Monday 18 March 2013

Someone at NBC Is Embarrassed By Jay Leno's Latest Jokes

Talk of giving Jay an early push surfaced again because of his recent pointed jokes concerning NBC's rating performance etc. 

Leno is Leno not Leno controlled by stifling NBC oversight. That's the way we baby boom viewers like it!

Leno has always had my respect because he was not afraid to crack jokes about his bosses. Wouldn't most people like to do that and about their own bosses. 

So maybe this is an individual performance issue and Leno struck a nerve. NBC could do better, but its hard to see how the tonight show could be improved.

Personally, I really would not watch Fallon if he were moved to an earlier time to replace Leno. Would not be the first time NBC made a big mistake. 

Sketches from scratches:   

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