Tuesday 28 August 2012

Boycott Bell? Bell's Responsibility to Self Regulate to Minimize the Health Damages Lag Effect

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Subject: Boycott Bell? Bell's Responsibility to Self Regulate to Minimize the Health Damages Lag Effect

To whom it may concern:

Boycott Bell? I did not create this health challenge ... Motorola perhaps originated it, but I don't like the looming health cists and the way Bell is being subsidized by the Canadian government!

The severe RF damage to people's health occurs with a lag. Some times the lag is very long, but it is getting shorter and shorter as devices originating from Motorola patents and former labs get stronger and stronger as Apple and other device makers spread many millions of devices using the communication technology worldwide. 

Because the lag is there, you always deny that the dangerous RF health effects are there. You forget that Bell people are just as vulnerable as others. 

On the other hand, although the lag effect on health of RF radiation may seem long, it is very fatal. By acting on DNA and the brain blood barrier, it is ultimately worse than cancer and very much more costly. The revenue from Bell's tower at Lakeview Avenue will be dwarfed by many thousand of times the costs. It will affect Bell employees as much as others, but it will particularly affect people who have RF two way towers operating aggressively less than 300 meters away from residences and fifty feet from the childrens park and the tadpole pool.

Health Canada regulations are very much out of date and certainly unsuited to a 4 and 5 G world of RF use.  Indeed, many other countries, such as Austria, Israel, and Finland have a much stiffer regulatory environment. They actually regulate their industries much better.

Bell by placing powerful antennas in a residental area close to homes is showing contempt for residences and children. They feel safe that the health affects operate with a long lag, so that profits can be extracted before the game is seen for what it is. Bell exerts not a gamble with people's health, but a serious abuse.

We do notice your recklessness and we are capable of responding aggressively over time and certainly before the lag of health effects from RF waves drag us all into the pit.

I am assuming that Bell Mobility and the firms of the telecommunication industry in North America realizes that they are racing against time to provide their services to the public irrespective of evidence that such services are indeed harmful and fatal with a lag, like lead, plastics, benzene, radar, nuclear radiation, asbestos and cancer from smoking.

Today, I was again given clear evidence that not all is well on the safety front for devices and services existing and planned by the telecommunications firms and that future legislation for severe regulation of the telecommunications industry is not just desirable but necessary.  I hate this process of people coming to me with examples and for instance and evidence. 

I was told of someone in a condominium in London Ontario who was made ill by the RF strengths considered safe by Health Canada. The person had to sell his home and move. There is no ambiguity concerning cause and effect, jst the punishment the Bell is so capable of giving out to people using todays range of dangerous products and bystanders not even using them! Yes, they will eventually learn the legal mechanisms needed to hurt an industry incapable of self regulation.

Without legislative regulation, Bell and all the firms making up the telecommunications industry seem incapable of self regulation. This is even when the evidence of damage to people in residential areas living close to present day antennas is irrefutable. 

It is encumbant on people whose health is affected by invasion of the home by force waves generated by product devices of the telecommunications firms to defend themselves and declare that a state of hostility exists. 

People do have the right to defend their health by peaceful means when those parties causing illness are not capable of policing themeselves.

My first step is to declare that a state of hostility exists between myself and Bell becayse its products are injurous to my health and that I have a right to defend myself to protect my health.

Bell has a very poor system of internal education as regards to health consequences of its products. I will attempt to correct that at every opportunity. I may even call on the homes of Bell employees to educate them. As communications improve and people learn what damage Bell products are capable of, there will be a change of heart and the capacity for Bell to self regulate will improve.

In the meantime, I believe that Bell should use its profits to pay heavy future fines and bear the medical costs of people whose health is damaged. In addition, I think set asides are in order fir damage to natural life.

As regards the hiding behind the skirts of Health Canada and Industry Canada so characteristic of Bell today. That is indeed a great tactic for an industry that needs self regulation. Political attitudes change and so do mores, though those of engineers may take longer!

In any event, though we cannot change your direction in the short term, our revenge will be sweet in the long term having now been acquainted with the comparative advantages of surprise that Bell has educated us to!

In the meantime, keep your cell phone an inch from your head and you men away from your testicles and pancreas, the latter form of cancer being so aggressive.

Oh yes! Is the childrens park to be closed? That is something the older technology took into account that the newer technology can't guarantee. It's the health lag for the children. Close the park and you admit health risks. Keep the park open and you commit a crime against pregnant mothers, nature, and childrens whose brains are just forming. Or, are you going to post a sign that children under ten should not use iPhones and iPads? Oops, if the health effects occur, they could seek revenge for your carelessness and hypocrisy! Choose safety or crime? It's your choice or have you chosen crime as it appears in your letter?

Kindest regards,

Arthur Lake

Subject: Response to your request for Information


Dear Mr. & Mrs. Giberson,


In response to the email sent to the Executive Team at Bell,  please see the attached letter.


Should you have further correspondence please forward all further communication to the undersigned.


Yours Truly,


Karen Balbaa

Municipal Advisor


Bell Mobility Inc.

Real Estate Services – 6N

5099 Creekbank Road

Mississauga, ON

L4W 5N2


Fax: 905-625-0730




Karen Balbaa


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