Prices of stocks and shares, houses, and other assets will continue downwards until the full correction point has been reached.

For the average person, this means that the sale of a property that cannot be financed can to be delayed on a downward moving market. The problem is that people will race to sell while the market is on the upper end of its downward slide. Furthermore, people will delay acquisition of assets on a market moving downward because they prefer the higher valuation. There is consequently no easy solution, just the mathematics of human and market behaviour.

We do not know what the full correction point is, but one can be suspicious that the leveraging went forward some seven years beyond reason. So perhaps values of the past seven years adjusted for some small growth in value would appear to be about right. Not very nice, but more stable than continuing to live with the fear of a rush to sell rather than more certain modest growth in value! The appropriate correction period is the next nine months not years from now as the bad bailout dynamics might induce. Laws and money cannot really buy US banks out of stupidity, just time so that they can become smarter investors in people and assets.


Each morning, I have been in the habit of taking my bike for a ride to Lake Huron and along the coast. The past week has been amazing. Temperatures were around 70 degrees fahrenheit, and there was just a slight breeze.

The sun broke through the leaves of the tall oaks splitting a hundred times within the woods to create a dazzling array of little lights and many shades of green. Acorns fell spontanously and seemingly dangerously from lofty branches a hundred feet overhead, smashing with a hard cachunk on the pathway and anyone or anything below.

I love to watch chipmunks, and these were really having a wonderful time, very excited by the warmth of the day and full of fun.

The Numbness That CNN Coverage of the Credit Crisis Brings to One

I have yet to decide whether it is the way that CNN covers the news or the news itself. Either way the CNN news and coverage of the attempts by Congress, the Fed, the President and the others to 'save the American main/high street and Wall Street' leave me quite numb.

The bottom line to me seems to be that leveraging of debt by all entities in the US and UK economies reached record levels growing alarmingly throughout the Bush administration period. What is clear is that nominal incomes of individuals and companies are insufficient to meet the requirements for interest payments and that the leveraging is collapsing everywhere like a deck of cards. One is quite foolish to think that such a collapse can be paid for by further leveraging by the US congress.

The fact is that the US and UK economies are now so highly geared up that a big crash in confidence will follow in October 2008. During the remainder of 2008, the result of this excess has got to be pressure on interest rates otherwise the result will be inflation during 2009, further job losses and unions pressing wage demands.

What could happen is all out war within society for what remains of income streams after the best creditors have had their share.

Can we really believe that the lenders in Asia will want to lend to dollar holders?

Friday, 26 September 2008

Finally Hope of Ending the US Economic Depression

My take on the credit crunch and the failures of US banks and banks that had bought into the speculative excesses of the financial markets is as follows:

Dance in the streets. Why? Because we are witnessing the unravelling of a monster misguided and misdirected economy that was leading nowhere but greater uncertainty. Based on bad economics and technology, the US economy was a disaster waiting to happen. It has to happen so that we can see the US economy rebuild itself, just as it will rebuild the twin towers, but rebuild on a sound financial and energy basis. We may be seeing the shock that will lead to sounder economics and financing and better energy technologies moving away from those that are based on oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy. Hopefully, we won't see nuclear plant shipped around the world in big lead boxes!

Go Green. Why? Because we have the opportunity to end the conflict with Russia and get rid of those insane Bush energy and war causing policies that are driving us into further war. We need to develop vehicles based on electric engines that will completely remove the need for oil from the middle east and reduce the pollution that is poisoning our children's future. GM is on the roght track with its strong battery technologies. We need to buy into the new technologies quickly and adopt solar, wind and water based turbines for the home that can produce the electricity that will drive our motor bikes and small vehicles. Give the middle east a break and go green.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Saving Energy Resources

In an ideal world, we could reduce the energy costs of moving ourselves and the objects that we use or consume by doing less moving and consuming.
  1. We eat too much. Reduce our food consumption and we can make big savings.
  2. We commute too far. Reduce the commute to and from work by say working at home more, we can reduce family costs and company costs, and reduce travel accidents.
  3. We don't get enough exercise and recreation. By cycling more and locating in places that are more suitable for living, we can greatly improve our health and reduce the costs of the health services. Less time mixing with others in a commute reduces the opportunity for down times resulting from the spreading of disease. By not commuting, we would save time that could be used in recreation.
  4. We bypass bad places. If we located closer to where we had a real interest in the environment, we would not bypass the bad places of our environment. We would see them and we would want to clean them up because they are near where we occupy space.

Commuting to Work Electronically

Before companies go willy nilly locating in foreign places to reduce their costs, they should ask whether they are located in the right place locally. By reducing the costs of commuting for their employees, companies can alter the family economics of their employees. One way that companies can alter the economics of the credit crunch is to think about helping their employees ride the credit storm. This does nothing to alter the physical costs of commuting and the wasted energy of driving to and from work.

There are a growing number of technologies that firms can now use that would allow employees to work from their homes or from places closer to home. We have seen how the Nintendo Wii allows a child to manipulate an image on a screen by moving an controller up and down. It would seem that there is now technology sufficient to allow people to carry out actions robotically even though they might not be located in the work place. For example, a person could move things in a central location even though they are located remotely. By visually be able to see things electronically at a distance they can set in motion processes that are controlled at a distance. The economics of this is improving steadily.

Reducing Wasted Energy Resources by Relocation of Firms

After watching the mass destruction of homes in the hurricane allies of world, we should consider assisting those living in these areas to move to safer locations and the businesses located in these areas to be ones that are more suited to a harsh environment.

People want to locate near to where they work and earn a living. It seems ridiculous for industries to locate in regions that are very likely to be swamped by sea water.

While there is a housing and credit crisis, it might be appropriate for authorities to encourage firms to locate in safe areas and design bases of industry that get the mathematics of commuting closer to what employees need as compared to what employers need.

What happens frequently is that the employees of a firm have to bear the 'hidden' costs of commuting and damage by nature when these costs could be reduced significantly by a better choice of location by the employer.

To get the employer to pay up, one needs to ask that employers cover a significant portion of commuting and home insurance costs of their employees.

Do firms consider the costs that their employees must bear to work at the location the employer chooses for locating the work place?

A Proposal to Tax Commuter Travel

My proposal is that employers pay a significant proportion of the costs of their employees moving to and from work each day. I think that this tax would alter the way employers view commuting time.

A variant on my tax proposal is that the distance of each persons commute to and from work be provided to the local municipality and the municipality be able to charge people for using the roads going to and from work. This would help recover some of the economic cost of people using fuel on the roads as they commute to and from work.

The benefit of the tax if sufficiently punitive would be to alter the way that people think of their environment. If you lived closer to where you work, you would think more about improving that area of the community to make it more pleasant. As it now stands, people will drive past slums and think nothing about how to improve the lot of the people living in those slums. This is at the root of inequalities within our environment.

We wonder why people live in bad areas, and we know that it is because they are poor. The problem is that skilled people bypass the poor areas and bypass improving the lot of people they could be helping. They bypass because they commute to work. If one reduces commuting, one forces people to think more about average neighbourhoods and give incentives of people in neighbourhoods to improve them because they must endure them all the time.

A World at the Cross Roads

Habit persistence is a known phenomenon. It governs what economists refer to as the consumption function, which is a mathematical representation of our behaviour. Even if we move away temporarily from what we thinks good, correct and right, we tend to ratchet back to earlier patterns of behaviour.

Fundamental changes in the way we do things come not from within ourselves but from the environment around us that force us or lead us to new behaviour. If the environment were like us, and predisposed the way we are to copy cat behaviours and to habit persistence, then we would be in a stable equilibrium world. Fact is our environment changes and we change as a response to our environment. Only difficulty is that our environment is not moving in the direction of change that it should be moving in. This means that we are having to adapt to a world that is full of hidden dangers that our weakness in choosing appropriate technologies have created.

There is a way that we can have some control over our behaviour and that is through making the correct technological decisions that eventually feed back into our environment. I am of the opinion that technological innovation and thus our behaviours have been stifled by the inability of human beings as a sufficiently large group to make the correct technological decisions. This means that societies tend to persist in their bad behaviours and it becomes extremely difficult for individuals of societies to move towards improved behaviours.

The world is at a technological crossroad. We are being offered the opportunity to redirect change towards good and wholesome technologies. I have no faith in the process because those people who define the most appropriate directions are being ignored or vilified while those that ratchet us back to habitual and bad behaviours are almost worshiped as saviours. It does not take a very high intelligence to understand that we need to move towards an enormous restructuring of our between work and home habitat travel.

We have technologies that could reduce travel between work and home, but we are persisting in continuing the twice daily mass movement of bodies to and from locations that are in many cases enormous, but in most cases could be greatly reduced.

What if a limit were imposed that forced people to live close to work if their physical bodies were needed at the workplace? What if employers were required to pay for peoples' travel costs to and from work? That would force a big change on our wasting of resources travelling between home and work.

Ok! My proposal is that a law be passed that requires employers to pay one third of the cost of peoples' commute to and from work each day.

The Importance of Linkages Between Financial and Real Markets

It is sometimes easy for those in the financial world earning salaries in excess of one million pounds sterling to forget crucial linkages that define the success or failure of specific issues of financial instruments, whatever their role. These linkages are bridges between the real and financial economies. It seems that in the current credit crisis, many financial managers have forgotten that the main goal of a central bank is to ensure that inflation is kept in check. This role almost certainly ensures that incomes are also kept in check and with that the profitability of companies. It means that actual financial income growth correlates very closely with non inflationary growth in the real sector. The bottom line is that real incomes need to grow if finacial incomes are to grow and if financial incomes get out of line with real incomes a correction is almost certainly going to happen.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Oil, Gas, Coal, and Nuclear Interests are Special Interests

Sometimes, we need reminders of what these special energy interests are about! There are systems by which large polluting firms create toxic waste, such as CO2 gas and yet still escape the full costs and consequences for other forms of toxic waste and sickness creating by-products of their activities.

We should question the political processes of the wood, oil, gas, coal, and nuclear industries, those energy producers that have amassed enormous wealth over the last century. In each case, the effect of these industries has been energy, but also an enormous amount of pollution and toxic waste. It has taken these industries several generations to accept that they are major cost creators in the form of negative externalities that the public has to bear and the 'free' market does nothing to address. If a large portion of the past profits of these energy producers had been set aside for the damage they have caused our environment and the health of humanity, we would be a much safer, healthier and cleaner world. Instead, we are being pushed into a new generation of side-stepping the real costs of these energy forms.

At one time, earth had a surplus of wood resources .... no longer. Where there once were forests, we now have vast open areas that require huge amounts of fertilizers to sustain agricultural production. The fertilizers and pesticides seep into our water and we get polluted water and people get sick. Who pays for the bad water and the sickness from fertilizers and pesticides. We do! And, who mostly gets the profits from production using these technologies; farmers, retailers, and big business. But, who pays for clean water and sorts out the health issues from pollution of the environment. We do... not big business! Who has to clean up the filth in lakes and streams?

Big business produces products that are intensively energy using and pollution creating. Economic growth is based on a partial view of what it takes to live comfortably. The partial view does not take into account the human costs arising in the form of disease and pollution. We have seen what tobacco has done to the health of people, and we assessed that responsibility, but we still produce tobacco and the health costs of human disease arising from tobacco use continues. Yes! The commercial markets may be free, but they are not accountable, and they do not account for the total costs to communities of the products bought and sold.

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Taxation and Who Directs Development of Energy Resources?

Smart Taxes

People curl up like babies when they hear the word taxation, and that is because of a frequent misuse of taxation power to pork belly projects with business as usual objectives. Taxation, however, is an important instrument for redirecting an economy towards smart objectives and away from waste and corruption. We all see waste in government spending when it is not directed towards goals that favour our objectives. That is why big energy business attacks taxation because their objectives are not those of the ordinary man, which is a decent job and secure future.

Their only goal is to use the existing technology wherever they can and they don't engage in redirecting effort into shared science and better technologies. That would be competitive suicide. Only taxes and publicly funded research redirects the science towards better technologies. Witness how the big energy companies have ignored and continue to play down solar power while they can reap more profit from gas, oil and coal. Yes, they need to be taxed more heavily and their customers made to pay the 'real cost and price of buying their toxic products.

When big businesses come into an economy from outside the last thing on their mind is how to treat working people fairly and promote the objectives of working people. Instead they are gold rushers trying to pick the big nuggets without responsibility for whom ever they employ to do it. They have a strong 'army' of lawyers and business school graduates who asset strip and hunt out opportunities for easy riches, then figure out how to make a clean break. They are the modern aggressors against decency and sharing. They preach self help when they mean to help themselves, and their philosophy ends with I. The word we is not part of their limited vocabulary. Our goals are not their goals because they mean to take all our dignity away from us.

Smart taxes limit the powers of many big businesses, but these operators know about the weakest link which is the power they have to make and break a community. They come in and change the complexion of a community till it is not recognizable, siphon off the best resources and then leave with wealth having no qualms that they are the only game in town. They may even point to the losses they have to endure after they have pulled their resources out. Meanwhile, those that follow and feed off big businesses scape around for whatever is left and make do.

Not Smart Taxes

One of the major surprises of my generation is the major support of public gambling institutions which are used as forms of tax gathering. Such taxes can put leadership in the hands of those with suspicious objectives and sap those who have addiction problems and are unable in the normal way to think through appropriately the mathematics of risk.

I have studied the effects of new technology on economies for many years. Believe me when I say that one of our greatest problems may be the remarkable and unreasonable profits that the oil and gas companies have made over the past years.

Conservatives support wise taxation

At one time in the late 1970's, I worked for a major bank in the UK and the then Prime Minister Maggy Thatcher decided to tax the excessive profits of the high street banks. This was a wise move on the part of a very Conservative leader, so its not just 'liberals' that think of taxation. Taxation is a tool of the people to redirect resources towards goals and objectives where they are needed and away from resource wasters such as, and we are all guilty of this perhaps:
  • big cars
  • private jets
  • private fuel-powered boats

What we need for leadership are statesmen that are out from under the influence of those energy practices that have been excessive and toxic. These statesmen will think of taxation as a tool for redirecting economies away from toxic practices and technologies towards clean practices and technologies.

Friday, 5 September 2008

Climate Modification Through the Wrong Energy Approach


If we don't address the problem of energy use appropriately, we will create a more temperate climate in which we experience the extremes of temperature much greater than at present.

Crunchonomics and the Future World Economy

Crunchonomics is the title of an editorial in the July 19 issue of The NewScientist and refers to the difficulties created by the US economists of the US banking sector that produced the present credit crunch and resulting economic misery around the world.

The US economists are at it again. They are producing a new economic crisis on top of the existing one. We are about to experience a second round of crunchonomics, and one that will be even more painful for everyone than the current crisis and world economic depression.

I call it a depression because it is like a hurricane and not a tropical storm. The next depression to move around the world could be a category 4 or higher. Why do I say this? What is the basis of this surprising statement?

Well, I make this statement because as I watched the National Republican Party Convention in Minnesota go through the rounds of launching the Republican campaign based on bad economic principles and notions of how to get the US economy moving forward. Their prescriptions for the energy sector should get every one's alarm bells ringing.

Mr. Lieberman's back stabbing of the Democrats and McCain's lack of understanding of basic economics suggests that we have a huge population in the US who will buy into very outdated and really bad ideas. Do you want an example?

Well, let me say that a solution to the earth's energy crisis will not come by lowering the price of oil, gas and coal. My how those promoting the exploitation of the economics of these resources were in your face all convention long.

The people who control these resources stand to make billions in economies of scale resulting from doing stuff which is hardly novel. They stand to gain a windfall profit out of know technology, basically doing bugger all other than reusing rehashed techniques for getting oil offshore and out of 'nature reserves'. Do we really want these resources and the fumes from the toxic wastes of these materials to pollute the world's environment?

I say that if they succeed hang on for a really bad depression. We have seen nothing yet, and the next disaster these 'boys' can create will topple anything we have seen to date. Roll on the next killing field of choosing a bad economic and technical solution.

What is my solution?

In my view, the way to avoid a monster depression in 2013-18, is to have a spend our way out of the current depression by creating new energy technologies based on the use of solar, wave, hydro, and wind resources, planting hardwood forests, and growing algae for fuel from CO2 spewing out of energy plants around the world.

We need to spend, spend, spend while we tax, tax, tax. By intelligent spending and taxation, we can steer the world economy away from oil, nuclear, gas and coal methods towards solar, wind, and wave. The taxes are need to balance the budget of spending to develop the new solar and wind technologies rapidly. Lets get our depression right now and avoid the monster republican depression of the next decade. Have these outdated American Republican ideas not already done enough damage to the world economy?

The items we need to tax are uses of gas, oil, coal, and nuclear energy. Put these sources of energy out of business and build our economies on a safer energy foundation that puts solar energy first.

We also must tax the loss of heat from homes by assessing heat pollution for every home that is in a cold climate.

We need to cool our world down even more than it is likely to be cooled. Our goal needs to be a friendly climate rather than an unfriendly climate.


We need to spend to create need synergies in energy technologies, plant hard wood trees, encourage farmers to create more shade by subsidizing natural shade creating environmental efforts. We need to tax ourselves away from gas, oil, coal, and nuclear energy methods and toxic waste products that these technologies create.

Large Trees, Economies of Scale and the Environment

Its difficult to imagine a more pleasant site than a forest of large trees beside a lake teaming with fish and wild life. In my mind, I am especially drawn to an oak or maple forest of large trees beside a lake. The deer, moose, bears and other wildlife roam freely within their natural enironment and enjoy the bounty of what nature in its methods has sustained. Where do humans fit in? How can we retain this world of beauty and strength while creating our own exciting world of man-made structures, sports, and good fun?

For a start, we have to understand the economies of scale built into the natural world, especially the forests of large trees. These economies are storage economies. We can use large trees, the very tall oaks and forests of big trees to store energy coming from the sun. Whenever we store the suns energy this frees us to use some energy from the earth without destroying the delicate balance of total heat on earth. The problem is that if we use too much of the earth's stored energy, as in the case of nuclear energy, gas, coal or oil energy, we create heat greater than the heat the earth can tolerate.

We see the destructive power of sunlight on the earth's atmosphere. We don't want to add to the destruction by creating too much heat from what is already on earth. If we do, we will overheat he planet. We not only create more heat, but we release lots and lots of toxic substances into our atmosphere beyond what the earth's present ecosystems can tolerate. This results in premature deaths of species of living organisms, and perhaps the premature death of humanity. So, we must wake up and see the potential for damage to our precious world.

For the most part, the earth is protected from cosmic rays and the sun's rays by an atmospheric shield. When that shield is weakened as with a solar storm, cancerous mutations and genetic mutations can result as excessive radiation is absorbed into the flesh of living creatures, plants, animals, and other forms of life. Owing to scaling technologies, humans can destroy the shield and life itself, or make it unrecognizable through mistakes, errors and abuses.

Life on earth is sustained by a steady inflow of heat and light from the sun and cosmic rays. We can, but should not add to this inflow. Presently, we are adding heat to the earth at an alarming rate increasing exponentially. If this continues, life on earth will not be nearly as bountiful as it has been, and we could end all life but the most heat resistant forms.

Managing Beaver and Economies Within the Energy Availability Equations

I come from Canada.

Canada owes its successful past to the capturing and use of its vast resources living in or under forests and lakes. All these resources can be tapped and used by means of technologies that understand and embody the results of economies of scale. In pioneering times, the settlers noticed that beaver were using the forest to create artificial lakes. The pioneers mistakenly killed off the beaver and used their pelts for hats and pouches for gun powder.

Hudson Bay economics

The ancient Lake family, namesakes, who managed the Hudson Bay Company, a firm created to kill off the beaver for their hides for over a century, were responsible for much of this. Fact is that our very own ancestors were pretty damn ignorant of the effect that they were having on the long term prospects for natural life in Canada. Not so the beaver, Canada's greatest resource, but now lost! Well almost!

Beaver technology, profit, and economies of Scale

The beaver were very smart and exploited an technological principle of economies of scale. The beaver realized that they could create a most hospitable environment by means of dams located brilliantly at key points in their environment. Beaver are and were smart, full stop. They are and were industrious, and we can learn a lot about energy use, sustenance and creation from them. The beaver outlasted many prehistoric creatures by creating a wonderful environment which the settlers to Canada have managed to destroy, very effectively destroy.

Dead or dying towns across Canada

I say this as a Canadian raised in a sawmill wood furniture factory and fishing town that no longer has any sawmills, or furniture factories, and almost no fishing. The process of eliminating the furniture and saw milling industry and producing unemployment is an economic process that the neoclassical economic theories do nothing to explain.

Economic growth in my home town killed the golden goose. That is, it killed the main sources of employment in the town which were its lumber, furniture and fishing businesses. Hell! What went wrong? What went right? Somehow fishing was restored, albeit on a more limited basis, but only just restored!

Bad economics destroys economies and natural environments

The real mistake of people in the pioneering environment was that they were out for themselves and did not understand the long term implications of their actions. They were good people, but the effect they had on the world of their own children was destructive of resources and potential through economies of scale built into the natural environment, misunderstood and eliminated by settlers through ignorance. This bad process continues unabated throughout and across Canada, even accelerating in its destructiveness.

The stupidity of all this is that the perpetrators of this misdeed don't even know what they have left behind as a depleted legacy. There is no natural guide in the human brain to explain bad economics. When people form groups they copycat bad and destructive behaviour without knowing that what they are doing is fundamentally misfitting within their natural environment. The natives watched this process and still do, helpless in their struggle to get the 'white' man to understand the bad ideas running through 'his' brain.

It could be very different with just a small amount of real thought.

Creative Economies of scale
Climate Disequilibrium
and New Energy Resources

Our understanding of economic forces is still very limited

In most economics courses, one will be taught, whether directly or indirectly, that resources cannot be created. They can be discovered, but not created. The inability of an economy to create resources is an assumption that is worth thinking about. Is it wrong, or is there something mysterious about economics remaining to be discovered? Lets rephrase the issue a little. Mining can discover new resources for an economy, but these resources were always there. Researching people, the geologists, miners, and others find mineral and other resources within an economy, but these resources are already present within that economy.

Standard economics fails on the test of being logical

The creation of resources out of non-resources, in fact, happens all the time, but it is not within the standard economics framework. Hold on! The non-resources are already present in the economy, so they must be resources. Everything within an economy must be a resource if one is to be consistent. There does not exist a non-resource within an economy. Perhaps, but this is confusing?

Our problem with economics and economic analysis is that it is inconsistent in fundamental ways. It once was that economic thought followed the mistaken notion that equilibrium is brought about by market forces. Not so! In my view, market forces have very little to do with equilibrium. One is more likely to find disequilibrium arising from fundamentals of economics, and much of this has to do with the creation of resources within economies. The creation of resources is the much neglected force within economies misunderstood for the most part by economic theory, especially neoclassical theory.

The economic notion of free markets producing equilibrium is myth

Market forces enable exchange using money, but rarely enable a steady state of equilibrium, except as short run phenomena. The reason is because of new resources being discovered, used, or created within an economy, and new resources coming from outside the economy, both give the world an economic reality of disequilibrium, if only because of birth and death realities. The fact is that the greatest resource and economy contains are its individual people, and individual people are not a constant resource. The abilities of people are constantly being improved or weakened, waxing or waning because of learning, discovery and health. Most economic models do not capture the processes of human and technical resource creation and destruction going on all the time.

Energy resources must be made, created or discovered through advanced technology

Surprisingly the most advanced technology on earth is natural and consists of photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis we would be dead. There are economies of scale to be tapped using photosynthesis as the engine of energy creation and storage. This natural technology can save the earth from the disequilibrium produced by the bad economic theories of neoclassical economics, those theories that believe in steady state equilibrium and which are totally off the mark, just plain bad economics!

For a start, economies of scale predispose economies towards disequilibrium. No economic model with economies of scale will produce a lasting stable equilibrium. Its just not in the mathematics, and yet most technologies embody economies of scale and most profits of economies are due to economies of scale. The neoclassical economic theories that neglected this or ignored this produced bad results, gross misunderstanding and wasted everyone's time in cloud coocoo land.

A sensible economic of energy assumes that energy can be captured, created and stored with the benefit of economies of scale. These economies mean that there is more than enough potential for the earth to supply the energy needs of everyone to come. The problem with the dynamics of economies of scale are that it will lead to disequilibrium in the earth's climate. The economies of scale of energy creation and storage must, absolutely must, be understood and managed.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Creating Less Toxic Futures
Meeting the Energy Gap Safely
Your Survival Requires Thought

What I would like to see is the energy business focused on energy directly or indirectly streaming from the sun rather than being focused on releasing stored energy directly from earth or matter that is earth bound.

I could have entitled this blog, "Why the Proposals of America's Republican Party to meet the US Energy Gap are Misdirected." When a nation is addicted to power, or engaged in an energy feeding frenzy, it is not likely to pay much attention to the cries of pain inflicted on future generations because we have released toxic gases, harmful nuclear radiation, and dangerous particles into our earthly vulnerable world. We don't really need to create so much toxic stuff. Does the earth have to resembly the aftershock of a mining operation, a series of nuclear bomb, garbage heap or waste dump?

What are our leaders thinking? The Republican approach to energy use to make America stronger will lead to higher taxes from new cancers and toxicities. Poisoning America! Is that what we really want.

Do leaders not see the disease they are spreading by such use of toxic materials? Do we have to turn earth into a garbage heap and nuclear waste dumpsite? The answer is no, we don't.

However, do not expect the free market to guide earthlings to a less toxic earth. We all know that companies want profit and do not account for externalities, the external costs, of toxic by-products.

Look around you. Do you feel safe putting all those chemicals on your lawns, which really do cause more cancers in men and women! We live in an epidemic of new cancer creating substances and effects. Pesticides and new chemical entities really do result in cancers and premature deaths. Do you as a Christian, Muslim, scientist, or just citizen really want to run such risks for your children and your own future.

Earthlings seem to be the creators of toxicity. We have cancer on the increase directly linked to our use of toxic approaches to energy.

Using earth's energy => increasing the incidence of cancer arising from toxic waste and chemicals of high toxicity => premature death to children and many people from cancer and allergies due to a worsened toxicity of our environment => higher taxes everywhere to pay for health care and solutions to being poisoned by our increasingly unhealthy environment.

When market mechanisms such as market prices do not provide sufficient guidence to wise choices for energy, few economists will swim against the stream and advise a different direction based on science and logic rather than faith in economic indicators. As consumers it is up to us to refuse to use energy that results in toxic waste. To be realistic, we have to be proactively involved in slowing down such efforts and speeding up efforts to use the sun's energy directly. This is the wise course of action. It will actually cost less in currency that is accountable because the toxic effects of other uses do not apply proper accounting for externality costs arising from toxic effects and cancers arising from toxicity.

When people are likely to pursue goals that put self before community, or man-made before natural, or short term profit before long term profit, there is little the 'small' man can do to pursue effective community, conservationist, or social service.

Being excluded from the decisions that will make our earth less habitable is unfortunately 'our future'. Those that take on the role of raising the challenge of taking a more difficult road will be marginalized because human nature and society does not work that way. More the pity!

We can, however, at this stage say in a blog such as this one, that the direction those loyal to traditional values will take us is going to be very painful for future generations. It is too much to expact that we will be believed.

What in the hell do you mean, Arthur?

My concern is that we as a species on earth do not have the capacity to shape our commuinity's long term destiny for the good. This is true even if we were able to somehow see the golden path that would lead to less misery and suffering. What I would like to see is the energy business focused on energy directly or indirectly streaming from the sun rather than releasing more stored energy directly from earth or that is earth bound.

Some say that the 'free' market is sufficient guide to a resolution of humity's problems. We know, however, that this is not the case and that what frequently results is immiserization growth, creatively destructive growth, and a hugely skewed distribution of wealth towards a minority of people. Such is the prospect of people making economic choices between alternatives that have only accounting mathematics and physical science as their basis.

We know that power in the political sphere is heavily skewed towards the energy producing businesses. Is it surprising then that the influence of such businesses in advertising and promotions by influence peddling and control over media will lead to people hearing and choosing among the alternatives of those with the greatest vested interest?

In America, we have long endured the presidency of George Bush of Texas, a man heavily vested in oil and gas. We are being lead to vote for a woman, Governor Palin from Alaska, whose vested interests are in the energy oil gas sector. All I am hearing is the proposals for releasing more energy stored on earth and very little about the energy streaming in from the sun.

If we master the use of energy streaming in from the sun, we on earth can get a control over our environment and can actually improve on it.

In contrast, if we use energy already on earth and not part of the energy streaming towards earth, we will destroy the earth by adding to the heat coming from the sun.

What's more we will ultimately pay more for our energy use.

My proposal is that we intensify our use of energy arriving in the forms of sunlight, wind, waterfalls, waves, currents, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, geisers and natural heat pumps. By making these forms of energy available, we do not release so much of the toxic gases into our atmosphere.

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Global Warming! What is the Real Threat?
Solution is sunlight? Find Out Here!

For me, the fact and processes of Global Warming are no brainers. Global warming has to do with the earth's close relationship with the sun and indeed with our own relationship to the sun and our use of the sun's energy. Simply put, as a result of our world economic growth and the history of economic development emphasizing cheap energy through oil and gas, we humans are not using enough of the sun's energy and we are using too much of the energy already stored on earth.

The earth is getting hotter by the hour and with good reason. A child could do the math! Firstly, the earth gets warmer from two main sources, the sun's energy in the form of sunlight heats the earth, and secondly, the earth gives up stored energy, when humans destore and use the energy already on earth. People destore energy when they use it as when they drive a car that is not fueled directly by the sun.

While energy is being stored in plants and other storage forms, it is less likely to produce heat, or might one say, unlikely to produce heat. Well we can't do much about the energy that is streaming in from the sun, which we know follows several cycles of repeating regularity. We know about agricultural and industrial cycles related to sun spots because of the data flows from records of our historical agricultural production. The process has been well documented.

We know that there are times that the sun's energy streaming to earth wanes quite apart from the 11/22 year regular sun spot cycles. There are thus waves within waves of the sun's production of heat streaming to earth. This heat affects our economies directly, but we still are not taking advantage of it sufficiently. Our sun using technologies are not developed enough and we are backward in terms of our economic growth based on sunlight energy.

If we are to get a handle on global warming we need to separate in the numbers the heat that is streaming in from the sun from that which we are creating by using energy already stored on earth, such as wood, gas and oil. By using sunlight directly to power our earthly activity and by storing the sun's energy, we have a hope of altering the key things in the negative global warming equation.

The no brainer is to realize that if people consume more and more of the energy that is already stored on earth that this will produce more and more heat. Using energy by destoring it produces heat. The more earthlings do, the more heat we will produce.

Global heat = heat from the sun(we can't do much about) + heat from the earth (we need to be more proactive about our net use and storage of energy coming from the earth)

Global Heat = Using energy coming from the earth + Using energy coming from the sun - Storing energy coming from the sun - Storing energy coming from the earth.

The idea that there is global warming should not be seen as an article of faith. It is stupid to say that one believes that there is global warming. A little bit of brain use identifies that there is bound to be global warming, if only because we have more people on earth using energy.

No! Global warming is happening because of economic growth based on the world using energy coming from the earth and its a no brainer! What one does about it is, however where we can really use our brains. To slow down global warming we need to alter the equation between use and storage of energy on earth substituting this with greater use of heat and energy coming from the sun.

We need to do this by a mix of public and private enterprise. If homo sapiens is going to survive, then the 'sapiens' part of the brain better start working and yesterday. Why? The easy reason is that we will not reduce our rate of use of energy without much much greater use of our ingenuity. Left on its own the human being will use more and more energy stored on the earth, such as available through fission or fusion reactors.

The only real effective method of reducing our consumption of energy stored on earth is to raise the price of that energy artificially so as to get technologists and commercial shifts towards energy coming from the sun. I have not mentioned the atom or the fusion reactor because such using such energy is still use of energy stored on earth that will definitely contribute to global warming.

Unfortunately, those programs that are trying to use energy from the sun such as by growing fuel crops on soil where there are already plants storing energy, do so by releasing the already stored energy and so there is not much net gain other than to reduce the price of using energy stored on earth, which we don't want to do. The real trick is to grow crops on desert where we have sunlight that is heating up our planet and not being stored in any way. In fact unstored sunlight can become trapped in the earth's atmosphere and interfere with the earth's normal 'cooling down' process, such is the CO2 gas effect.

In summary, the real threat is by way of using energy that is stored on earth and not by storing or by using enough of the energy coming from the sun. In my view, the real threat is in people not being sun oriented in their use of energy. For example, drying clothes on a clothes line uses heat from the sun instead of heat stored and generated from the earth.

By orienting ourselves more to the balance between sources and uses of energy from the earth and the sun, people on earth can survive.

If we were to use the sun to power our cars, we would reduce global warming. If we use hydrogen or atomic energy to power our cars we increase global warming so hydrogen and atomic energy is not the long term solution.

Conversion of the deserts to sustainable plant life would be a solution. For this we need water and we could use hydrogen energy to transport water to the deserts eventually altering the climate of deserts. Desalination technologies used in deserts and powered by the sun would help us use photosynthesis to store the energy coming from the sun.

Plant and nuture an oak to save a thousand lives!

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Having the Time of Your Life

In this note, I am thinking about the close relationship between observation and time. In quantum physics, when one observes something one collapses the wave function for that something and it exists as a visual entity that one observes. The time that it takes to view something is associated with the speed of light. In the world I experience logically, the frames of reference are fundamentaly different from what everyone else uses.

In my world, light does not move and because light does not move, the ray of light experienced in seeing something occurs as the motion away from the something that is observed. As one expands along with everything else, a space for light created by the motion of matter is occupied by light.

You might think that this is a very strange way to think of reality, and when set alongside your own view of reality, I suspect that you do not really understand mine.

What I would like to emphasize is that in my world the motion of matter is relative to matter, but also relative to the lack of motion of light. I live in another paradigm in which rather than the sun being at the center of my universe, it is just another entity that is relative to a constant and stable source.

What I am thinking also is that light is pivotal, and occupies a space of four dimensions. Light pivots our own four dimensional space and loses one dimension that it has in common with our own. We can never see the whole of light, but only a vector in time.

The beauty if light is that its relationship to the dimension of time is locked in with or shared with that of matter.

If you even get close to understanding what I am saying send me a message.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Multi-dimensional Light Physics - A New Paradigm?

If my blog is not updated as frequently, its because I am writing my new book Wuh Lax and the Lost King. I am now working on the details of the 'new multi-dimensional' physics of light, which I will include in this next installment of the Wuh Lax series of books. This will be a revolutionary view of physics and lead the world of science into a new paradigm based on a three plus world and set of dimensions of light tangential to our physical fermionic universe.

It continues the overlay onto the time of 50 AD except that Wuh acquires new tools and powers of extraordinary nature that mankind even today cannot begin to fathom because of being trapped in a fermionic world. This is what the cosmic lantern is all about. That is it is a doorway into the very real world of light, which I believe exists beyond the veil.

My main theme is that light travels through light, and does not obey the exclusion principle that fermionic or normal matter obeys. The main idea is that light as a particle is rather like water, but within its own three dimensions. It occupies an additional space not confined to our fermionic material space. (The puzzle for physicists has been that light travels through a vacuum, but in my theory light travels through itself just as a water particle travels through water.) Light has waves and has a solid character and its universe is expanding as well. Light is interesting because it is not confined by time and can go backwards or forwards in our time to deposit people's souls in the past or the future.

This morning, I had an experience of one of my clocks actually moving in a counterclockwise fashion with great purpose and strength. Most uncanny! I think that it was a message from the other side.

We cannot see the three dimensions of light, but just a point of light and through special tests derive that light is a wave. Light does not need to move, but we do, and we move, id est, expand at the speed of light and our world expands universally at an ever increasing rate of expansion . Every particle of light is tangential to our material space. The world of light is material just like the world of matter is material. Its just that the light world is build up of additional invisible particles that don't exist in our material world, even though they might occasionally appear. The exclusion principle allows particles to pop in and out of existence within nano seconds.

I believe that when we die, our souls return to the 'material' world of light, which when we enter we cannot distinguish from our own material world. In this world of light there are all sorts of things we are familiar with, especially intelligence and values. The building blocks of the world of light create in that world objects that seem solid like in our fermionic world, and instead of electrons obeying laws of nature, we find photons obeying laws of 'light nature.' There is thus structure and physical laws rather like what we see in our natural universe.

In my view, God is present in the universe of light. Read my first book on Wuh Lax and the Cosmic Lantern available from www.amazon.co.uk.

In my new book, Wuh Lax and his chosen group like Culli, will follow a program of learning to educate them in the properties of this world that are applicable to the fermionic 'material' world. On their return to our world, as cause and effects, dreams, ghosts and reincarnated people, they will engage themselves in righting many of the wrongs committed against people and our universe. This is God's way of bringing about a greater multi-world balance. The problem is that they are learning and mistakes are made all the time until they start to get it right. Just like me!

Ho hum! The 'College of Light' .... Rules!

Monday, 7 July 2008

Fumbling the Future - Why Sound Energy Policy Involves Coordination of Effort

If you are living in Ontario and listen to CBC radio, you probably just heard a radio program that describes the insanity of local wind farms wanting to ship energy but being unable because of the lack of transmission lines in key energy production locations.

Please, I say, please don't let me hear this sort of lack of coordination. As a consumer, and former analyst of the energy sector, I simply do not understand how such a situation can arise. Its madness when we are all at the mercy of terrorist sabotage of our energy sector.

I don't understand it. Do you?

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Stream Energy

If you investigate Stream Energy or any of the energy sales companies be aware of how energy marketing schemes can affect your pocket.

When signing a contract, you lose a degree of freedom that you may not want to lose when the crunch comes, so move very carefully when signing any contracts for energy.

The Links to Our Own Inner World

Obviously, we know what our world is like in broad visible terms. We see up, down, across, around, and so on in three dimensions. What we perhaps do not grasp is the location of our past and our future, which I claim co-exist. This co-existence of past and future enable the grand cycles of cosmic realities, the world of material, the world of spirit, and the development and experiences of the individual soul. This means that the soul does not die despite what we see as the evident deterioration of our physical selves.

The question is why?

My intuition is that very powerful fields link all the pasts of the universes with all the futures. What we experience as life is a passage across one set of links. Possibly, what we are is light, leptonic light, and it is light travelling so to speak the darkness of our massive, truly massive, world.

Its not that light is moving, but that everything is already there. The light which 'is' the individual soul is exploring a past, present and future that already exists in its fullest form.

The world is so massive that we have no way of comprehending its size.

We think in terms of dimensions, but dimensions are truly the limits of our understanding. Dimensions are the barriers to our observations, the walls to our prison which we call reality.

Out of this understanding, we can draw many intuitive conclusions:
  1. We are as it were on islands of awareness in a vast sea of possibilities, so enormous we cannot imagine.
  2. We can repeat our lives and re-experience our family associations, and can explore a multitude of the many forms of existence, awareness, possible.
  3. Our inner light is exploring our potential realities and can follow many paths of experience in the process.
  4. Some of us will repeat a joyful life experience many many times in order to understand it and to enjoy it.
  5. BY living true to our inner God, we can build outer and inner realities that give us joy eternally, being saved of the pains of being lost in the vastness of possibilities.
  6. The architect of our world has intelligence beyond anything imaginable and so we cannot begin to understand the framework of our repeated realities.
  7. Our sense of God is within us individually. God is not something outside our reality, but is within our world though we may not try to recognize the existence of God within us.
  8. Our denial of God leads to our choosing of pathways of experience that put us into 'realities' that stress the soul beyond anything we can imagine, and even to the point where it is lost down a meaningless series of cycles ending up as a very partial entity.
  9. The meaning of life comes from our potentially very active sense of a single God within our psyche and our constant communication with the inner self that we experience in living.
Thus, in my intuitive Wuh Lax physical world, we have a wonderful reality. My next steps are to see whether the foundations of such a world really do exist.

How Wuh Lax Physics Helps Build the Bridges of Understanding Our Post-Modern Reality

The readers might bear with me a little as I explore with them, the the direction my intuitions guide me about what we are missing in our present interpretations of physical reality as seen through big bang physics and quantum physics.

As some will realize, my starting position with Wuh Lax physics is the notion that light is not moving, but we are. Not only are we exploding outward somewhat as the surface of a balloon expands when it is filled with air, but every part of our world is expanding, and those parts where matter is concentrated are experiencing the more alarming rates of expansion. In a relative sense, the laws of physics hold, but they do so for different reasons than interpreted by conventional physics.

What I see is the reality of all the past and the future existing simultaneously as a single multifaceted entity with a multitude of streams of information linking a multitude of bifurcating realms of reality.

The other aspect of this reinterpretation of physics is that the quantum reality and 'normal' reality are indeed connected through strings, or what I would regard as streams of force. We travel as individuals through a massive reality experiencing only the one that our inner pysche selects. All other exterior realities co-exist, but are not experienced without the cooperation of the 'field' that is our subconscious self.

We are unaware of our inner person except through our dreams. Our inner person nevertheless processes information at amazing speeds well beyond what our integrative consciousness is capable. We are thus governed by an awareness within oursleves of which we are rarely aware.

The Illusive Bridge Between Our Inner and Outer Selves

One of our post-modern challenges is to try to build the elusive bridge(s) between science and mythology in (a) way(s), that are acceptable to the scientific mind as well as the intuitive mind. It is possible, but must be carried out with delicate forbearance.

As the part of us governed by fermionic material reality explodes into nothingness, and as we lose the ability to grasp the totality of our external cosmic existence, we, nevertheless, retain our inner cosmos. Within ourselves, we contain the totality of the past while outside ourselves we also observe the totality of the past. There is need to build a bridge between the two worlds of observation. The outer sequence of events has a rationality that we relate to by way of science and scientific knowledge. The inner sequence of events, our past, is also a reality, but one that we relate to not by means of reason, but by means of intuition and artistic impression.

We are composite beings that have inner and outer vision. When we see inside ourselves we do so with less precision and we associate such vision with inspiration and symbolism. What we may fail to recognize is the continuation of all our experiences in life within the inner realms of our reality. This is because our past energies are impressed within us and within the amazing world of the very small. The very small is our past, not only in a cosmic sense, but in a measurable and definable scientific sense.

Our only problem is that while science has concentrated its efforts in the logic of our exterior world, it has neglected the vast interior realms within which we have a storehouse of information and forces yet to be discovered and explored. This is part of the message of quantum physics, but it is also the message of our ancestors, who can communicate with us only from within and never from our exterior.

What we do is project our inner reality onto our external plane of experience. We do this through the sighting of ghosts and through the experience of dreams.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Wuh Lax Primar

Dissonance, Rationality and the Search for Meaning

At Sunday lunch, I was engaged in a heated discussion about 'truth'. Across the table, my friend stated that truth exists. My position, a very unpopular one, is that we each have a sense of the truth, but no one truth exists.


This is the argument that has often been put to me. Arthur, what you say is only your opinion, and nothing more than your opinion. Everyone has an opinion and your opinion is just one of many opinions out there. Live with it! You have only an opinion.


Well! What can one say to that? My thinking is that somehow I know better than the average person and thus my opinion is worth more in finding out the truth. My experience is of remembering that I was right when almost everyone else was wrong. No! I remember most often when I was right, when everyone else was wrong. My opinion does not seem to me to be worth just one view. But, then I have to think deeply about this and about the way society makes its determination of what is the best or what is the truth.

In our democratic elections, we have a system of one vote per person. We see this as a fair system, and it meets our basic requirement for fairness, that of equality.

Political process and opinions

In society, your opinion starts out as just one among many, but if you are elected to a political position because of the democratic process of one vote per person, then your views, all of them, are not just one of many, but one with a premium, a higher status. The higher status is accorded from your being an elected person, a chosen one.

The opinions of elected people is most often deemed of greater worth than the opinions of individuals as individuals. In a sense, the elected person is a hero, and you may realize that heroes tend to be worshiped. The greater the majority in votes going to the elected person, the more that person is likely to be seen as a hero. Out of the election of heroes, we achieve a peace of mind. By having a hero leading us, and making decisions for us, we sense a closer association with what we see as the truth.


It is subtly assumed that the hero is closer to the truth than any individual. However, there is a contrary view that we hold because we know that we search for the ideal of equality. We know that the hero is just one of us and that the opinion of the hero is no better than any one of us. Within our mind, there is a dissonance between the mathematics of equality and the process of electing a hero to make our decisions for us.


Because of the dissonance in our mental calculations, we have the further process of rationalizing. Very quickly, we attach all sorts of reasons for the hero to be 'the one', who is closer to the truth and the one to lead us. We say, for example, that the person is more gifted. By such rationalizations, we move away from our notions of equality to our reasoning that the world of equality is not where its at. We make an inner assumption that the world is basically unequal, and that the world needs heroes, those that can make decisions for us.

Inequality and the Bell Curve of Opinions

The political process just one of many ways that we 'elect' our heroes to represent us. While still pushing the idea of equality, we introduce something statistical, such as the bell curve and say that in society there are those that are at the top end of the bell curve and those people are closer to the truth and will make better decisions for us. Very often, we do not examine the bell curve notion very deeply, but just assume that it is passed on from generation to generation through some genetics inherited by those we assume to be further along the top end of the bell curve.

So it is that societies making decisions move away from one person one opinion in order to get at some notion of the truth. In the electoral process of choosing a hero, we move away from fairness to reason and rationality, but in the process we can lose something. We can disassociate ourselves from the process of ever possessing the truth. By disassociating ourselves from the process of possessing the truth, we may also stop seeking the truth. Our society may stop searching for what is real and truthful. It may replace the notion of searching for truth with the process of searching for the hero.

The Search for Meaning

When we have our heroes make our decisions for us and seek the truth for us, we lose the meaning of truth. We assume that others have that meaning and that our reality has that meaning because they have that meaning. In reality, our heroes give us something that comes from outside us and we thereafter seek to suppress our inner dissonance with it in order to be loyal members of society. In reality, we suppress our understanding of the truth until the next opportunity to vote. If we do not seek the truth, our vote becomes a popularity contest for the election of a hero who can take us further and further away from the truth.

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Carl Jung and Gender Issues as Introduced by David Tacey

If you have not already done so, you might take a walk to your nearest bookstore and pick up a copy of David Tacey's book How to Read Jung. Alternatively, you can spend years not really understanding Carl Jung as I did. What Tacey does is remarkable, almost as remarkable as the books by Jung himself. I heard Tacey, an Australian, explain his understandings of Carl Jung recently on Canadian radio in an interview.

Reading Tacey's book led me to reexamine the form and nature of my own reality and fantasies, quite appropriate as I develop plots within my own Wuh Lax book series further over the next few months.

What a student of 20th century history puzzles over is the question why Christian societies produced such monsters as Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. Carl Jung explains this as a failing in Christianity. About two years ago, I was asked the same question by a Jew of the persecution by Christians of Jews throughout history. It is not an easy question to answer. Is there something seriously absent in Christianity that those professing top be Christian perpetrate such serious crimes against humanity and neighbours.

We take an untenable position if we think that it is just Christianity that seems to be missing essential ingredients. Only two days ago, a young man from Plymouth was placing a bomb in a restaurant in Exeter, Devon, England. A recent convert to Islam, the young man was evidently missing something in his religion.

It seems to me that what Carl Jung wrote on the subject of our dark side is relevant to our understanding the nature of our future world and our being able to cope with the forces that are present in the human psyche, if only poorly understood. In trying to be scientific, our modern science logic is missing something as serious as what is missing in Christianity. It has to do with human creativity and the expression of our dark side.

As with many things, our nature individually has a lot to do with our sex, our gender. Jung shows how gender affects our perceptions, particularly those that occur below our consciousness. It is a feature of modern society that we are being told to get in touch with our other side. If we are a male, this means getting in touch with our feminine side. What Carl Jung suggests is that the extent to which we are male or female is only a matter of degree. The problem comes when we as humans do not recognize that we are both male and female at the same time. If we assume that we are only one of these two sexes, we hide the other from conscious view. Many of us do not ever see the alternative or dual component of our sexual makeup.

On a very large scale, the Christian and Muslim religions have strayed in their understanding of what we are sexually, and this absence is the mainspring of the missing component in these religions. In both Islam and Christianity, when we have lost the feminine part of our nature, the nature of every member of our religions, we have lost the truth behind these religions and enter a world of fantasy that leaves us groundless in creating the balance that society in any historical period demands. As a result, the vast majority of people in Christian and Muslim societies have be out of balance and tipping toward insanity. Not everyone, only those who have lost touch with both sexual sides of their being!

If you are one of those people who have lost touch, it is not too late to recognize that you are made up of two sexes and you need to give expression of both in your personality. Only by giving expression to both sides of your sex will you achieve balance. In a later blog, I may explain the nightmares that might result if you ignore both sexes of your nature. Alternatively, you might begin by reading Tacey's book and buy a few of the precious gems written by Carl Jung, 'the non-scientist who knew more than science'.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Credit Crunch Spin

Well the spin artists are at work to explain why the economists failed to foresee and prevent the present worldwide credit crunch. The fact is that any idiot could see what was coming and it does not take an economist to add house prices, energy prices, and interest costs into an inflation index that actually measures the cost of living. People were told inflation was low when it was raging at unprecedented levels. Does the modern economist not know what inflation is? Nor Brown, nor Greenspan! It is no excuse not to act when 'you' know how to act. Why are the spin people presently making excuses why 'you' did not act when 'you' should have acted.

Is it because of the collective greed of those wishing subconsciously for their property prices to rise and then letting them go where they should not have gone. Why does the inflation index these days not measure inflation, nor deflation?

No! The reason the credit crunch occurred was because of the inability of American and British financial authorities. A shrinkage of the financial houses away from New York and London is called for. The financial world seems unable to read history and I doubt whether many economists every studied economic history. What has happened is shameful and should never have taken place. So much for the international watchdogs and the supervisory role of the central banks. They have failed and that is all there is to it. Rather than avoiding inflation, they created it and rather than helping us, they have sown the seeds of the next war. What has happened and what is happening is positively appalling!

Mr. Soros and the Head of the European Central Bank! We owe them a debt of gratitude for seeing through the clouds and surrounding fogs of London, San Francisco, and New York.

Redesigning Towns and Removing the Automobile

You guessed it! The automobile has to go, away, far away, zap! But, what do we do for an encore?

My suggestion is that we build trains again, but ones that can go around corners with shorter carriages and more modular in design to fit in almost anywhere, and to run on electricity. We can rethink our town centers to make them castles of commercial and social activity. By so doing, we will acknowledge that the world of the automobile is a dead duck!

With the present automobile, our problem is the need for petrol/gas and plenty of parking space. Big shopping centers tend to be on the outskirts of population areas rather than in the town centers, which as a result die from lack of patronage. Our challenge with cars is backup space, as with any port. Think of a city center as a port, or port of call. What it needs is arrival and departure areas that feed into the rest of the commercial community as well as providing the system for getting people to and from home, or to and from work.

These days, we tend to think of efficiency in terms of fast travel, but we forget efficiency in terms of getting people to points where they would like to be. If we were to redesign our towns around the community station, we would really be able to get into a more efficient class of design for our travel systems. By building trains that can go almost anywhere we can replace the motor vehicle almost completely while saving money and energy in the longer term. Even if our trains were to run on roads, we could start the process of change our concept of what a train is to build around light-weight curvilinear rather than heavy-weight rectilinear design.

During the next twenty five years we need to redesign our transport systems for small communities and create commercial castles around the ports of arrival and departure. If we think of new designs for small train stations surrounded by activities that people can get to easily by foot after travelling by rail, we can begin to chip away at the dominance of the motor car in our collective preference functions.

To do any engineering redesign on the scale I have in mind would require that we let go our aging love for the automobile. Honestly, the car is not where it should be at. We can invent an automobile heaven and recycle our gas/petrol guzzling vehicles into efficient clean electrical transporters of a myriad of future designs. Face it, the age of gas and petrol is not where its at. We need to think ahead and build for the future by redesigning our town centers and our trains.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!