Wednesday 26 March 2008

The Myth of a Democratic Victory in November's Presidential Election


Put very simply, history tends to repeat itself, and the Democrats will very likely lose the upcoming Presidential election in November. I speak as a Canadian or Brit, but not as an American, who I am sure will have a non-historical perspective.

In any event, it seems to me that I have watched the Democrats do the say thing before, as they are doing now, namely, tearing each other apart. It makes me think that it is increasingly likely that McCain will be the next President of the United States. Why?

Irony, pathos, deep regret, I don't know. My logic is very simple and has to do with an assessment of subconscious thought processes that will govern the actions of millions of undecided voters in November as compared with their conscious thoughts to the contrary. The undecided voters are the voters that act with emotions that they do not consciously assess.

First, candidate Obama is likely to be the serious target of assassination, if he is elected. Most people would rather see Obama living and vote to save his life by not voting for him. Americans are really good people at heart, but they suffer from a gun-toting small minority that is extremely reluctant to see a black president. These are the guys with white hoods that tote guns, don't really think very deeply about love. They have business based on guns and keep Americans shooting at each other. The more people see Obama as a future president, the more inclined they will be not to vote for him, even the black voter.

Second, lving with candidate Clinton is like living with a divorcee that never went for the divorce. She won't be elected because most Americans are divorced, or, on the way to divorce. Americans believe in divorce at a very subconscious level, and think people who don't are somewhat strange. They will, in effect divorce themselves away from Hilary, because they feel subconsciously that she should be divorced, and they can't understand why she is still married to Bill. The more she reminds them of a bitch, the more they will dis-associate away from her.

Third, candidate McCain reminds Americans of the very popular former president Ronald Reagan. McCain is a winner and Americans right now want a winner more than anything else!

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

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