Wednesday 6 November 2013

Russell Brand: we deserve more from our democratic system | Russell Brand | Comment is free | The Guardian

All the frustrations of Russell Brand are real issues and society ignores them at its peril. 

The approach used in USA and UK to resolve the mismatch between the interest / principal terms housing loans made and incomes of borrowers was wrong as is permitting banks to continue the mismatch on their books while they expand further maturity mismatch. 

In the end, incomes won't be enough because the economy ain't growing to pay for the original debt and house prices aren't yet adjusted to levels that are affordable. 

There's a mismatch between demand and supply for housing, but it's mainly because of expectations of further house price increases based on credit expansion. 

Well guess what!  The greed of politicians ain't changing and the root of the next world war will be the same as the last, namely that housing is not affordable because of too rapid credit expansion and maturity mismatch between banks home and depositors savings in banks what's left of them. 

Bypassing building societies with banks and the stock market ain't going to work either, because it has nothing to do with the real problem and its solution. Capitalism given free reign on housing leads to wars. period.

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