Saturday, 18 February 2012

Illuminated Manuscript, Book of Hours, St. George, Walters Manuscript W.168, fol. 217v | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Quite the illustrator!

All the best

Arthur Lake
Twitter: @renaturetek

$6T of Fake U.S. Bonds Seized in Mafia Probe - Bloomberg

Kinda wonder what they are spending the proceeds on! Who are they paying off?

All the best

Arthur Lake
Twitter: @renaturetek

Rainforest Canopy—Introduction

Protection of the canopied forests is extremely important. Learn more about them and how you, a human, can help

All the best

Arthur Lake
Twitter: @renaturetek

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Spherical Home Is Built from Abandoned Oil Silos : TreeHugger

like a round house this structure has real possibilities!

All the best

Arthur Lake
Twitter: @renaturetek

Species at Risk Stewardship Fund - Policy Division - Ontario Government, Ministry of Natural Resources

Of course, it's a good idea to try to preserve all land for potential stewardship of natural species. it's not a question of natural appartied.

All the best

Arthur Lake
Twitter: @renaturetek

Common Five-lined Skink in Ontario - Policy Division - Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources

Think skink! one needss to know what a skink is to be able to understand how to preserve its potential natural habitat.

All the best

Arthur Lake
Twitter: @renaturetek

TreeHugger and UNEP Announce Third Annual World Environment Day Blogging Competition : TreeHugger

Blogging about recapturing nature in areas that have established, but redundant, activities destructive to our environment can't be bad. It's time to act for renaturalisation of regions suffering from neglect!

Twitter: @renaturetek

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Allergy Show - Solutions for a free from life.

Allergies, and especially food allergies or intolerances are potentially dangerous. It is often only those that suffer who know! We need to strengthen the support base for those that are allergic!


RIM Director to BlackBerry Critics: No, You’re the Idiots | Techland |

Ease of use and range of use requires a lot of thought.

The product needs to sell itself. Marketing is not the weakness, the product needs to outperform the iPad family linked to Apple computers.

RIM has an opportunity, but only a window, to do catchup on Apple. Its management needs to understand the hunger for technology software based on increasingly camera TV like hardware that can do an infnte number of jobs, not just reliability. It's all about integrating more and more gadgets into one object that is portable and high capacity.

The new device is a library, a photographic source and storage device, a movie projector and screen. It will replace the store, the movie house, the camera shop, the preacher, the music bar. It is a portable workd inside your pocket that can capture everything, show everything, decifer everything, treach everything. It's the new indstrial interface for all manufacturing and design. It's the big picture and the library. Its so much that RIM still doesn't get it, but could, and wow.

Minimum is an amazing camera, and amazing screen.
Go beyond 64 gig to 256 gig.
Rev up the motor.
Rev up security.
Bolster the phone and reduce charges per call.
Get all apps to do portrait and landscape.
Improve the art work and ease of use!


Saturday, 11 February 2012

Waste Water Technology

Now waste water can be pasturised!


New Wastewater Treatment Tech Ditches Chemicals, Generates Clean Energy : TreeHugger

Wastewater treatment tchnologies are continuously improving!


The case for celebrities at book festivals | UK news |

How much hype should the organising group give a book festival and how far should one move from bookish? These are questions book festival organisers in the UK are asking. Do the books and authors properly promoted sell themselves or do you want to defray costs by adding celebrities from outside the book world? The celebrities help lower averge costs assuming more people attend. The question to ask is whether the festival is self sustaining as a book festival or should another name be given to it, such as arts festival.


Chinese carmaker blatantly copies Ford F-150

And all the components as well ?


Friday, 10 February 2012

The new ball game in transportation vehicles

You just know in your gut that a revolution in transportation is just around the corner. It is! Sure gas or solid fuel vehicles will be around as hybrids before the new technology. But, they are only stopgaps to the ultimate substitution. 

Electric energy driving everything from transportation to homes has to be the way forward. Over time smaller and smaller lighter and lighter energy units will power everything, make everything mobile, efficient and capable. 

The economies of scale in manufacture will eliminate numerous traditional industries and create new ones. 

Yes, we are headed towards a cleaner world. Just look and see:


Model X | Tesla Motors

You can get a glimpse of the revolution to come. Such vehicles will change the way we think about the world economy, and change the world conomy permanently within thirty years. Can you see why?


The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!