Sunday 23 September 2012


The following message from Deb Giberson reflects her feeling concerning the placement of a cellular base tower in the forested children's park and playground near her home. Why would Bell do that! Such is the ignorance of Bell Canada concerning the hazards of data transmission by wireless. 

Canadians are shocked by the level of dictatorship that exists in their country mandataed by Harper's Conservative government. Dictatorships move very quickly to take away powers of people they profess to serve, but in fact are abusing their privileged position and stifling democracy. 

I hate Harper's ductatorial approach to the national economy, and his nationalism, militarism and creeping fascism, which is similar to that of European Fascist governments prior to the Second World War. Wake up Canada you are living under a dictoratorial government that is rapidly taking away your rights and freedoms by the hour!



Bell Mobility just installed a new cell transmission tower in the children's park in my neighbourhood in Grand Bend, and will be turning it on any day now.


Bell needs to "meet the demand" for 4G t.v. technology.


Industry Canada granted Bell an exemption from the regular approval process because Bell is replacing an old "tower" with a new "tower" that meets Health Canada safety standards.  They are, in fact, replacing an old tv reception antenna with a new industrial size cell transmission tower.


The exemption means they did not notify nearby residents, have public meetings, or obtain input from the community.  In fact, because this is a federal program, they ignored county and municipal official plans, municipal protocol requesting towers be located 300m from the nearest residential property, conservation authority regulations, provincial notifications about endangered species on our lands, covenants/restrictions on land use in my neighbourhood.  Our living environment is part of the largest remaining Oak Savana in Canada, like nearby Pinery Provincial Park, yet Bell was allowed to remove healthy trees in the middle of our forest area in order to install an industrial tower that does not belong in this area.  The tower is only 50m to the homes adjacent to the site.  It risks the health of the environment, the health of the neighbours, and has negatively impacted their properties (and property values).  No one wants to look out their window at an industrial tower.


Industry Canada, Bell Canada/Mobility, Bell's Agent, and our Board of Directors are hiding behind outdated Health Canada Safety Code 6 (SC6) standards. SC6 does not take into account long termlow level exposure to new 4G wireless technology or today's volume of use. Health Canada will not rely on available global evidence so we must demand they invest in research and update our standards.  Prove that we are safe.  Give us the right to choose to live in a wireless-free community.  With towers everywhere, where can electro-sensitive people live safely?  Where can our children, with developing brains that are susceptible to this technology, play and go to school safely?


Today's incredible healthcare expensesdue to asbestos and tobacco related illnesses should make us take precaution, or the next wave of high health costs may be due to wireless technology.  


A safer, faster and more reliable alternate method of wireless technology is fibre optics.  A local company, Hay Communications, is nearly finished installing an underground fibre optics system in our neighbourhood.  I am switching from my current tv service to Hay Communications as soon as it is available.


Neighbours fought this tower, and lost, because the majority of people were more concerned about a lawsuit with Bell Canada, than with the issues with the tower.  We are now a split community.


SO PLEASE, demand that our government protect us.  Health Canada must improve safety codes as wireless technology and volume of use have changed since the introduction of the iphone in 2007.  Industry Canada must promote fibre optics wireless technology and provide the same subsidies it currently gives to big corporations to install cheap, dangerous, wireless tower networks.


Deb Giberson

Former loyal Bell customer

September 22, 2012



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