The long and short of it is that when a nasty form of the H1N1 virus strikes it is your life on the line!
The problem is somewhat akin to the story of the three pigs deciding whether or not to build protection out of straw, wood or brick. The wolf is out there, but you have no idea which direction it might turn. Others around you are working on their straw, wood and brick strategies. Some are doing nothing. What should you do?
The thing to remember is that a brick protection takes the longest time. It is the only form of real protection. Once you have built one brick or stone structure it gets easier and easier. Castles are the epitome of protection and wolves have no chance of entry except by stealth and hiding in something you bring into your castle. You would not let a wolf across the draw bridge so you had better have an early warning system of it's expected arrival and then as many tools as you can gather to ward it off!
I have news for you. The wolf really is out there and we don't know how dangerous it really is. Remember that it is a wild animal and can play you for a fool if you are little miss Riding Hood and let your guard down. No a wolf is a wolf and highly dangerous on most of it's appearances. We have seen the sheepish quiet side of this wolf, but it may just turn nasty or bring along some if it's friends such as pneumonia which we have weapons against if we would but use them.
Being strong is no assurance that you would win in a fight against the wolf. The strong are sometimes foolhardy and overestimate their capacity to ward off the wolf. Being smart by realizing you are in charge and looking out for your family is the way to go. Plan well ahead and don't be ashamed to build a castle or two with mote and draw bridge if you have a mind to. Yep! The howling can be heard and the wolf is on it's way.
And, I am not crying wolf!