Tuesday 12 February 2008

The Universe May be Like the Earliest Video Games

This is a difficult one to get your head around philosophically and conceptually, but not impossible. What if you were living in a round room and it had four doors? Two of the doors are left handed and the other two are right handed.

Stepping out

What if when you open a right handed door to leave the room and as you opening it, a left handed door on the other side of the room opened. As you step out of the room on one side, you step into the room on the other except that your whole being is reversed. Your right hand is on the left side and your left hand is on the right side. You progress through the door and enter by the other side only everything about you is on the side opposite to when you left.

Suppose that you have no awareness of the second door opening into the room as you step out. When you arrive back in the room, you find that you are completely comfortable with everything in the room and treat it as completely normal, not registering in your mind that you have stepped out and come back with everything about you completely mirrored.

Portals for life coming into our world may depend on your actions as a human being

Suppose now that when you step out of the room, you return not through the door as before, but you enter it from within a plant pot that is sitting on the other side, but this time when you enter you are not a full human being, but the beginnings of the life of a seed that will grow into a plant within the plant pot.

Suppose that you are not aware that you were ever a human being. Suppose that as you left the room as a human being you turned off the light, so that when you returned as the seed of a plant the room was dark. Suppose that no one turned the light on, and you as a seed never germinated, but remained dormant.

Reflections of mirrors in our universe

One of the interesting findings of highly technical observations by scientists, the new explorers of our universe, is that there are many mirrors and reflectors in our universe. We are not aware of most of them. They can impact on our lives in strange and wonderful ways.

In nature, we find that many things are mirrored. The things that are mirrored tend to have greater scope that the things that are not mirrored. For example, we have a right and a left hand. These are like mirror images of each other.

In many respects, the mirroring that has taken place is a limit to the possibilities of what we observe visually as our universe.


Normally, every time that you go to sleep, you wake up to find that everything that you remember is exactly the same as when you fell asleep. Your brain can not tell you about any differences between the world that you experienced when you went to sleep and the world you experience when you wake up.

This is rather comforting because it reflects a continuity of human experience.

What if when you are sleeping, you have a dream and the dream takes you somewhere that you do not recognize as you are having the dream. This dream world is a wonderful world in which you see your parents, who have long since passed away in your real world. In your dream, you are able to talk to the ones who you miss in your real life. You exchange ideas and experiences with them. They continue to be part of your life even though they are in your dream world and no longer part of your daytime experiences. When you awaken the next morning, you don't remember much about your dream, and you may even forget that you ever had a dream, but your brain knows that you had a conversation with your 'dead' parents. Your brain has created a world that helps you cope with your life without the ones who are no longer part of your living observable world.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!