Saturday 15 September 2012

Eastwood: Someone Doesn't Do Their Job, Let Them Go | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

View from the right, but is it not a tiny bit hero worshipping. I really like Eastwood as entertainment, but he has a very limited can do perspective. Compared to Jane Fonda and Terry the lolly pop, whom I also admire, I am prepared to say hero worship is a major diversion. Empty chairs analogies really do miss the mark even though they may have provided some right wingers a belly busting laugh!

We have found that Obama was much better equiped than George Bush, and definitely more respected overseas, but America has to understand that modern economics is not up to the job should we not let go of the bad Republican economic market liberation theory that got us into such a mess. It is not up to the task, as we have seen, because unfettered capital flows out to escape American labor, rather than building and investing at home.

WARNING : RF dirty?

Some of my Southcott Pines Park neighbours I consider to be environmentally thick, opportunistically greedy, and deviously backstabbing. They introduced an industrial scale BELL Canada mast into my neighbourhood surreptitiously capitalizing on our unpreparedness and trust, particularly those living within 200 meters of an industrial mast for next generation technologies. They could have told us at social gatherings, but instead had in camera / secret meetings. They are profiting from our possible future illnesses and will probably wash their hands of complicity in this despicable operation! Words really escape how I and close neighbours feel, but those responsible will have a bloody stain on their historical life record.

We won't forget this betrayal nor will we tire in protecting our safety and interests!

Thick heads aren't immune from serious micro cell damage as WIFI MAX and LTE cranks up exposure to dirty unhealthy dangerous RF on 24/7 timetable? This exposes everyone to invasion of their brain by RF dirty energy.

You don't see it. You probably won't hear it. Without instruments you can't measure it. You may feel it! At night when you try to sleep you probably will notice it. Your microcells will know its there and try to respond 24/7, but they will be overtaxed and your protection will eventually collapse. Chances are, you will die sooner because of it? You may not even realize it's there.

I call it "brain rape"! It is involuntary entry to your private parts by dirty RF interacting with blood cells, brain cells and balls, attack on male sperm affecting delivery of DNA! We don't want to go to explore what horrible futures that might cause? Can't even imagine!

I call it "blood reflux to the brain"! It causes health and cell permeability reflex changes that you probably won't notice until its too late. Results could appear decades later as with asbestos, a time bomb to future health. Your teenagers, the Swedish basic research scientists claim, will be surprised down the road. Search the net to find out more!

RF pollution causes worry and confusion that you can't understand.

It's a new problem because we are mostly 'thick heads' to the danger. That does not mean that your brain is safe. Far from it!

Dirty RF surrounds you whether you live in a city or in a rural community.

Micro cell damage from dirty RF is real.

Don't become a slow sick block head. Don't be a thick head!

Don't let your brain get any thicker because of micro cell damage from dirty RF.

Ask your politician for fiber optic entertainment rather than WIFI MAX as your community deserves the faster speed and greater capacity. 65,000 times better, fiber optics to your premises is safer and more reliable than wireless, or wireless and fibre mix. Demand the real deal with fibre optics that does not include wireless at any stage of transmission.

As one neighbour says:

"We currently support Hay Networks for fiber optic service in our neighbourhood because it is a cooperative and well managed, and we hope all thinking individuals will dump the alternative Stubbs services unless they go fully fiber optic. We don't support wireless LTE or WIFI MAX from the Bell Southcott Pines tower. We recommend that you drop Bell Canada service altogether because they bullied us into a wireless mast in a residential natural reserve without consultation. They made an unethical choice that is harming us as of September 2012! We will not forget!"

Protect your brain from blood barrier damage due to dirty RF. Protect your brain from a thickening process that causes reflexive slowness in lab tests and obstructs clear thinking and decision making.

Be proactive and get involved to fight RF pollution across Canada. Stop Bell Canada from bullying by giving residential areas protections from dirty energy and RF pollution.

If you respect your brain, you will demand skies clear of dirty RF in your residential neighbourhood.

End your own ignorance though continuous education....

Microwaves are very useful, but the telecom industry has not learned how to self regulate!

In Canada, Ottawa and Bell are glued at the hip to crap our tadpoles, our sperm and our DNA! Maybe they will knowingly condemn people to a cancerous or hideous death through an 3g or 4g RF breaching of the blood brain barrier.

Join the many thousands by being better informed through reading daily news and journal articles to be discovered at .... Enjoy a series of regular sketches and photos by Woohs' ... RT and share a relatively safe way to sample critical and thought provoking writing about what's happening .... worldwide. Prepare to think differently about your world.

Read Devra Davis book entitled 'Disconnect'. It may save your life in the health mayhem to come. Question what Motorola technology and Apple innovations in smaller RF creating devices are doing or have done to threaten or risk your health.

Don't be a victim to what I call the 'acid reflux of the brain' as bad stuff from 3G, 4G and WIFI MAX fluxes your blood cell membranes and succeeds in allowing a breach of the protective blood brain barrier. Cell membranes are relaxed by RF pollution. It may lead to diseases in children such as leukaemia, but that is not the whole story. Like peppermint to your oesophagus sphincter, broad spectrum RF energy can relax your microcells into many cancer disease producing situations along with a broad spectrum of brain related diseases.

Not music to your ears, but disharmony to the functioning of the electromagnetic physics of your cells, sperm, eggs and DNA. Continue your education by reading Devra Davis's book Disconnect. It might just help to save your life or those of children, family, and friends that you support.

Those in science should reread the research work of Frey a brilliant scientist who made startling discoveries of RF and EMF dangers in the 1970s, but whose efforts were suppressed by the US military and the telecom industry that was convinced it could ride a long wave of profit taking before the public became aware of severe life threatening downsides, lag effects of disease such as arises from asbestos disease and smoking.

The WHO was hampered by the industry from revealing what science had discovered, but now the black cat is out of the bag. Help get everything onto the table for open discussion and discovery.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!