Wednesday 28 May 2008

The Links to Our Own Inner World

Obviously, we know what our world is like in broad visible terms. We see up, down, across, around, and so on in three dimensions. What we perhaps do not grasp is the location of our past and our future, which I claim co-exist. This co-existence of past and future enable the grand cycles of cosmic realities, the world of material, the world of spirit, and the development and experiences of the individual soul. This means that the soul does not die despite what we see as the evident deterioration of our physical selves.

The question is why?

My intuition is that very powerful fields link all the pasts of the universes with all the futures. What we experience as life is a passage across one set of links. Possibly, what we are is light, leptonic light, and it is light travelling so to speak the darkness of our massive, truly massive, world.

Its not that light is moving, but that everything is already there. The light which 'is' the individual soul is exploring a past, present and future that already exists in its fullest form.

The world is so massive that we have no way of comprehending its size.

We think in terms of dimensions, but dimensions are truly the limits of our understanding. Dimensions are the barriers to our observations, the walls to our prison which we call reality.

Out of this understanding, we can draw many intuitive conclusions:
  1. We are as it were on islands of awareness in a vast sea of possibilities, so enormous we cannot imagine.
  2. We can repeat our lives and re-experience our family associations, and can explore a multitude of the many forms of existence, awareness, possible.
  3. Our inner light is exploring our potential realities and can follow many paths of experience in the process.
  4. Some of us will repeat a joyful life experience many many times in order to understand it and to enjoy it.
  5. BY living true to our inner God, we can build outer and inner realities that give us joy eternally, being saved of the pains of being lost in the vastness of possibilities.
  6. The architect of our world has intelligence beyond anything imaginable and so we cannot begin to understand the framework of our repeated realities.
  7. Our sense of God is within us individually. God is not something outside our reality, but is within our world though we may not try to recognize the existence of God within us.
  8. Our denial of God leads to our choosing of pathways of experience that put us into 'realities' that stress the soul beyond anything we can imagine, and even to the point where it is lost down a meaningless series of cycles ending up as a very partial entity.
  9. The meaning of life comes from our potentially very active sense of a single God within our psyche and our constant communication with the inner self that we experience in living.
Thus, in my intuitive Wuh Lax physical world, we have a wonderful reality. My next steps are to see whether the foundations of such a world really do exist.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!