Sunday, 31 January 2016

Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump Voters Share Anger, but Direct It Differently - The New York Times

This Artwork Is Probably The Most Accurate (And Scary) Portrayal Of Modern Life We’ve Ever Seen | True Activist

China’s Bumpy New Normal by Joseph E. Stiglitz - Project Syndicate

The Return of the Currency Crash by Carmen Reinhart - Project Syndicate

The Three Fears Sinking Global Markets by Anatole Kaletsky - Project Syndicate

Why Climate Leadership Means Keeping Fossil Fuels in the Ground

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Plane with freed Americans leaves Iran; U.S. imposes new sanctions - The Washington Post

Must-read: Paul Krugman: "Oil Goes Nonlinear" - Equitable Growth

Russia and Nato 'actively preparing for war' - Telegraph

Russia accused of clandestine funding of European parties as US conducts major review of Vladimir Putin's strategy - Telegraph

Dangers of Wi-Fi & the iPad

Global markets turmoil echoes 2008 financial crisis, warns George Soros | Business | The Guardian

Why are we looking on helplessly as markets crash all over the world? | Will Hutton | Opinion | The Guardian

Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change. - The Boston Globe

Extreme Weather and Global Growth by Kenneth Rogoff - Project Syndicate

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Stonehenge may have been first erected in Wales, evidence suggests | UK news | The Guardian

Stonehenge stones may have been first erected in another country | Fox News

Why Economists Took So Long to Focus on Inequality - Bloomberg View

AW Lake / Wuh Lax

Local Sobeys Refuses to Post Notice on World Religion Day yet Posts Notice on Philosophy. Should Religion be renamed as World Philosophy Day

Lynn, et al ...

Funny strange and disturbing story .. I am ... 

As some people know, I volunteered to work on the advertising for Partners in Learning and also set up a shared Facebook page. My approach has been to work out a route by which all the notices, flyers and bulletins can be distributed easily without crossing roads. I also said that I would run round flyers for World Religion Day. 

In my first attempt, I listed all the entities that I found on the East side of Highway 21 that  had public bulletin boards that non profits could display. My outcome was that I could not find such boards at NoFrills and Sobeys. This fact irritated me so I asked Anne what her experience was. She said that both groceries had bulletin boards. I was mystified. How had I missed them.

This morning, I returned to NoFrills and found a board that I had earlier decided was user unfriendly. I left without discovering another board even though I went through the checkout. I am now thinking I made a mistake because the Librarian told me that there was one at the exit. She said it was user friendly, then proceeded to advise me on all the boards in town. 

Now Sobeys was interesting and for me disturbing. I found a glassed-in bulletin board there hidden in the busy entrance way behind five feet of fresh gluten bread and quite user unfriendly. A smokes shop would have loads of advertising of addictive bad things, but no board showing how or offering advice on to escape the addictions. What I saw as Sobeys' bulletin board did not meet my standards of lowest community user friendly.

I asked for the manager at Sobeys and a tall man appeared. I showed him the brochures that I wanted posted. He glanced at the two of them. Partners passed the test, but he said he would not, repeat not, post the flyer promoting World Religion Day on the 17th. I was in a state of extreme shock. I told him that I would tell everyone that Sobeys had refused to post the notice. He asked "who". I repeated, "everyone".  Then, I added that I was an activist. (What a stupid thing to say, but probably true given I just love swimming against the stream.. It's in the name ...) 

The Independent in Exeter was a completely different story. Everything is allowed, but on the maturity date the brochure is removed. The manager of facilities there offered me a splendid well lit room saying that Partners could use it for free as we are a non profit. We just need to book with her. It has a kitchen and small TV and tables arranged in a circle, a regular King Arthur's room with supplies for coffee! It's just above the Joes sign. 

So, me being me, has gone all quiet for a while. I am plotting. SOBEYS is my target and I am considering how to get my ethics across. My point is that while they will post a brochure clearly advertising philosophy, and Everyone is a Philosopher, they won't allow one to advertise World Religion Day which is all about philosophy. I imagined an image with a NAZI sitting at a desk deciding my fate. Philosophy "ya", religion "nein". Please follow the left side passage where all the music is playing and work makes one free. 

So there it is ... my Saturday morning ... I am drawing up my list of everyone ... Who is the GM/CEO of Grocers Magazine, not my old boss Garfield "W"? 


On 8 Jan 2016, at 8:10 pm, Lynn <> wrote:


Friday, 8 January 2016

This little guy is reminding me to slow down and...

If you can reach Facebook ...

The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare - The New York Times

George Soros sees crisis in markets that echoes 2008 - The Economic Times

Will China's problems cause a global crisis? Here's the good & bad news - The Economic Times

Privilege, Pathology and Power - The New York Times

House Republicans ready Volkswagen bailout vote

Russia's Reserve Fund could run empty in 2016

Republicans Would Rather Be Shot Than Agree with Obama - The New Yorker

This Commercial For An Australian University Is Flat-Out Brilliant - Airows

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Giant earthquakes are shaking Greenland — and scientists just figured out the disturbing reason why - The Washington Post

Greenland has lost a staggering amount of ice — and it’s only getting worse - The Washington Post

Greenland might be contributing more to sea level rise than we thought | Grist

Russian Strategy Seeks to Defy Economic Decline With Military Bravado | The Jamestown Foundation

Forget Putin's global posturing – Russia's biggest challenges for 2016 are domestic

Paul Krugman shows us what life would’ve looked like had Obama lost in 2012 -

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!