Sunday, 9 March 2008

The Canadian Identity - Does One Exist?

Au Canada, l'idéal est que des personnes soient capables de parler les deux langues couramment. Je suis coupable de pouvoir parler couramment une seule langue (anglais), et les autres langues moins couramment (français). Ce n'est pas parce que je n'ai pas essayé de parler français. J'ai vécu au Québec pendant une bonne partie de ma vie, et pendant que j'étais là, je parle français la plupart du temps. C'est avec regret que j'ai quitté le Québec après avoir obtenu son diplôme de l'Université McGill, mais l'impact du Québec sur ma façon de penser est incomparable, même aujourd'hui.

Canada, et le Québec en particulier, m'a appris à penser d'une façon très particulière, combinant la science et la philosophie. Elle a peut-être été les hivers froids quand on a beaucoup de temps pour être seul et réfléchir, mais je ne le pense pas. Je me souviens de mes amis à Longueuil au club de tennis qui ont toléré mon pauvre français. Je me souviens de Jean Beliveux, le joueur de hockey Canadien, qui était un merveilleux voisin. Il a signé une pétition pour l'accès au centre commercial, qui a sauvé de nombreuses minutes nous arriver à des commerces. Je me souviens de mon patron à Westons Boulangerie, qui m'a appris comment utiliser un chiffon brun et bleu, ce qui m'a valu mes frais de scolarité à McGill.

Je me souviens de mes collègues de travail, les francophones eux qui m'ont appris leur philosophie de la tolérance et l'acceptation, ainsi que de la bonne humeur. Je me souviens de la désastreuse St-Jean-Baptiste qui a été celectration struct par un orage féroce et de nombreuses autres ont été blessées. Pour être honnête, j'adore le Québec et son peuple. C'est en partie ce que signifie être Canadien. C'est un pays d'une immense tolérance. Je pense que les Canadiens français tolérer beaucoup de Canadiens anglais, probablement plus que les Anglais réalisent. Il est important pour les Québécois parlent anglais et français. Pourquoi? Parce que, en parlant les deux langues, elles peuvent montrer à tous ce que les bonnes gens qu'ils sont vraiment.

L'identité canadienne - t-on exister?

Les Canadiens posent souvent la question de savoir si ou non une identité canadienne existe. Ayant vécu à Québec pendant près d'une décennie, comme j'étais jeune. Ayant vécu aussi en Ontario pendant de nombreuses années. Ayant vécu au Royaume-Uni depuis de nombreuses années. Et, ayant vécu aux États-Unis depuis de nombreuses années, je crois que je suis assez qualifié pour répondre à cette question en l'envisageant sous plusieurs points de vue.

Mon intérêt est dans les livres qui racontent une bonne histoire et de développer notre philosophie, et c'est pourquoi j'ai fondé Togwells Publishing.


Un judicieux endroit pour en apprendre davantage sur quelques-uns des meilleurs livres à lire sur science, la philosophie, la religion, la connaissance, la mythologie et de l'apprentissage
Un site inspiré par la visite d'éthéré et de présences et de fantômes de l'Ordre de la Lumière.

Bienvenue aux amateurs de livres!

Togwells favorise livres éducatifs et inspirants films qui engagent le lecteur à une réflexion indépendante sur les nombreuses variations et orientations de la science et de la religion. C'est à travers la lecture de livres et visionner des films que l'on peut acquérir des connaissances dans la multitude des voies supérieures à un mode de vie positif qui, autrement, Être manquée.

Togwells fournit des passerelles supérieur à la pensée, de détection et de raisonnement.

Pennydrop se réfère à une tradition d'ouverture et de processus dans lequel le novice acquiert à ethereal idées notions clés de la vie d'extension et de transformation. Pennies que La chute du Wu vous donner un aperçu de la mystères de votre être. AW Lac vous accueille pour étudier avec lui Le monde de l'inconnaissable Wu magicien de la danse et de la pensée taoïste unreacheable royaume de Wu-wu, l'état de néant.

Togwells Publishing a sa propre série de livres et de films complémentaires à l'élaboration de populaire web blog écrit par AW Lake, l'auteur de la Wuh Lax série de livres et productrice de la série de Lax Wuh Films.

Wooh ou Wu est une très vieille mythologie associée en partie, avec le taoïsme, mais également utiles pour ceux qui s'intéressent à la physique et à danser avec Dieu notre créateur. Unreacheable Elle représente une force qui transends notre être. On peut seulement deviner l'intervention de Wu dans Notre existence mondaine. Wooh vient du monde embrassant tous de la lumière et des ténèbres cherche à bannir de notre pensée.

Wuh Lax et les personnages de la série Lax WUH de livres sont copyright (c) 2007 by AW Lake, Tous droits réservés.

Wooh embrasse enseignements de nombreuses philosophies taoïsme, le bouddhisme, le christianisme, l'islam, l'hindouisme, le yoga, le confucianisme, le judaïsme, le soufisme, la Quatrième Voie, le stoïcisme, Druidism et une longue liste d'autres. Out of an unknowable singularity is our sentient world created over and over again again. Sur une singularité est inconnaissable doués de notre monde créé, encore et encore.


Canadians often ask the question whether or not a Canadian identity exists. Having lived in Quebec for almost a decade as I was growing up. Having lived also in Ontario for many years. Having lived in the UK for many years. And, having lived in United States for many years, I think that I am fairly qualified to answer this question looking at it from many points of view.

In Canada, the ideal is for people to be able to speak two languages fluently. I am guilty of being able to speak only one language fluently (English), and the other language less fluently (French). This is not because I have not tried to speak French. I lived in Quebec for much of my life and while I was there I spoke French much of the time. It was with regret that I left Quebec upon graduation from McGill, but the impact of Quebec on my way of thinking is unmistakable, even today.

Canada, and Quebec in particular, taught me how to think in a very particular way combining science and philosophy. It may have been the cold winters when one had lots of time to be alone and ponder, but I don't think so. I remember my friends in Longueuil at the tennis club who tolerated my poor french. I remember Jean Beliveux, the Canadien hockey player, who was a wonderful neighbour. He signed a petition for access to the local mall, which saved us many minutes getting to the shops. I remember my boss at Westons Bakery, who taught me how to use a brown and blue rag, which earned me my tuition at McGill. I remember my work colleagues, the French speaking ones who taught me their philosophy of tolerance and acceptance, as well as of good humour. I remember the disasterous St. Jean Baptiste celectration that was struct by a ferocious electrical storm and many were injured. To be honest, I love Quebec and its people. That is partly what being Canadian means. It is a country of enormous tolerance. I think the French Canadians tolerate a lot from English Canadians, probably more than the English realize. It is importance the Quebecers to speak both English and French. Why? Because by speaking both languages, they can show everyone what good people they really are.

My interest is in books that tell a good story and develop our philosophy, and that is why I founded Togwells Publishing.


A sensible place to learn more about some of the best books to read on science, philosophy, religion, knowledge, mythology and learning.

A site inspired by and visited by ethereal presences and by ghosts of the College of Light.

Welcome book lovers!

Togwells promotes educational books and inspiring films that engage the reader to think independently about the many variations and directions of science and religion. It is through reading books and viewing films that one can acquire insights into the multitude of superior pathways to positive living that would otherwise be missed.

Togwells provides gateways to higher thinking, sensing and reasoning.

Pennydrop refers to a tradition and process of initiation in which the novice to ethereal ideas acquires key notions for life extension and transformation. The pennies that drop from the Wu give you insight into the mysteries of your being. AW Lake welcomes you to explore with him the world of the unknowable Wu dancing wizard of taoist thought and the unreacheable realm of Wu-wu, the state of nothingness.

Wuh Lax and the characters of the WUH Lax series of books are copyright (c) 2007 by AW Lake, All Rights Reserved.

Togwells Publishing has its own series of books and films complementary to the development of a popular web blog written by AW Lake, the author of the Wuh Lax series of books and producer of the Wuh Lax series of films.

Wooh or Wu is a very ancient mythology associated in part with Taoism, but also relevant to those interested in physics and in dancing with God our creator. It represents an unreacheable force that transends our being. We can only guess at the intervention of Wu into our worldly existence. Wooh comes from the all embracing world of light and seeks to banish darkness from our thought.

Wooh embraces teachings of many philosophies Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Yoga, Confucianism, Judaism, Sufism, the Fourth Way, Stoicism, Druidism and a long list of others.

Snowed in like Many People in North America

In case you had not noticed, it snowed again! Most people don't like the snow, but as part Canadian, I would be strange if I did not like the snow. There is something very good about snow right now. It tells us that nature can give a helping hand in our concern about global warming and water shortages. This past year, the water has come back to the Great Lakes, and in some places, as in Northern England, there has been too much water. Later today, I will take a walk and photograph a sunset over the very large Lake Huron, which has iced over.

Ruminating - A Verbal Art

Every get that feeling that you are being watched. Well cows like to watch you. They do very little but watch you. There is just a sense of acceptance that you are there and that you are something interesting to watch. After a while, if you do not move, they turn their head away and stop watching you. This, it is important that you keep moving, but not in a way that would alarm. There is something Britney Spears about this. If she keeps moving and doing crazy things, everyone like cows, stop what they are doing and watch her, read about her, just soak up everything they can about her. Its OK if we just watch. The problem arises if we do something.

The cow has little idea what you will do, but it seems to be happy with you there, and when it relaxes it will ruminate. Yes! We know the cow is not very relaxed when it is not ruminating. If you want to watch your stress level, try to observe whether you are ruminating, just chewing your cud very gently. If you are not, then you are probably a bit stressed, or, at least, not relaxed. The reality of it is, the we need to be more like cows. We need to practice the art of ruminating softly by ourselves, relaxed and unperturbed.

The Internet User's Best Kept Secret

Sketches from scratches is a provocative blogspot that has grown out of the Wuh Lax experience. It is eclectic, which means that it might consider just about anything from the simple to the extremely difficult. A scratch can be something that is troubling me or a short line on paper. From a scratch comes a verbal sketch or image sketch of the issue or subject. Other sites have other stuff that should really be of interest to the broad reader. I try to develop themes, but variety often comes before depth. ... more!