Tuesday 8 April 2008

Starvation in North America Because of Rising Food Prices!


Haiti is on no body's favourite list. When asked to help Haiti, almost all governments look to others to help out. France says Haiti is closer to United States so why does the United States not do more? Canada says France could do more. Canadians find Haiti a little too political, too hot a potato. So is the UK going to help Haiti or the European Union, Spain, Portugal?

Without help to feed themselves the Haitians are forced onto the streets. Would you not go out into the street and storm the palace if your children were hungry and you knew not where their next meal was coming from. Shades of the French revolution!

Remember that its not just wheat prices that are high. Its also corn and rice. So what are we going to do. Are we just going to watch like we watched the utter violence on our sensibilities of the recent Canadian seal hunt?

Starvation in Haiti may be just the next step in a much bigger trend. Think of what is happening around the world as food prices soar beyond the reach of many poor.

China has revealed that the human to human transmission of bird flu, the pandemic variety occurred at the end of 2007. Do you think this is the last you will hear of this flu. Think again, and think of what I wrote earlier about the perfect storm. The rice people think the perfect storm has already occurred in the rice industry, but it is only a beginning. We need to act before the other storms collide together. Whew! Or, should I say Wooh!

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