All the best
Arthur Lake
Twitter: @renaturetek
All the best
Arthur Lake
Twitter: @renaturetek
From: "" <>
Date: 22 February 2012 09:40:04 AM EST
Subject: Thanks for taking action
Thank you for taking action to help stop the flow of Canada's deadly tar oil into the EU.
This vote could happen in less than 48 hours! Send the email below to friends and family, and post this link on your Facebook wall.
Thanks again for your help,
The Avaaz team
Dear friends across the UK,
In 24 hours, Europe could pass a directive that would introduce strict pollution controls and stop the flow of deadly tar sands oil into the EU. But the UK is blocking this crucial law -- now only we can save it.
Tar sands oil destroys forests, lakes, and emits 25% more carbon pollution than other oil. But for Canada it is a money making bonanza, and the government and big oil companies are ferociously lobbying Europe to open the flood gates to this black gold. Right now the UK is close to caving, but if we can pressure Transport minister Baker to put people and the planet before oil profits, we can win!
The Fuel Quality Directive vote is on a knife's edge and it all comes down to us. We only have 24 hours to take action -- let's send a flood of messages now urging our government to be green champions. Click below to send a message and forward this to everyone:
Tar sands fuel could not be any more destructive -- Canada has cleared millions of acres of pristine forests and displaced indigenous communities to extract it, all the while emitting cancerous heavy metals and sulphur to refine the dirty oil. It's so filthy that even the US doesn't want it -- their Environmental Protection Agency says refining tar sands causes 82% more carbon pollution than regular oil, and President Obama just halted plans for a cross-border pipeline.
Now Canada and the oil companies are looking for new markets to reap the fruits of their $379 billion tar sand investment. The EU's proposed Fuel Quality Directive would set a binding 6% climate pollution reduction target for Europe's transport fuels by 2020. But Canada wants the EU to ignore tar sands emissions -- hoping if they can slip it into Europe others are likely to do the same. It's a smart strategy, and unfortunately it's working -- the UK is doing dirty deals with Canada and urging other countries to follow.
Europe's global environmental leadership is on the line and our climate ambitions are shockingly being undermined by Canada, who has withdrawn from the Kyoto Protocol! Norman Baker will join a European Council vote in 24 hours -- let's show him that UK voters expect him to stop tar sand pollution and vote for strong controls. Take action now and send this to everyone!
Time and time again Avaaz members have galvanised to win major victories for our environment. Only a few months ago we pressured Europe into pushing forward new carbon-cutting aviation laws, supported by the UK. Let's come together once again and get our government to withstand Canadian pressure to drink down its deadly tar oil.
With hope,
Jamie, Iain, Alex, Antonia, Giulia and the rest of the Avaaz team
UK secretly helping Canada push its oil sands project (The Guardian)
Canada threatens trade war with EU ahead of oilsands vote (Vancouver Sun)
Airlines and tar sands proxy for bigger climate battles (BBC)
UK undermining Europe's tar sands ban, say campaigners (The Guardian) is a 13-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
This message was sent to To change your email address, language, or other information, contact us via this form. To unsubscribe, send an email to or click here.To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at or call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US).![]()
From: Arthur Lake <>
Date: 22 February 2012 09:36:06 AM EST
Subject: UK: 24 hours to stop tar sands
The message below reflects how we feel about this abuse of capitalism. If it is not so bad that the Canadian dollar is so strong that it makes no sense to manfacture anything in Canada any more!When will politics become statesmanship instead of short term thinking! We can only dream about what we have lost and what future generations will wake up to see!All the bestArthur LakeTwitter: @renaturetek
Begin forwarded message:From: "Jamie Choi -" <>
Date: 22 February 2012 08:08:57 AM EST
To: "" <>
Subject: UK: 24 hours to stop tar - The World in Action Dear friends across the UK,
Tar sands oil destroys forests, lakes, and emits 25% more carbon pollution than other oil. But for Canada it is a money making bonanza, and the government and big oil companies are ferociously lobbying Europe to open the flood gates to this black gold. Right now the UK is close to caving, but if we can pressure Transport Minister Baker to put people and the planet before oil profits, we can win!
The Fuel Quality Directive vote is on a knife's edge and it all comes down to us. We only have 24 hours to take action -- let's send a flood of messages now urging our government to be green champions. Click below to send a message and forward this to everyone:
Tar sands fuel could not be any more destructive -- Canada has cleared millions of acres of pristine forests and displaced indigenous communities to extract it, all the while emitting cancerous heavy metals and sulphur to refine the dirty oil. It's so filthy that even the US doesn't want it -- their Environmental Protection Agency says refining tar sands causes 82% more carbon pollution than regular oil, and President Obama just halted plans for a cross-border pipeline.
Now Canada and the oil companies are looking for new markets to reap the fruits of their $379 billion tar sand investment. The EU's proposed Fuel Quality Directive would set a binding 6% climate pollution reduction target for Europe's transport fuels by 2020. But Canada wants the EU to ignore tar sands emissions -- hoping if they can slip it into Europe others are likely to do the same. It's a smart strategy, and unfortunately it's working -- the UK is doing dirty deals with Canada and urging other countries to follow.
Europe's global environmental leadership is on the line and our climate ambitions are shockingly being undermined by Canada, who has withdrawn from the Kyoto Protocol! Norman Baker will join a European Council vote in 24 hours -- let's show him that UK voters expect him to stop tar sand pollution and vote for strong controls. Take action now and send this to everyone!
Time and time again Avaaz members have galvanised to win major victories for our environment. Only a few months ago we pressured Europe into pushing forward new carbon-cutting aviation laws, supported by the UK. Let's come together once again and get our government to withstand Canadian pressure to drink down its deadly tar oil.
With hope,
Jamie, Iain, Alex, Antonia, Giulia and the rest of the Avaaz team
UK secretly helping Canada push its oil sands project (The Guardian)
Canada threatens trade war with EU ahead of oilsands vote (Vancouver Sun)
Airlines and tar sands proxy for bigger climate battles (BBC)
UK undermining Europe's tar sands ban, say campaigners (The Guardian)
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To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at or call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US).