It's about the use of remote flying machines and devices that can kill selectively on behalf of the US government.
Paul's stand is definitely more symbolic than real. There is no way America's CIA will not explore the uses of drones whether authorised or not. Best to have a man do it out in the open than surreptitiously. The hummingbirds and bugs are already developed and flying.
You might not notice them, but they are already at work. They are smart. They are directly linked to human thought and they are motivated to destroy what they consider to be evil. They are / will be directed by a nominated delegate of an elected commander in chief. Welcome to a chaotic new world driven by technologies you can't even imagine.
A new age of technology to kill people is pretty frightening. It means weapons of warfare increasingly have that smart military capability of targeting enemy leaders instead of the mass of average ground soldiers.
Psychological implications are as yet unknown.
The logic of war is almost always a sub optimal path, insane, stupid, and unnecessary. People make it a reality by adopting overly aggressive postures when competitive negotiation and democratic process could achieve more satisfactory outcomes. It is the irrepressible march of technology and innovation that causes war when the redistribution of advantages and disadvantages pits people against each other.
We all need to step back and realise that changes in our own attitudes can be destructive.
We need to seek technologies that are safe and that bind people to common causes for peaceful coexistence, support tolerance of our many differences and recognise people's right to share without bias in the wealth that life and peaceful activities can generate!
In my humble opinion...