Space and time are interrelated. We look into space and we perceive light that comes to us from an earlier time. It just happens that in the earlier time space was smaller and light since earliest time spreads out further and further into a vaster and vaster space. It suggests that time is very closely related to scale and size.
I sense that there are three spaces. A space on the inside which to me is the past or inner space and a space on the outside which is the future or outerspace and a sideways or tangential space that bridges the other two spaces.
In my model of the 'world' the three spaces of past, present, and future coexist. This is why the general theory of Einstein works because although the traveller in Eistein's universe does not age because of plasma speed motion he/she can come across others who did not move and who consequently aged.
The problem with the general theory is the e=mc2 misses out -e=-mc2. But, how do you include this other direction of space without bothsides of the equation dropping away. The answer is that there is another element of the equation that us missing and that element is gravity.
The new equation is:
ge=something, where 'g' is gravity.
What can that g be? We know that there are two directions of motion and energy in space time. 'g' links these two to bring about equivalence.
In my model, energy is of direct consequence to fermions but not to light which occupies space and time differently and is not subject to material exclusion principles. We see some of these properties of matter in plasma where motion is so fast that it does not have the time spacial limiting properties of gases, liquids, and solids.
Were we to think of our spaces as tangential motion and energy moving in specific dimensional spaces and gravity as moving in a different but very reacheable space, we would envisage my physical world together. Few people seem to be able to do this simple visualization.
With ge, we are able to see that the universe is recurrent and not unidirectional, that the big bang did not really happen, and that the past, present coexist in a universe without time as a space but time only as an attribute of viewing space in a highly restrictive viewport.
Our problem as human beings is that we do not have the lense of our brains calibrated to see time as only a consequence of our 'electronic apparatus' and not in any way characteristic of our 'liberated' reality.
Remember that human beings are copy cats and that they are creatures of habit. These two mental features are like machines programmed to carry out a small number of tasks, but as yet incapable of seeing or relating to the wider surfaces of their universe.
That too will change as new technologies will be invented to permit the mind/brain to travel forward and backward across 'ge'.