Sunday 27 April 2008

Are the Effects of Light Causal or Acausal?

In earlier blogs, I have discussed my views concerning some of the mysteries of light. I posited the notion that light has no motion, but that all matter itself was travelling at very high speed approaching what scientists measure as the speed of light, plus additional motion that expresses the effects of electron energy and magnetic charge. The additional motion follows the order of the second law of thermodynamics by which all chemical reactions require a depletion of energy either directly, or in the surrounding particles, as is described in a current chemistry text, such as that of James Keeler and Peter Wothers, Why Chemical Reactions Happen.

If you follow my conceptualization of physical reality, which you won't find in any text book, as it is only a personal theory, you will question some of the chains of causality that are familiar in everyday events, and possibly have some insight into events that are connected seemingly acausally through channels of light that exist within the physical world.

Light in my sense shines in our reality because of leakages present as nuclear and chemical processes take place. If I am not completely off in the deep end, light because of its ability to overlay itself in our physical world has unusual power to effect physical change through information that acts acausally in the physical realm. This, you say, is of course, nonsense, but I am only throwing the idea into the open as an idea. There is nothing, perhaps, but a convoluted logic to support my ideas.

What I am trying to say is that light is a critical medium in some way between what we regard as the quantum and the Newtonian worlds. Light seems to be present in life processes and the conduits of light seem to be active in information processing of almost all forms from quantum computers to IBM PCs or HP laptops.

One of the great students of light, was the physicist Richard P. Feynman. I have yet to read his book, What do You Care What Other People Think. It might change what I think about light, but for now I have these strange concepts whizzing about in my not so simple brain. It is in the nature of thinking that one conjures up an alternative to what everyone else thinks and then try to see how far you can go with the alternative.

I am thinking that light does not obey many of the physical laws of other forms of matter. Indeed, light is not a fermion, but has the properties of bosons, which means that it does not obey the Fermi exclusion principle. This means that the amount of information that a light particle or wave might represent is staggering. All sorts of tests on light suggest that light may travel faster than the speed of light, which I am saying is the ultimate speed of fermion matter. Joao Magueijo in his book, Faster than the Speed of Light suggests that the standard model of physics may come down eventually to a misunderstanding. There is work that suggests that twisted light travels faster than the speed of light and that twisted light can be used to send information into the past from the future. Twisted light also allows extreme amounts of information to be transmitted very quickly, and indeed faster than the usual speed of light.

What interests me about light is that in its independence from matter, it may afford a medium for the orchestration of material events, causal chains, by means of acausal channels, that is information channels so common to quantum reality, which we understand to interface with photons, which have the property of bosons.

If light can orchestrate matter then it is easily conceivable that matter behaves in the same way that light does. In other words, all material cause and effect chains actually do happen, but we observe only one at a time as light chooses which chain it wishes us to see. Another way of saying this is that light orchestrates matter through a multiverse of which we only see one instance at a time as observers. All the other chains exist, but we can only see one. The reason for this is that we use light as our means of observation in our conscious observing reality.

In our subconscious, we may, however, have access to the other causal chains orchestrated by light, and according to some probabilistic basis. In other words, in our subconscious, we see a multiverse view of the universe, but only the nearest probabilistically at one time. If we fail in our dream to see the alternative reality in which we catch the fair maiden, it is because our subconscious is still running through the most likely multiverse episodes of potential realities.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!