Tuesday 25 March 2008

Psychology and Evolution

Possibly, Plausibly, Probably, Predictably and Practically
You know what it is like to be challenged by an idea. Well, this morning, I had to deal with the uncertainty of many ideas. It is more than obvious that facts come in different shadings. I had a list of observations in front of me. The question was what I could make of them. Fortunately, my mind is one that can enjoy many colours. Things are not black and white, nor are they various shades of grey. Happily they are usually in a wonderful array of colour. Nor am I colour blind, which means that I enjoy the fullest range of colours.

The Psychology of Handwriting
Your handwriting can reveal many things about you that you are probably unaware. The science of handwriting analysis has progressed significantly. Practitioners of analytical techniques offer their services at a price, so the science has grown up from a past time to a full fledged approach to seeing within human personality. The fact is that everything that we do can be analysed forensically. The results may not be accurate or they may hit spot on in ways that get to the deeper sources of illness and physical conditions as well as personality traits. One has to be careful with claims that handwriting analysis is all powerful. It is still a very young science.

Cornerstones of a Healthy Attitude
Its easy to slide into a modern attitude. One of the difficulties is that we are often lazy when it comes to searching for the meaning of life. If we try to put ourselves into the world of our ancestors, we may find that we can escape the three modern attitudes of realism, spiritualism, and perplexism.

Horses for Courses, Courses for Horses
A former boss often used the phrase 'horses for courses.' The idea is that not everyone will find that a particular environment or a particular situation suits them. If you find yourself in such a negative or slow paced world, perhaps what is wrong is that you are misplaced in some way.

Timelines in Volcanic Ash and Confabulation
Dorothy and Colin, you would have been proud of me. I am not sitting idle while I am on vacation. You are such wonderful role s for healthier living, being as you are so very fit at the age of 70 plus. Its because you are doing all the exercise and eating things that retired people should do, play tennis, golf, walk up and down hills, exercise and eat quality food.

Slosh, Slosh, Slosh!
"John! What's happening to the US economy?" asked Matthew."Why do you ask?" replied John, his head still fixed towards the TV in the corner. He was more interested in the basketball game. The world of economics is far too much of a headache to discuss when there are much more exciting things to occupy our minds.

Is Stupid a Word that Should Not be Used?
Logically, for me at least, the words smart and stupid are closely connected. What I have come to realize is how inexact the use of such words can be. I have a friend who advises me never to use the word stupid with reference to a person. The same friend constantly reminds me that whatever I say in any event is only my opinion.

Being Mindful About What and When You Are Thinking
I have stressed the importance of thinking. What I have left out is the need to be mindful of our thinking. Being mindful of our thinking helps us to achieve a balance between thought, our physiology, and emotion.

The Now as a Work Concept
World famous guru speaks and writes about being in 'the now'. Philosopher listens intently being an expert in 'the now'. Guru says that people need to disassociate themselves from matters that coddle ego and distance them from being in 'the now'. Philosopher ponders idea of 'the now'. In 'the now', what is, is.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!