Sunday 12 August 2012

What do you do when your community of Southcott Pines Park so-called protectors of the environment vote and engage in actions that lead to increased pollution?

"A sprinkling of a little sand does not hide tar fluid pollution going into a protected lake. Where is the real cleanup?"

Phone: 519-688-2722. 
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

This is not Holmes on homes! It is madness run wild to pollute our lakes, roads and forests.

Arthur! You have got to be kidding! 

No, take this seriously!

There is something bad and unnecessary going on here!

No seriously, my community voted for a polluting industrial level mast right in the centre of a protected wild forest habitat! Some protection?

Next, they tarred the road near by and the rains came and the tar mixed with the water and flowed into a protected otter lake full of special species of life

The Erection of the brand new massively bigger mast changing use of the land to a push push  RF industrial site without asking residents within 100-300 yards. Moreover, Industry Canada rubber stamped the whole deal saying the neighbours to this brand new industrial tower in the midst of a kiddies playground area did not require any review or consultation.

So much for conservation conscious Southcott Pines Park Directors, asleep at the helm or just plain indifferent. Oh yes! Some say money is being paid for all this pollution

So much for fast track approval Canada? Who gets the money? Is it government revenues or do you pay high exorbitant cell rates in Canada because of protected monopolies and little competition resulting in high rates, high profits, and by passing of social acts of approval such as consultations. Industry Canada, you are the man!

Where are you, the ones that care about the life of our natural world? Obviously, you have been muffled or frightened into saying nothing. 

Arthur Lake

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