Tuesday 18 June 2013

There should be a stiff tabby cat tax!

The experts in the UK have spoken!

Guilty as charged?

Cats should be required to wear bells to alert birds of their presence! Because they are such vicious night predators cat ownership should be only by licence, night time prowling should be eliminated, and all owners must be required to install cat proof bird houses on their property! 

Eight of the lives of cats should be removed as a precaution against overpopulation!

Cats do not fit into plans to revive a struggling tweetie population?

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!