Sunday 25 May 2014

BBC News - Vladimir Putin condemns Prince Charles's 'Nazi' remarks

Putin is a terrible liar. 

Charles said stuff that showed Putin's true colours. 

The dictator just filled in the blanks because he psychologically forgot he had been a Stasi member.  

Charles imputation was just that a hint of what Putin was thinking. 

Putin fell into the trap, "Me thinks that man doth protest too much!' 

Yes, Putin intends to damage the Ukraine just like he damaged Russia, only worse. 

Better prepare for a fight...

The importance of naught:

It had the biggest head you ever saw. A great enormous thing, - like nothing. A huge big -- well, like a -- I don't know -- like an enormous big nothing.  A.A. Milne, "Winnie The Pooh"

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

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