Thursday 28 February 2013

Are Smart Meters good for you?

Why not learn from the experience of others?

Posted: Thursday, February 28, 2013 1:00 pm

I have been a Maryland citizen for 38 years, and l love living here, working here and sharing life with my family and friends here. But I would move out of the state with nary a second thought if I am forced to have a Smart Meter in my home.

Smart Meters are bad for consumer health, safety and privacy. I grant that they can create some efficiencies and profit for the power companies, but there are only disadvantages to consumers, primarily with the electromagnetic (EMF) pollution they create.

I speak from experience about the ills of EMF radiation. Several years ago I developed a condition called electrical sensitivity. I learned from that experience how ubiquitous EMF radiation is in our homes, cars, workplaces and even parks and forests, etc. EMF pollution is a serious issue in our world today. We must do everything we can to learn more about it and help others understand the harms.

Aside from health impacts, Smart Meters constitute a serious invasion of our privacy. Some of the most intimate details of our lives will be on display for utility workers, those involved with the billing process, and for possible hackers.

Maryland House Bill 1038, a no-cost Smart Meter opt out, has been introduced by Delegate Glen Glass ( It is so very important for Maryland citizens to support this legislation so that everyone in Maryland can do all the more to protect their health, privacy and security.



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