Tuesday 13 October 2009

Ode to Stoic and Sufic Insight

The art of aiming high means being somewhat abstract!

In a world in which short term profit is the measure of success, one wonders whether it is sustainable. It's fashionable these days to realize that we owe more to what is far away than to what is close by. That is a good fashion trend.

Less fashionable is the notion that we owe more to what is infinitely far away. When the universe generated itself into large scale existence from a tiny existence, we tend to think of the matter as being somewhat far away. In actuality, the furthest things from us are those closest to us. We just fail to grasp the notions of dimension. The worst failing of human thought is that of assuming that a human being is somehow fundamentally different from an idea.

I find it impossible to explain to other human beings that they are moving internally in a extraordinarily fast as an outward exploding wave structure that defines them and all of existence. That they are abstract structures is something human beings fail to grasp.

That time is an exploding structure is something humans seem determined not to understand. That the reason physical laws derive from kinetic energy moving outward into space is something their localized minds cannot comprehend no matter how hard they try. I refer to this problem in Wuh Lax adventures as the problem of calibration. Without calibration the human mind is only partially there and misses the mark of what life is for. Uncalibrated brains cannot see the why of existence!

That all the laws of physics derive from outward explosive kinetic energy is beyond the grasp of human understanding. That the physics of strings and string theory in physics is in reality the music of an inflating reality going on within us now at this very moment is not easily fathomed by the brightest of human scientific or religious minds.

We are not only abstract structures but these structures that we call "us or me" are inflating at hypergeometric speeds. And, so it is that we have time.

What happens when you explode something? You get kinetic energy and inflation in scale of what you blow up. Such is time!

More wonderful than blowing something up is the imponderable realization that all our past continues to exist. All our futures also exist though in slightly different patterns that we experience in our sleep.

Our misunderstood reality is like a strike of lightning that once occuring releases so much kinetic energy that motion occurs almost simultaneously in two directions billions of occurences over.

Such is our time, that it reoccurs billions of occurences as our so pondered universe generates and regenerates itself billions of generations over and over again!

Don't seek perfection, however, for when you repeat, things may not quite be the same as before! No one knows!

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!