Saturday 26 October 2013

Commercial Cronyism abounds in Canadian Federal Government Inaction with Regard to the Health of Canadians. This is the Worst Form of Control of Government by Commercial Concerns.

Our patience is strained to the limit as we bust a gut in frustration. Hardly anything the Prime Minister's Cabinet and Harper do these days has ordinary Canadians at heart. It's all for filling the wallets of overseas concerns that put on the Canadian label and pat Canadian politicians on a job well done. 
      While per capita incomes in Canada struggle because American firms leave in droves owing to an overvalued exchange rate and oil prices unimaginably subsidised, the Conservative leadership does everything it can to frustrate even the slightest attempt to be fair, and slants its decisions in favour of huge concerns that have little to do with raising Canadian per capita incomes. This is not progressive. It is regressive. Without massive support for basic science Canada will disappear as anything other than a mining community, it's agricultural sector decimated by concerns in countries where science is taken seriously. 
     Such is a very sad day for Canadians. Harper's government no longer deserves to hold office because of its total disregard for the basic health, economic well being and happiness of Canadians of all ages all across the country. The minority that wins has scant regard for the majority that loses. While income distribution gets skewed further and further in favour of non Canadian interests, the PC's look the other direction. This is not something new, but has characterised Canadian governments for over a quarter century. The lack of real leadership is appalling.
     Rather than taking the bull by the horns Canadian government officials and the Prime Minister Harper's Office are chicken livered cowards running away from responsibility. 
     Where Canada should be leading, it is running like a sky is falling in weakling ashamed to put in the necessary government funded research and turn the wireless technology into a really safe medium. By giving totally into the telecom industry Harper has set a bad government precedent. Cowardly behaviour instead of statesmanship is totally irresponsible in the circumstances. Never again can Canadians look to politicians for leadership in the health arena where corruption abounds.
     This is beyond laziness. It is the worst form of DO NOTHING administration that cries for resolution ......

At the very least, Canadians should be researching new cellular technologies that will eliminate health risks. We have the capabilities, but not the governance. While provincial governments squander over a half billion on stupidity over renewable energy, Canadians see their medical costs and treatment needs go up and up. They stand in terror that health insurance will not be adequate because they have acquired strange cancers from sources the government has no legs to research! 

As put by Charles Darwin to Francis Galton: ' […] I have always maintained that, excepting fools, men did not differ much in intellect, only in zeal and hard work; I still think this an eminently important difference.'"

"Truth and reality, once told or experienced, is only a stranger before the first instance. One must learn to recognise one's ephemeral friends very soon. Some experience, sense and recognise both the truth and reality before it happens, while others never at all." 

"These comments apply to all people and life. You have noticed that the world is a strange place. You may be an unfortunate who is born into an area and time of tremendous strife. You may suffer pain and extreme abuse because you are being misled by those who manipulate your vulnerability as a newcomer. You arrive uninvited in this world and some one tells you there is another place even better. They tell you boldly and convincingly that you must obey certain ancient rules and inspirations from a past that cannot be verified or seen. They lead to follow other people's wishes if you wish to go to another better unseen world that they describe in generalities and flowery language. They make absurd promises of love life and riches beyond imagining if you are compliant in this world to their goals. 
      Being told you are in this world to obey and that must serve other aggressive interests is the worst form of deception.  Any one who tells you to obey unthinkingly is not to be trusted and is probably not looking after your best interest. This scam of promising a world elsewhere that is too good to be true is the oldest form of scam. It smothers individual will by making you doubt the value of your own observations. Do not be fooled. 
      Obviously, you will eventually smell a deceptive logic because you know you were placed in this world to enjoy it not as a passenger, but as a full paid-up guest. You should be treated with love and respect, given a good education free of vacuous promises concerning other worlds. You have been rewarded by being born a conscious entity in this wonderful world and must make the best of that reward, respecting others and receiving respect from them. Certainly, your arriving in this world was not to obey others as an unthinking individual, but to learn about everything you can, live well, love well, and be happy. Anything else is in the imagination of others to influence you to do things in this world that are against your nature to develop and experience this world fully in peace and health. 
     Decide for yourself what you should do by getting the best state of the art education you can get. If you must, serve others, but only temporarily recognising that service is not why you are in this world. Use your ideas, initiative and learning as a means to better yourself in this world and help others do the same. 
     Don't let scoundrels, schemers, and corrupting myth makers cloud your vision that you are innately something special and can make this world a better place. Stand firm in your resolve to live life to the full and help others do the same." 

Above as quoted by Rich Tea one morning to his friends.

Take time to be frequently optimistic and thoughtful, especially with your ephemeral friends.

Take time to think what you can do to promote peace! 

RIch Tea

Concerned about cell towers? ... 

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!