Monday, 31 August 2009

Whither Space-time

As I Write so I Think

Those who know me are apt to be most critical because of the availability of points on which my perception departs from that of others. That people really close to each other can live in very different perceptual structures is well known. That the person next to you may be like an alien being clmes as a surprise that we come to terms with in courts, in work environmentsm, on the street, and in conflicts.

We may look at the sane things with similar tools and yet perceive vastly different entities. That us why science us so successful at building bridges because it forces us to make some of the perceptions in a common frame work of reference and agreement. Unlike religion, science builds bridges to common understanding between people who are sane adults. Religion in contrast seeks to take away copmonly agreed frames of reference in favour of specialized reference which must be learned or experienced.

Our difficulty, however, is that science too is a religion based on the perception of quanta. Quanta are what give the world it's physical qualities and laws. Yes, quanta do exist and they are governed by universal laws. Any breaking of the physical laws requires the whole framework to be reassessed and that is expensive.

It is done, however, over and over again, so much so that science is actally able to make progress while it's competitors, the other religions, remain somewhat stagnant in the development, at least in general terms.

Now science teaches us that black holes exist on enormous numbers and that our universe is a huge upward scaled e entitiy of unbelievably large size. It also says that a considerable amount of energy and matter that could explain the distribution of observed matter is missing.

More of what is, is not, and most of what is not, is! What a paradox!

If our universe is inside a black hole then the light of our universe does not escape because energy in huge amounts is being pulled into our universe and cannot escape as light hitting as it does the boundaries of our ability to observe and the horizon of our universe, the entrance energy edge of the black hole that holds our universe. We are truly captured.

Now suppose that the end wraps time and matter to the full cycle of a loop such that time bends around. This could happen as a ginormous circle and look somewhat like the ancient Egyptian religious symbol that used to be carried around the wrist as a symbol of spiritual / religious understanding.

Alternatively, the image of our universe might look like a huge infinity symbol that represented eternity to the ancient Britons descended from the more ancient Egyptians. The image is akin to the symbol of recycling and return, of the hare.

In any event, it is my guess that although the Egyptians and early peoples could not see all the details of our galaxies and universe, their astronomers may have guessed at it's dimensions. Thus it is that complete societies were devoted to the notion of recycling into another world. It's hard to imagine that they thought the ships, tools, and food that they buried with their dead would remain useful. They probably thought that the structure of supports for life could pass through the same veil of death ad human beings. In other words, all matter is living and just patterns to be used in physical environments that may occur with the passage across the veil of space/time, which may be more immediate than sciences or religions give credit.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Megaspace .. getting to grips with the vastness of the world

It would be presumptuous to say our world because the world is so enormous. It is beyond anything that we can ever imagine.

The way the universe is engineered defies imagination and presents an insurmountable challenge to those that would wish to fathom it whether scientist, religious, or philosophical. There are, however, a number of clues.

I refer frequently to my abstraction, the world of Wuh. This is a universe on which light is motionless and everthing around explodes at the speed of light. Tangential to exploding matter is the world of matter which is what we observe. It too is driven by enormous forces of exploding. These we refer to as the big bang and we do not yet use the vocabulary of the recurring big bangs or the infinite number of big bangs that super-impose their history on our own.

It is almost unbelievable that witih our visible world that we should discover an infinite number of heavy energy objects that defy reason in their number and individual immensity. And, yet within each of these enormous objects there is a universe as enormous as the ones, for there are an infinite number, shaping 'the' or 'our' immediate universe. Within each of the huge energy objects that contain a universe, we can expect to find a billion billion+ objects of similar mass.

What we have here and there us a megaworld that obeys the properties of fractal mathematics. The world is infinitely fractallic. That is not just an observation. It is a law!

We see that law in everything extant or in the motion of creation. It applies to technologies that we create, our immediate economics, the weather, the soup we eat, our plantary life. It even applies to fossils we see that have been around billions of years.

If the universe that we see has been around less than 20 billion years, we would be so lucky because that defies even simple reason that tells us, it is part of a larger construction infinite in age backwards in time and forwards in time. Yet we know that time is only a representation of energy so all time includes all time which has been, is being, and ever will be. Time is unreal. What we experience as time is a differential of force in something already here being visited by light. We are light. We as creatures of light experience time, but time is not what we think it is.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Saving energy

Hours equivalency

It's a vain objective for me to try to equivalize the number of energy units for vehicle travel. But perhaps hours driven equivalency is a step closer in the drirection of reducing one's absolute dependency on motors in a world of urban sprawl.

My proposal to myself is to reduce hours of driving my vehicle. This could be done through the budget approach where I would set a monthly limit on travel costs that rely on energy.

In practical terms this would mean one tripto the store each month instead of twenty. To stockpile, I would buy goods that have a shelf life of a year or so. I would buy precooked foods or foods the are fresh that could be gotten by walking.

On getting from A to B, I would allow myself one hour driving per one hour cycling or walking. This would additionally be wrapped up in a monthly budget allowance that would limit use if fuel that is not shared with others such as drives on my own. I allow myself flights in jets as these are shared and travel by train or bus is shared!

Guess I can but try!

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Throw two stones in a pond -The spread of two flus

There are a number of health concerns facing the world right now. I have attempted to address these in my blogs going several years back and though it is not pleasant to review my previous speculations it may be instructive.

My main concern is the very large stone of possible world famine thrown into the world arena=pond several years ago and beating it's way across the middle east into Asia. It is the disease affecting wheat, and seems to have penetrated into Iranian farm lands on it's way into Afghanistan. We should all be concerned as this old danger continues to threaten world stability, take lives, and may bring about failure in attempts to help establish the bases for democracy in Afghanistan.

Left unsolved the problems associated with weaknesses of wheat harvest protection could foster reckless food production of chicken by those threatened by starvation. What we are seeing in the deaths in Egypt due to bird flu is a possible harbinger of worse disease epidemics to come? At the root of the problem is starvation, small farms being put out of production by larger industrial farms. Ever wonder why income distributions correlate with economies of scale?!

On it's own bird flu is not so much a general worry because it dies not seem to spread widely except through areas where people are already experiencing tremendous strain to survive. In thebwaybit spreads, Bird flu is more than one pebble thrown into the world pond and it's frequency of distribution may be correlated with hunger. We see failure to produce enough wheat or the over pricing of rice or rice shortages.

The distribution of some famines and that of bird flu may be correlated. Fighting one may fight the other. Protecting wheat crops in Afghanistan may help reduce the spread of bird flu. Think of a huge number of pebbles thrown into the world pond and you have the risk of bird flu.

The other stone thrown into the pond is that of swine flu. Around the generators of swine flu, the huge polluting factory farms of swine, the risks of generating novel swine flus would predictably be higher.

By being more human to our swine we may save the planet from future pandemics and novel virus strains, over the long term.

Right now the economies of scale of crouding more and more pigs into larger and larger factories is like throwing a huge stone into our world health pond. The risks from new and more virilant strains of swine flu are still being generated by huge unhealthy factory pig farms located in almost every country around the globe.

It is the economics of the technologies of farming on ever increasing scales of food such as wheat, rice, chicken and swine that precurse the presence of novel and dangerous viruses.

If the technology of large scale farming does not produce dangerous flus then that is the greater mystery or the worst of health cover ups.

the upscaling of agriculurtural technologies so as to bring about economies of large scale industry allows for an increasing tof he risks of bigger and bigger systems of waves of disease as we create stronger and stranger varieties of virus. Large scale production also breeds the feeding grounds for catastrophic events such as would happen as enormous plants fail to produce or create unhealthy conditions in the surrounding communities, the spoiling of land habitats for wild animals and vegetations, the overspecialization of types of strains of DNA or methods of manufacture using energy or technologies that express themselves as strains on other technologies, DNAs, wild
life and humane communities, general health of wild and domesticated systems.

Now what should happen in communities where large scale production of pork and chicken co-exist. Yes, the risk of novel diseases goes up as it is less and less healthier for the poor pigs and chickens, or as less care is taken about sanitation and people or creatures in the surrounding areas are placed at greater inconvenience, or risks.

On the really large scale disaster scenario, we need only large wave of fast spreading swine flu to mix with one small but deadly wave of bird flu and presto we have a novel flu that spreads fast and wide and kills like a plague.

Make no mistake, it is the emerging risks of large scale agriculture and production that place humanity in this danger area. The economics of scale in production should be appropriately TAXED to account for these risks.

The burden on world health costs should be born increasingly by large scale industrial farms who are making excessive profits and destroying more balanced income distrutions. To cover our costs, we should prepare our representives in government for placing the costs of antivirals and vaccines onto the shoulders of those who create the greatest risks. They are the upscale swine and chicken farm multinationals who do not allow inspection of their plant by health inspectorates.

We should have world health police to inspect the environments that pose us greatest risk of novel and dangerous disease. Perhaps, it is large industrial farms that head this list!

Smaller is more beautiful, and safer for the world community.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Flu Pandemic - Who is in charge?

The long and short of it is that when a nasty form of the H1N1 virus strikes it is your life on the line!

The problem is somewhat akin to the story of the three pigs deciding whether or not to build protection out of straw, wood or brick. The wolf is out there, but you have no idea which direction it might turn. Others around you are working on their straw, wood and brick strategies. Some are doing nothing. What should you do?

The thing to remember is that a brick protection takes the longest time. It is the only form of real protection. Once you have built one brick or stone structure it gets easier and easier. Castles are the epitome of protection and wolves have no chance of entry except by stealth and hiding in something you bring into your castle. You would not let a wolf across the draw bridge so you had better have an early warning system of it's expected arrival and then as many tools as you can gather to ward it off!

I have news for you. The wolf really is out there and we don't know how dangerous it really is. Remember that it is a wild animal and can play you for a fool if you are little miss Riding Hood and let your guard down. No a wolf is a wolf and highly dangerous on most of it's appearances. We have seen the sheepish quiet side of this wolf, but it may just turn nasty or bring along some if it's friends such as pneumonia which we have weapons against if we would but use them.

Being strong is no assurance that you would win in a fight against the wolf. The strong are sometimes foolhardy and overestimate their capacity to ward off the wolf. Being smart by realizing you are in charge and looking out for your family is the way to go. Plan well ahead and don't be ashamed to build a castle or two with mote and draw bridge if you have a mind to. Yep! The howling can be heard and the wolf is on it's way.

And, I am not crying wolf!

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Why Bubbles Occur and why the Bubble economy is So Destructive

On being modern, we can assume unsustainable objectives as a community.

The developmental model used by many people contains concepts of modernity that really don't measure up to what being modern really requires.

I have spent years trying to understand why the Roman Empire failed so miserably and what really were the choices made by people that brought about history's greatest bubble economy. The Roman economy imploded spectacularly, and so too have many others that followed similar developmental paths. What we need to ask is why and what draws communities into bubble development.

Regarded as a haven of civility in a sea of barbarity, the Roman empire was regarded by many wantabe communities as something to be emulated. This tendency towards the large scale governnance of communities continues to inspire.

We saw, however, that the copy cat German Reich under Hitler, the copy cat French imperialists under Napoleon, the copy cat Stalinists under Stalin all produced misery for their nations and those around as these experiments with social expansion on the Roman model failed to sustain viable pathways of community growth.

Russia, Germany, France, Britain, Japan, China, and USA have all experienced the tragedy of societies hell bent on dominance of their surrounding communities. Eventally these 'empires' burst and the bubble of destruction following makes the communities unrecognizable from their ancestral roots.

The history of change based on expansion into the territory of others is replete with the pain it brings to the expansionist community. From within the volcano of bubble growth comes untold misery and destruction as the infected community spreads it's diseases of dissatisfaction onto neighbouring communities.

Seen in this way, we can understand why wars continue to be an outcome of bubble growth in which greed and the trap of debt burst out into the world landscape! It seems that people are drawn onto destructive developmental paths all too easily. Does it have anything to do with scale and the expected returns from increasing scale? I think so.

Economies of scale are a result of technology and the grail of enterprises of all forms: cities, economies, empires, farms, firms, boxes, ships, .... many things!

Organizing on ever increasing scales means greater profits and increasing returns. There is no limit to technology upscaling except that it leads to death!

Technology upscaling is addictive and produces an adrenalin rush for a community that leads that community down a pathway of self destruction. This path is always a death march or funeral corridor for individuals and communities. It arises because the next fix is always larger.

Seen in this context, the expansion of industrial communities is a form of social addiction that will lead those communities towards self destruction. The reason is simply that economies of scale of one community eventually impinge on the adjacent communities who struggle to survive. There is only one winner in the economy of scale process and that us the larger more efficient unit. Farms get oversized, firms get oversized, communities of people get larger and larger.

Miniturization allows economies of scale to be achieved and the process of seeking after economies of scale continues into smaller and smaller quarters. Engines get smaller yet produce larger and larger amounts if energy. Computer chips get denser and denser. Pills become more and more potent and more and more addictive.

This is the inner and outer city of development in modern times and it's outcome is an addictive process that leads to earlier than normal death for the individual or social participant. Cities die young, farm communities cease to have a soul, unemployment rises and the income distribution skews away from even distribution. Managers die in the harness, addicts lose control and waste their lives in narrow pursuits that kill them. People cease to exercise by walking as much as they should and vegetate into sedentary blobs of obesity.

I am speaking of myself!?

Dying in Ontario

Where failure is normal.

What does one do in a society where the acceptance of failure is regarded as normal?

Look around you and you can see failure everywhere! It is normal, but it is highly dangerous. In Ontario, we accept that our agricultural development has been a success story. In fact the story is and was very different. They say what you don't notice about the deterioration about you won't harm you. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are communities in Ontario, such as the religious communities of people who are careful with what they do in their local world. Gone is the basis of Ontario's hardword furniture industry.

Farms are no longer surrounding fields with trees for birds and wild life. Gone soon will be the soils for growing fruit and the small scale fruit industry. What Ontario had is not missed because the young don't remember what they never saw. Rivers full of wild life. Ponds teaming with frogs.

Birds that once thrived are now extinct. Beautiful landscapes carved into ugly unnatural concrete mazes and lifeless deserts where habitats for harmless creatures once thrived.

What are we doing? What can Ontario farmers do?

They must say no to the cities that swallow up the land. People need to say enough with the sprawl that kills the countryside. Children need to experience the beauty of Ontario as it once was. Not the present polluted dump heap of chaotic shyte.

We can clean up the province, but we have to notice that it is dirty first!!!!

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Shape of the Universe, Gravity, Light and Time

Space and time are interrelated. We look into space and we perceive light that comes to us from an earlier time. It just happens that in the earlier time space was smaller and light since earliest time spreads out further and further into a vaster and vaster space. It suggests that time is very closely related to scale and size.

I sense that there are three spaces. A space on the inside which to me is the past or inner space and a space on the outside which is the future or outerspace and a sideways or tangential space that bridges the other two spaces.

In my model of the 'world' the three spaces of past, present, and future coexist. This is why the general theory of Einstein works because although the traveller in Eistein's universe does not age because of plasma speed motion he/she can come across others who did not move and who consequently aged.

The problem with the general theory is the e=mc2 misses out -e=-mc2. But, how do you include this other direction of space without bothsides of the equation dropping away. The answer is that there is another element of the equation that us missing and that element is gravity.

The new equation is:

ge=something, where 'g' is gravity.

What can that g be? We know that there are two directions of motion and energy in space time. 'g' links these two to bring about equivalence.

In my model, energy is of direct consequence to fermions but not to light which occupies space and time differently and is not subject to material exclusion principles. We see some of these properties of matter in plasma where motion is so fast that it does not have the time spacial limiting properties of gases, liquids, and solids.

Were we to think of our spaces as tangential motion and energy moving in specific dimensional spaces and gravity as moving in a different but very reacheable space, we would envisage my physical world together. Few people seem to be able to do this simple visualization.

With ge, we are able to see that the universe is recurrent and not unidirectional, that the big bang did not really happen, and that the past, present coexist in a universe without time as a space but time only as an attribute of viewing space in a highly restrictive viewport.

Our problem as human beings is that we do not have the lense of our brains calibrated to see time as only a consequence of our 'electronic apparatus' and not in any way characteristic of our 'liberated' reality.

Remember that human beings are copy cats and that they are creatures of habit. These two mental features are like machines programmed to carry out a small number of tasks, but as yet incapable of seeing or relating to the wider surfaces of their universe.

That too will change as new technologies will be invented to permit the mind/brain to travel forward and backward across 'ge'.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Network Inefficiencies Encourage Hackers

I should add market inefficiencies! As it were to revisit the Napster mechanisms of circumventing unreasonable costs. Where the actual market is artificially restrained by monopoly or poor governmental choices and licensing, one can expect a proliferation of black market activity. This is like a school for scandal! In the case of telecom streams this means hacking will be rife as users perceive the market as being out of wack with what is available from a simple hack. Market leakages to black markets redress some of the inequities produced by excessive market advantages that are purely administrative and bear little relationship to non-political advantages. Such is Canada and it's relationship to European and US markets. The Canadian hacking community will flourish given these incentives of mis-managed market mechanisms.

High Cost of Canadian Cell Phone Use

It would appear that nothing has changed in Canada. It is still extraordinarily inefficient. This is especially the case in telecommunications where monopolies drain Canadians pocketbooks while offering poor service without competition one would like to see so close to the US. Essentially, Canada is moving away from being competitive and will be very vulnerable over the long term to outside shocks.

Friday, 14 August 2009

The Pace of Evolution

We do not see the obvious some times, but it is increasingly evident that technology defines our existence increasingly. We used to see nature as a solution provider, but increasingly it is man's domination of nature that motivates intelligent life. The problem with this is that it reflects an imbalance between constructive and destructive forces, and in evolving, man has all to often become the destructive force. For example, in Africa there is the capacity to grow enough food to end starvation world wide! But what does mankind do with this opportunity? It is destroyed. What are you evolving into? We have the tools to end AIDS worldwide and to end hunger. We gave not figgured out the organization of these tools to do good in the face of unkind opposition that is not well informed. Can we educate people to end the cycles of misery or are there always going to be areas of immense suffering that we cannot ever reach?

Blogging with a mobile phone

Small is better. I've concluded that Microsoft has lost already!

Medical Systems

It might be said that a society gets the medical system it deserves. However, what we are really talking about is how people prioritize the suffering of others. Many communities think of America as somewhat hyprocritical because of the unnecessary suffering that goes on within it's borders. Shame on you, America can't you lead the world in a medical system for everyone.

Left and Right Wing

Does history not tell you more often than not that being on the left means you are trying to reduce people's suffering or the suffering of others, while being on the right means that one wants the status quo even though it means people and creatures suffer! There us nothing shameful about being on the left, but there is something shameful about not being aware of suffering whether you are coming from the right or the left.

Will the madness not stop?

The Internet is very good at highlighting activities of madness where animals or people suffer at the mercy of people making a living or garnishing a 'bloody' profit. Lately the sale of asbestos from Canada to India comes up, as does the silent slaughter of dolphins in coves along Japanese coasts. Neither activity should be allowed by law yet Canadian politicians and Japanese have not passed legislation. What is it with these 'Bushy' governments?

What is it with these Alberta gunslingers that would rather slaughter more than a dozen bears than build fences!? The bears are dead but not the need for an annual cull because the solution is an ass of mental depravity. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Where did all the oil money go if it wasn't into the hands of people who do not care for anything let alone a few very ordinary animals that just might be telling Albertans that they are sleepwalking away from common sense! Who is in the wrong the bears, the dolphins, or the men and women who seem not to have complete grade school?

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

From the Back Room to the Woods

Computers are indeed evolving. There are now more computers in the wilderness than there used to be in the cities. From cool cellar to office, from office to desk, from desk to lap top, from lap top to hand. You get the idea of an evolution? From IBM to Hewlett Packard to Microsoft to Apple, and the trend continues. Or, do you not see the cycles?

The How and the Why of Ghosts

Do you need to take the idea of ghosts very seriously? Perhaps not, because they are not something that you can ever put you hands on, especially if you are a practical person. Are ghosts relevant in one's everyday life? Possibly not, but you really don't do not know.

Ghosts are very personal things and they are tagged to the past and places of the past. Since most people think that the past does not matter all that much, then ghosts won't matter that much, perhaps.

Our past realities define the how and the where of ghosts. The why of ghosts is more complex. Ghosts do exist, and they do come in many forms. They are a mental fact and reflect how our brain works and what our brain is capable off. If I say that time and space are the same thing a la general theory of Einstein then I might be forgiven if I say that in the future we will visit earth as ghosts. If you travel fast enough the earth will age while you remain young. As a young person you may arrive back on earth to find all your friends of a few moments earlier being presently just ghosts of the past. Yes ghosts really do exist, but we don't yet know the why of the ones we have experienced. We do know that they are possible and that our mind has many ghostlike qualities. We do know that everything we do or say continues on, otherwise Einstein would be wrong and the general theory of relativity would be false. We know that is not the case and ghosts are very real!

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Memristors .. Are we ready for another electronics revolution?

Well it seems that nature is telling us that natural electronics still has a few surprises. One of these is a future component of electronic circuits that could make everything that we have seen so far seem like kids play .. welcome the memristor!

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Wars are Obsolete and Peace is State of the Art

So many young men and women have gone to war at the urging of governments and organizations that were misled or deranged that we can say that wars are our greatest threat. We can see clearly that those that started war failed miserably. They inevitably lost more than they could have gained through other means. We can easily say that war is generated by losers.

It is also false to say that human nature predisposes people towards war. More accurate would be the assertion that war is a trap of nature coming from outside human desire. People are led into war unwillingly like being channeled down a fast moving river. Those caught in the current drag others in with them in a firm of overwelming madness that goes totally against what is in everyones best interests. Technology is the generator of war and an ignorance of how to manage technology safely is at the source of misuse that ends in war. Religion is a form of social technology that can be misused and the mismanagement of religion is at the root of many wars. Addictions are at the heart of many wars and represent technologies where people are incompetent users. At the heart of peace is the capacity to use technology towards beneficial goals. It is this, the direction of the use of technology, that is at the heart of peace.

Education on the proper use of technologies will create peace. Teach people how to use drugs effectively and how to eliminate addiction and one will create peace where drug wars once were.

Show people how to remove guns from temptations and one can eliminate the urge to use guns as a method of resolving differences.

We need to invest in peace making technology as much as we do in the instruments of war. This applies to religions as much to governments as to war lords and organized crime.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Downsizing as a Way to Reduce Waste

It is a paradox, but the prescription of many economic experts during hard times is to create more waste. This all to often is what economic growth is all about, and it is particularly nasty in the case of small economies.

My favourite economics professor at Cambridge was the growth theorist Lord Kaldor, who was also my examiner on many occasion. Lord Kaldor held that the strongest law in economics was fertility and he associated this with economies of scale and size of productive unit.

Most economists realize that a single enormous plant is now the most efficient way to produce, distribute and sell almost everything. If one can make something smaller as the iPhone has done with computers then one has actally enlarged the something. Accordingly, as the transistor and integrated circuits became smaller they actally became larger on economic terms.

The size of everything is an economic decision and everything in economics is affected by technology. My technology determinism thinking did not go down well at Cambridge University because the more traditional social determinism views of markets and economies held sway. However, our reality is that is you live in a small economy the size of packages of items such as shampoo will be larger because the seller and producer want you to buy more than you need. Think everytime you eat that you are made fatter by oversizing of delivery systems and you will soon see how technologies of scale impact on who you are, who you are with, what you do and don't do. Yes you are a technological not and economic solution!

My finger is not small enough

Ever notice that when you use a touch based instrument you are too large. You are so inefficient!

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Understanding Comes More Certainly if You Understand Statistics

It is no accident that science uses statistical method a great deal. Statistics represents a tool box of generating functions that create series that approximate series that are evident in the real world. Our everyday life is a result of sequence in which one thing follows another. When a statistical generator is found that matches the sequences of everyday life then one can use the statistical generator as an approximation of the expected sequence of events. This is where the real power of statistical generation lives.

Most often stastical series come as a consequence of cause and probable effect or as effect and probable cause. Looking back within a sequence of events helps us to understand. Then using that understanding and observing results help us to understand more. Eventually, we may understand without any hitches, but we need to be mindful that even a machine can break down if hit hard enough with a monkey wrench, or a system an break if it ets overloaded with monkeying around or just plain overloaded by too many monkeys.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Rising Water Levels

The water beside Lake Huron looks spectacular without the breeze, like glass. Those of us who notice will see that the Lake's water level is visibly higher than last year. Huron is an interior lake, but it's history will reflect what is happening elsewhere. The amount of water that will make a lake as large as Huron rise a meter is enormous, but that is what seems to have happened on less than three years. We are not worried about rising water here so much but are we mistaken to be so calm?

Maybe the muons are falling on our landscape and seeding low cloud formations. We see more rain these days here in Huron woods region. That is better than the lack of rain experienced where they normally see more rain, the maritime regions of British Columbia. What about the forest fires of Austrailia and BC!

Generally, water levels globally could be rising despite the building up of ice in Antarctica. The Artic ice is melting and we assume this to be a consequence of higher levels of co2. Might this also be due to sun spot activity peeking in the latest upward swing.

The earth is bombarded continuously by large energy particles and we don't have much insight as to the effects and cycles!

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!