24/07/2011 10:01 PM U.S. trucking funds reach Taliban, military-led investigation concludes - @washingtonpost http://wapo.st/ntWl93 |
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Cut budget by billions by not subsidising the Taliban, the Enemy!
As UK sells old aircraft carriers, China buyers circle | Reuters
Phone hacking: prevent others having News Corp's influence, Cable says | Media | guardian.co.uk
Do you read a Murdoch paper? Why? Well, the odds are that your views are a bit Murdoch like! And, maybe increasingly so over time, which would explain so much within a group behavioural psychology or sociology framework.
Do you have a personal core or are you just a fob 'fact of business', a statistical data point in a world of addictive allegiances!
Vince speaks out when America makes an ass of itself!
24/07/2011 08:15 AM Congress "nutters" risk global finance: UK minister http://reut.rs/nvcEz4 |
How do you claw back the huge interest rate and grant subsidies to home property speculators?
How and who do you tax? Seems a lot of people got cheap or free money they did not deserve and a lot of poor or honest working folk are still paying for other people's gambling habits.
Is the Republican party saying the subsidies to bankers, gamblers and speculators subsidies should now be forgotten? Who is accountable?
Scandalous News of the World phone hacking Stories Emerging
There are a million stories in the big city and too many phone hacking crimes by news and related people for the London police to prosecute! Might as well close down the news industry....
Not enough judges or jury members!
New way to end unemployment! Have everyone serve on a jury. London where everyone is spying on you.
If it's not cameras it's listening devices.
Brave new world where police celebrate their inactivity with champagne!
When there are so many crimes committed the London Met police commissioner who says to himself 'oh forget this'?
24/07/2011 02:49 AM Phone #hacking: Police chief Andy Hayman paid for champagne dinners with #notw journalists http://tgr.ph/o14mfl |